Was this the last great movie from the West before the water turned all the frogs gay?

was this the last great movie from the West before the water turned all the frogs gay?

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Ford vs Ferrari was pretty good desu.

i will have to watch it, i have t seen a new movie since this marvel shit became norm

and now war movies consist of british people running away from combat what the fuck

Hardcore henry was good. Dizzying but good

Don't want to spoil it but let's just say ford does not come out looking great.

So they've finally adopted realism in war movies?

None. All shit programming for soft headed spastics

There is another.

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holy shit i never knew that existed. looks like it was shot in new zealand.

No, there have been many manly films after

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Retardedly historically inaccurate, made Persians look like satanic Hunnish monkeys when they were the civilised ones. Literally directed by a Zionist who wants Iran to get nuked. Decent movie though

Thats a we've ever done. Throughout our entire history. Unlike you brave French cunts. Just die you worthless cunt.

1917 was pretty legit

>Not gay

wtf that looks absolutely nothing like New Zealand
It's obviously Russia

this movie was the fucking gayest and most overrated thing I've ever seen. I could see how deep in the closet homosexuals would really enjoy it in the same way as professional sports though

Unique. I’ll say that

Low effort American "Humor", you have to be a retard to enjoy this

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keep up the suggestions im downloading then all

I could watch this movie many times. Nothing like it.

Yas Forums fuck off there, faggot.

Ford VS Ferrari is based as hell. Literally no blacks in the entire movie.

this was the last great american film. memes aside neil breen is hundreds of years before his time and 100% of the meaningful art that exists in the cinemasphere currently is contained in his works

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suck my dick

That low effort American humor got many things right though.
In actual movie Leonids called Athenians boy lovers, but in truth spartan men were the gayest in the entire Greece.
They were also the craziest by far, literally murduring slaves as a coming of age.L ceremony.

I found it to be too predictable.
I mean in every scene exactly what you think is about to happen does.
It left me feeling bored and even though I watched for free I still felt like I wasted money.

niggas are not even seeding that movie lol

300? There have been countless better films made since. Wolf of Wall Street, the dark knight, Django Unchained, inception, casino royale just to name a few. Favourite film of this year has been Guy Ritchie’s “the gentlemen”. Find actors/ directors/ screenwriters that you like and check out their other films user I’m sure you’ll find what you’re looking for.

it was a stealth satire and a lustration action right before the peak SJW era

The Greeks (who are genetically closer to Iranians than to Brits) played by Brits, while Iranians played by Niggers and a Brazilian. It just made fan how stupidly Americans divide the world into artificial races, instead of ethnicities which are the real way to divide human groups

im talking about movies made for men not gays

>greek homosex warriors
nothing wrong with some barracks butt lovin, but I'm pretty sure this was part of the gayification

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Cope more burger. This is one of the most pro nationalist movies ever made.........but pretty historically inaccurate

You're like one of the generals that failed Xerxes and then the big fat Nurgle looking guy with the body piercings and saws for arms cuts your head off and it goes flying.



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Did you forget the graphic novel was done by a bong?