Evening lads.

>Coronavirus lockdowns could end in months if Australians are willing to have their movements monitored

>>Australia's top doctor briefed politicians in New Zealand on our response to coronavirus. Here's what we learned

>Australian government plans to bring in mobile phone app to track people with coronavirus

>'A downward spiral': coronavirus spins Australian universities into economic crisis

>Universities spend $110 million to support international students


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Other urls found in this thread:


real thread
real thread
real thread

The daily drive

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now this is a nice thread
>FUCK watermelon farmers, idgaf if your watermelon trees are head-high and overloading their branches with soon to rot fruit

George Pell interview by Bolt

The dude straight up defended a pedophile

I feel like giving up at work. Fucking place wasn't setup to do work from home yet they're trying to push it. Feel like I get nothing done each day. Haven't even been able to access my email the past week. Might as well close up and give me the Jobkeeper.

Fucking unis desperate to keep the chink dollar flowing

Based and burnoutpilled

alright gonna text her now lads. she works at a chemist and she said it's been pretty crazy recently with the chinese flu and stuff so i was gonna make a joke about people fighting over dunny rolls. hopefully i can pull a root out of this

the gf

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so who's going to download government spyware with me so i can start going to the pub again

Mine is something like this.

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Under the law you and I live by he is no pedophile.

Fuckin lucky you baked lad.

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Take the agepill, anons

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She will smell your desperation

this thread is the normies thread

shant be participating

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Why the fuck do I care about some faggot religious guy who has got nothing to do with the international Jewry at large?

Pell had nothing against Epstein, stop shilling this faggot.

Not talking about Bolt.

Pell straight up defends a convicted pedophile that is in jail right now.

wasn't the evidence minimal at best with witnesses contradicting themselves? i mean the high court full agreed with his appeal

whats the post lol can you see it if you go on /banned
usually some shitpost on Yas Forums or something

no please i'll do anything
just please stay with me here in this thread :((

covid-19 is never going away

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your retarded incel virgin thread is gay, cunt. who the fuck puts nigger women on a pedastool like that? fuck off cunt your a bitch


Risdale is a good cunt. Those kids came onto him.

>spends 80 million on wack MAGA ripoff campaign
>get 0.01% of the vote

Does australia exist

so what do i do?

>your retarded incel virgin thread is gay, cunt.
I'd really love to hear somebody say this in real life.

nah it's just ocean

Australia has not existed for many years

He did not. He clearly condemned his crimes he just reflected the Catholic attitude of forgiveness. He’s a priest for fucks sake.

Pls invade us so we can have your freedom

Don't let us vote though or we will be worse than California

>So I know you work in chemist warehouse so do you know which aisle has the canesten cream for my penis head yeast infection and can you rib it on for me

No, the High Court found that there was insufficient evidence that he committed the crime, not that he did not commit the crime. Also, it was only ruling on this particular crime, it did not find that he had not committed any other crimes.

No. The USA is the only country in the world.

Posting cock pics again. Sorry.


Try posting with Telstra prepaid cunt.

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yeah go book a flight here right now.
bring guns and ammo.

Neck up, you silly cunt. Also daily remind to tell a chink to fuck off.

If it does not come naturally, it's probably not meant to be

ISP range ban it recons.
Nothing specific.
>buy a 4 chinn pass goy

Just fuck off with this lefty anti Australian shit. Pell is a good cunt and clearly a victim on the war against conservatives in this country. Look at every cunt who hated Pell, without fail they are at best ultra ‘progressives and at worst literal Marxist’s.

Any lead on the cunt police officers that invaded a funeral over the weekend?

We need them on The List.

Reckon I should buy Skyrim and give it a go?

>Do you condemn him?
>Umm well no
Literally defending a pedophile

the gf

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You're a pedo
Although there is insufficient evidence that you committed the crime, not that you did not commit the crime

>so we can have your freedom
>highest incarceration rate in the world

whats your number cunt, ill call you and speak it to your ear cunt. also this is real life, you utter fucking retarded cunt. how is this not real? fuck your mental illness cunt

that's the problem though, i have zero social skills and find talking difficult. that beings said i've already went on two dates with her that went really well

>Giving personalised ban messages to a mobile IP


uhhh guys its user that ate out the chick from the servo and got a throat infection.
My tonsils are still white, but settling down.
I just saw this thread and im worried.
Im gonna die lads.

It’s fucking Catholicism. Only God can condemn a person.

How's it goin boys?
I'm a chicken farmer in Orange NSW
Looking for a few young lads to help me collect eggs from the chicken cages.
I pay $0.75 per crate of 144 eggs most young go getters can easily collect 150 crates a day (all cracked eggs are deducted from your pay)
I provide 6 free eggs per week, and accomodation for $30 per night.
Let me know if you're not a lazy whinging cunt, and ready to get your hands dirty.

Sorry I only care about guns

ok but you need to become morbidly obese retarded brainwashed drug addicted circumcised sexually deviant and hated by every other group of people in earth including yourselves first
skyrim is fucking gay

All papists must hang.

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Yes, Todd will suck your dick

Literally defends a pedophile no getting out of it, faggot :)

>Try posting with Telstra prepaid cunt.
One of you cunts will get it range banned too.

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just out of shot is my face as her seat

yea on PC, I played tons of modded skyrim in 2012-2014

Are you loicenced?

not since we abolished the White Australia Policy

Dont need one in the good old U S of A

The law 'presumes' that I am not a pedo, but it does not 'know' that I am not a pedo. To overturn the presumption you would need to present evidence to the cotnrary.

>oi lads u see that shit with pell
>u see how the cunt was innocent but he wasn't
>wots the go wif that
>oi lads abc did a NEW report on pell
>oi the news says pell was a fukn liar
God I hate normies, literally no substance in their words or direction in topics.

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thread theme lads

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You newfag shills have no idea how obvious you are. You stick out badly.

Cunts fucked from eating fucked cunts.
Got the hots for whats got the box with the pox.
Dirty hoes.

Are you loicened here, you fag

Should I drop this cunt?

i only do emu eggs you soft cock.

Of course not mr asio

Has anyone here worked in aged care? I'm a 28yr old NEET on DSP, and thinking of starting a career in aged care. Any advice for me?

looking for recommendations?

This was years ago when I was a poor cunt with prepaid broadband, every day at one point or another I'd cop a permaban from this faggot. Didn't suprise me that all the IP's seemed to originate around Melbourne.all it took to change your IP was to yank the USB modem out and plug it back in, surprised the mods didn't figure out how this cunt kept avoiding them.

is this the end, my throat has been sore for 8 days.... fever, sweating, im fucking sick of it and am just smoking ciggies on it again, fuck it.
If i die from some chick, oh well. Least i had sex. Seethe incels.

>he doesn't know
Uh oh, spotted you so easily :)

>one testimony
Thats me, you're a pedo.

I love these larps because it's pretty close to what actually happens on the farms.

Farmers deserve to go broke.

you might get beat up by a old women

he was already dropped

everyone is fine with paedophilia as long as its not their own kids

Smoking cones has been giving me a full blown psychedelic experience. Time fracturing into kaleidoscopic patterns and shit. I am finally loosing my mind or was it just skitz hydro

Also fuck strawberry farmers

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Looks like there's more antifa trannies posting under auscunt flags than anything else at this point

Be a woman or else you're not getting into aged care, unless you're a massive faggot literally

thats the schizophrenia beginning my friend. You've fried your brain on the devils lettuce.
Goodluck for the rest of your life.

Drop him then stomp his head while hes down lad

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So we talked about Buffy in the last bread and Jennifer Love Hewitt all hitting the world.
If you're into them, you were probably also wanting to fuck 1996 Pamela and 1999 Alanis.
Alanis hit a wall but not the one you expect.

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yeah,probably will get Bannerlord

Don't bother. Wuflu is going to kill all the old people and it will take ages to make more. You won't have a job and will have to do w4d instead of dsp.

Don't trust cunts with alzheimers.

thread theme

Fuck it mate stay on DSP as long as you can.

Anyone watch the Pell interview?

>whole existence was to become and die a simp
take care bud

>Least i had sex.
You're meant to put you peepee into her hole not your tongue dumbass.
Your tongue got disease raped m8.
Seethe harder virus tongue.

Ah righto, youre just like every other fag that whines and complains about muh gunz but hasnt even put in the tiny bit of effort it takes to get into shooting.

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Probably a bit old for the ol schizo though

i've had a few experiences like that over the years, like 3-4 times maybe, probs just skitz buds? ive never known what it is.

also based

Wow right, you must be a detective, almost like it's your profession ;^)

15 years ago I was sunbathing on a beach, a man approached and spoke to me for a good hour despite my reluctance and reservation.

He was a christian, but he didn't preach, instead he spent an hour telling me what would occur in the future. Slowly, over the last 15 years, all of it has come to pass.

All that is left is the mark and this tracking. I can't fucking believe this is the world we are in. Fuck this shit.

Shit song. Though I cant believe we betrayed the Rhodesians

but we aren't in court user, so the law doesn't care what you have to say on an anonymous laotian weaving enthusiasts forum

Don’t forget my girl Rachel Leigh Cook.

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yea luv watching tv keeps me informed


>join SSAA for genuine reason
>do safe handling course (2hrs)
>do online application upload course certificate
>wait 28 days
>pay and get photo taken
>you are now licenced and can put in PTA to buy guns. First one is 28 days, next ptas are instant
He’s a lazy dumb fuck. Change can’t come without voter numbers. It’s a power in numbers game. Get licenced and be a responsible LAFO

You don't know what you're doing Milo

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