
>healthcare for all
>free college
>open borders
>gives his citizens $2000 a month
Is he the most Chad world leader? I envy Canada.

Attached: truddd.jpg (744x635, 34.35K)

Then apply for citizenship and obtain a passport. Enjoy dropping a sawbuck on a frozen pizza and a head of lettuce.

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I think I will bro. Canada has a higher quality of life and wealth equality amongst their citizens than your shithole.

2000$CAD, or almost fifty krone or 110 Euros.

this is what $160 gets you in ottawa

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Attached: canada food2.jpg (1280x960, 249.31K)

Tons of people are exploiting his CERB. They're just ripping off taxpayers. This is nothing but a country of welfare leeches. Makes me sick.

$4.39 now

Attached: FOR CANADIANS.jpg (1061x657, 189.37K)

Commie memeflag = instant sage

$2000cad is really only $1200usd

yes, whereas DUMPF is a the most incel / cuck world leader......

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at that price you might as well grow your own fruits / vegetables, i am sure it would work out to be a lot cheaper !

>the flaggot that always posts the most expensive grocery stores
every time

>milk in bags
Just why

CSIS/CCP merging.

>Gives his citizens $2000 a month
He also took away my job which netted me $6,500 dollars per month so he can go fuck himself.

Attached: Canada.jpg (638x490, 31.03K)

I am a Canadian but working in the USA.
$CAN2000 is about $US1450.
Everything is cheaper in the USA but just don't get sick there.


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None of this is true

Destoryed the economy and liveing costs of Canada plundered it's gold reserves.
Took a strong country and turned it to rubble.

Socialism. It’s “in his genes.”

Look at all that garbage food.
3 packs of chips. Can of cocoa. 2 packs of crackers. No wonder people here are fat.

He is a handsome hunk of meat. Charismatic as well.

I know I would rather have him instead of the shitstain of a President we have.

hello cgdf

the Telegraph says hello


Buying food... LMFAOOOO,,, what a City Cuck!

here in Canada we have this thing called LAND, and WATER.. we grow our own food, live on unamalgimated land, fuck 10/10 Mohawk sluts who crave white weiner, enjoy your freedom taxes Burger

You don’t do any of that.

Should have been essential you useless sponge

10 acres of land up north, property in Toronto, property in GTA, 3 cows, 15 chickens, apple and pear orchard, 1000$ a year in property taxes, enjoy poverty chink

free college?? yeah,ummmm no. Sorry lose..

Instant fag. Fixed that for you Sven