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In your dreams...

Too early to tell. If the economy completely tanks then it's possible trumps done for. He wouldn't have the votes.

Blumpft irrevocably and permanently BTFO.

Majority of new Florida voters are nonwhite spics

No one is blaming Trump for the effects of the Chinese Virus.

>lets vote for the guy that has been hiding in a hermetically sealed bunker for the last three months and can't string two sentences together!

t. all demotards.

Indiana red for Biden? BTFO!

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Where did I say that?

The board meltdown will be a glorious read.

Go to sleep, Joe. You're sleepy.

>Biden winning Florida
Yeah that is not going to happen. Rest of the map may be right though. In which case President Biden may be a thing.

Kek. Trump is going to win in a landslide.

And Florida? It’s so red here it’s hard to believe.

Don't you fucking libshits get it???
No sane person wants to see the same crooked and hideous people in office like Biden, Clinton Shumer and Pelosi.
They are the very reason the US is in trouble on multiple levels.
As long as the (((DEMONcRATS))) dopn't realize this, they won't win a presidency the legal way.

Fucking retard. Pennsylvania is more likely to go Biden than Wisconsin. Also, DeSantis has a 65+% approval rating in Florida, Trump will destroy Biden once DeSantis campaigns with him. Dems hope rides on Pennsylvania and that’s about it.

But it’s not. Wisconsin has shifted far right ever since Trump took over the party from Paul Ryan.

Holy shit NC for Biden, this map is a joke.

I have to say, it’s not looking good for us

>Where did I say that?
You didn't exactly. But your overly-simplistic view of politics reveals that you should probably shut the fuck up.

>ridin with biden

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Here we go again.....its 2016 part 2

Biden is also sure to win Pennsylvania.

You are a fucking retard and mental just like Joe. He barely knows who he is 90% of the time let alone being qualified as an actual presidential candidate. Dems will go brokered and it will be someone else.

No. Trump gave us a future, Biden is an feminist that sucks gay cock. Anyone who disagrees is an feminist cow.

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Living in New England and voting Democrat is literally asking to be genocided. Which is probably the ultimate fetish of all Westerners, because they're subhuman absolute retards incapable of even not dying out

Powerfull shit

You must be daft

Never happening. Get used to 4 more years of trump, and 40 more years of hard-right scotus.

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That's beautiful, California might secede if that were to happen, good riddance.

Just keep telling yourself that

They already want to, and I fully support them. They can take their “5th largest economy” and leave with all their (((undocumented Americans)))

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seething trumpets, keep shilling for your "god emperor" currently presiding over a ruined economy and thousands of deaths. it will only make it harder when Biden crushes him

Exactly, they might have a "big" economy, but so does India. Their spending has to catch up to them at some point,


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there's never been a case in history of the republican winning ohio and losing the election

Lefties are seriously going to vote for a senile kid-sniffer solely because he's not Trump. That's where the left is right now. They're THAT desperate to get Trump out.

Wouldn't rural Californians revolt and refuse to secede?

Sure, that would likely lead to internal unrest in the state, which would end with either the rural parts seceding from the state or US intervention.

If you think Afghanistan was violent wait until you see red Californians pop off. We’ve lived under liberal control for decades to our detriment

Biden doesn’t even know where he is most of the time, and doesn’t even know why he’s running or what he stands for. “He’s not trump” isn’t gonna be enough to get joe over the finish line.

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Bold of you to assume that he would remember his name.

This is Trumps worse case

We are not far off from states like Connecticut being light blue.

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show the full picture mate.

No, you're going to be screeching and seething for another 4 years Mohammed.

You should probably commit yourself in an asylum.

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