"We can not get reelec-can not win this reelection excuse me. We can only reelect Donald Trump."

"We can not get reelec-can not win this reelection excuse me. We can only reelect Donald Trump."

Who else is looking forward to the debates?

Attached: Biden.jpg (512x256, 20.65K)

>Two morons running for the office of the presidency arguing of who will do the most damage to the country while hyper biased corporate media propagandist ask loaded questions between commercial breaks
Death to America

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Turd Sandwich vs Giant Douche has never been more applicable. This country deserves to die.

Not just any turd sandwich, a senile turd sandwich.

Wasn't this quote false?

nope, he actually said it
in front of a stupefied crowd no less

Yes, it was edited, the cut out the rest of what he was saying "we can only reelect donald trump (if ect.)"

>Who else is looking forward to the debates?
Totally, I'm going to organize some kind of party here with a livestream because it's going to be hillaryous.

I did my best to type that quote exactly how he said it.

I looked it up, full quote was "We can only reelect elect Donald Trump, if in fact, we get engaged in this circular firing squad". Makes perfect sense if you watch the actual footage and not a clip that cuts him off mid sentence. There's a ton of actual shit to smear biden with, you hurt your cause by leading with deceptively edited videos rather than his actual gaffs, of which there are plenty.

A swing voter could see this, look it up, see that you are being misleading about Biden and then dismiss anything else you say about him on that basis. Practice what you preach and look into what you read rather than just reading headlines and watching clips like an NPC.

Wow so when the media banks of deception it's an issue?

>not realizing they did this to Trump for years

It still doesn't make sense.
If we engage in the "circular firing squad" AKA a campaign filled with negative attacks, then we can only re-elect Trump?
He's saying Trump's banter is just too good?
If you kill your enemies they win?
Vote for Trump if we make negative comments in the campaign?
If it becomes an election about negative attacks, Biden can't win because Trump has too much dirt on Biden?
The fuck is this retard saying?

I do realise they did this to Trump for years? That's exactly why you should be critical of the media and not revert to NPC status when you want the fake news to be true.

Look, there's another one, Trudeau never said "If you kill your enemies, they win". There wasn't even any deceptive editing involved there it was just a completely made up quote. I'm not defending that nonce, I think he was just rambling as usual, I just think it's extremely hypocritical of someone posting on Yas Forums to be spreading fake news.

Why are libtards incapable of seeing the abysmal difference between Trump and Biden? Trump doesn't sound bright when compared to Obama, for example, but next to Biden he'll come off as a fucking genius.

I want Trump to ask about ukraine, china and the deals with hunter, its going to be fun

I know this retard, its a meme, answer my question

you stupid krauts are so easily fooled. Obama never said an intelligent word that wasnt written by someone else. Every interaction with the press was scripted authorized questions.
When he tried to speak on his own he sounded like a stuttering idiot.

I think he meant we will be stooping to Trump's level. Why is what I think so important? I don't support Biden, i'm just encouraging posters to be better than the liberals they shit on.

My bad. I hadn't known the clip cut him off.

Because your correction of the quote doesn't add much at all.
He still sounds like a senile retard promoting Trump with or without the last part of the sentence.

You shut your god damned mouth you penny tipping donkey wrangler or I'll shut it for you!

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Death is a preferable alternative to malarkey.

"If we stoop to Trump's level we lose the moral highground we have been fraudulently claiming for years and swing voters will punish us for the hypocrisy"

>swing voters will punish us for the hypocrisy
Now you're adding things, how is that any better than leaving things out?
At most he says "stooping to Trumps level will hand the election to Trump"
Which is admitting he can't compete.

Why why why why why why why you're getting nervous man.

Attached: Why biden.jpg (1200x671, 45.57K)

Then get used to it.

Look asshole, which part of debunked don't you understand?

lmao biden is finished. There is no shortage of gibberish to quote him on, as well as all the dodgy pics and videos. It's HER turn

eat shit mohammad

Obama off the cuff was a stuttering mess, and never did he sound honest.