Why do Westerners hate it when we eat live animals? It makes it more interesting to eat. Also fresh flavour
Why do Westerners hate it when we eat live animals? It makes it more interesting to eat. Also fresh flavour
Little fish is no problem
We have issues with that cute Chinese girl who is viral on FB biting into all sorts of living creatures.
What next, a live piglet?
You're torturing them, eat it when dead you uncultured swine.
i didn't enjoy watching that chinese woman bite into a live chicken.
I'd fug her though. after she spat the blood and feathers out.
animal torture
it's disgusting
absolutely heretical (it's done usually out of religious bullshit)
shows complete lack of empathy or just about anything that is associated with being a human
just don't do it
tfw no big eater nip gf
We also eat moving octopus.
It's technically dead but the nerves are moving
you have no right to complain about something you haven't even tried
if the kikes hadn't take over the colonial ships you and the chinks would have been proper christians
Cook your food
I notice it's always double-digit IQ retards and small-dicked chinks who get off on this thing. Even lions would hunt with guns if they could.
>Why do people hate it when pedophiles have sex with children? It feels much better doing it with kids.
>Also fresh flavor
Allowing the suffering of another creature simply because it 'makes it more interesting to eat' is the same selfish thought that all evil originates from. "Who cares about others as long as I feel good?"
This. Using chemicals to make dead things move and then eat them is one (mentally unsound) thing, but the still-beating heart of a frog? Absolutely degenerate.
Your ancestors that revered life would be ashamed. If you even have ancestors there, davido-kun.
Christians can eat it. It's not Islam. In fact eastern religion is more strict about animal treatment. It's just that West has secular humanistic values from enlightenment that makes them soft
How could you do that to such a sweet, plump frog who didn't hurt anyone?
And then you wonder why someone would drop 2 nukes on you.
Does your religion dictate that animals have souls? Japan is secular so we don't care
based OP.
It's a way of preparing live seafood: en.wikipedia.org
Frogs are friends, not food.
Live frog sashimi. Yum yum
Lol the Japanese and India are like the only pagan countries left and Christianity couldn't change that
Christians have empathy
wouldn't even allow this shit to happen
others don't
it's not about eating laws
it's about torturing and eating a living creature
and for what ?
don't tell me you don't don't feel bad about this
I mean if it was a criminal or someone deserving sure
The animal is food not a play thing and certainly not a criminal
Clearly 2 were not enough.
That is not based you dumbass, try again, only an idiot does stuff like that.
>subhuman cannot comprehend it
Imagine that
I get the origin of that custom, I mean you want to make sure your fish is fresh so it gets prepared alive, so the customer can be sure it didn't rot for 4 hours in the sun, thinking of a time where there were no refrigirstors.
Frog sounds gross, probably tastes like AA battery
it's this kind of cuck thinking that allowed Rotchild to use you as their piggy bank and terrorize the whole world
How many brits died to enforce the cocain trade in China ?!
They wouldnt have done without you
also the financial support for the ottoman empire
But hurr durr antisemitism bad
paganism good
praise moloch
hurr durr
just don't
Because it shows that you are incapable of conceiving of the feelings of other living creatures who are below you in nature's pecking order as significant and worth any consideration. Hence, you are yourself at the same level of empathic sophistication as the fishes you swallow alive, and thus a subhuman.
it also has a ton of diseases
not as dangerous as the ones the bat has since frogs have shit immune system
but it is a risk non the less
Would want to be eaten alive? Golden Rule, faggot
Virgin detected
Is that the Amazon fish that crawls up you dick hole? Fuck that fish.
The Queen likes them well done as well.
that was an unhappy comparation
uncooked beef has a fuckton of estrogen faggot
don't fall for the kike's meme
Fuck it, time to bomb them again.
Now that you've realized your problem, go out and do something about it.
>christians have empathy
yea? what if the frogs were gay?
Get a flag and get a clue you stupid subhuman.
That only applies if you believe in reincarnation. I talked to evangelical missionaries and they laughed at me when I said animals have souls
Then they deserve to die
look at
>I mean if it was a criminal or someone deserving sure
This. Chinks (and also nips) are subhuman insectoids.
jews are vermin.
Uncooked beef has the most nutrition in it. Cooking it will destroy a lot of the vitamin A, B vitamins, and amino acids, especially creatine.
It shows a complete lack of empathy and the ability to put oneself in someone or in this case something else's shoes, imagining the suffering that the animal goes through, and wishing to make it's suffering short. This should be an extremely easy concept for most people to grasp, and it is, yet here we are, explaining to you what empathy is.
Lazy chiefs just wanted a way to get steak out to people as fast as possible
The rich wealthy elite want you to cook their steak better
>not that case it alive it cause your eating shit that god says your not to
You shall not eat any abomination. These are the animals you may eat: the ox, the sheep, the goat, the deer, the gazelle, the roebuck, the wild goat, the ibex, the antelope, and the mountain sheep. Every animal that parts the hoof and has the hoof cloven in two and chews the cud, among the animals, you may eat. Yet of those that chew the cud or have the hoof cloven you shall not eat these: the camel, the hare, and the rock badger, because they chew the cud but do not part the hoof, are unclean for you. ...
>Rules About Sea Food
9 “You may eat everything that lives in the sea or in a river that has fins and scales. 10-11 But you must not eat anything that lives in the sea or in a river and does not have fins and scales. Just the thought of eating such a creature should make you sick. This will never change. So don’t ever eat meat from anything like that. Don’t even touch its dead body! 12 It is a sickening thought for you to touch anything that lives in the water and does not have fins and scales.
>Birds That Must Not Be Eaten
13 “You must also treat some birds as things that are wrong to eat. Stay away from them. It is a sickening thought for you to eat any of these birds: eagles, vultures, buzzards, 14 kites, all kinds of falcons, 15 all kinds of black birds, 16 ostriches, nighthawks, sea gulls, all kinds of hawks, 17 owls, cormorants, great owls, 18 water hens, pelicans, carrion vultures, 19 storks, all kinds of herons, hoopoes, and bats.
not proper christians
the religion has been kiked hard since that is the biggest threat to the kike's existance
Orthodox believe that all living beings are God's creation and thus may have a soul.
However unlike them Humans are created in the image of God and thus have a much higher potential which would be wasted to live like a lowly animals (man cattle / goyim)
I guess it is natural for the animal.
In the wild it would be eatten alive.
No Takeshi.
Would YOU want to be EATEN ALIVE, RIGHT NOW.
Chewed up and torn apart, while you are still conscious?
Don't avoid the question
eat a carrot you faggot
Uncooked beef has all the nasty shit that should be cooked away from the beef
Including diseases, Estrogen and whatnot
Meat is for protein
Pretty sure only evangelicals or Jehovah's Witnesses or something follow old testament laws of diet
It tastes worse. Also it shows you are subhuman
>Rules About Eating Insects
20 “Don’t eat insects that have wings and crawl.[a] Even the thought of eating them should make you sick! 21 But you may eat insects if they have legs with joints above their feet so that they can jump. 22 You may also eat all kinds of locusts, all kinds of winged locusts, all kinds of crickets, and all kinds of grasshoppers.
23 “But stay away from all the other insects that have wings and crawl. 24 They will make you unclean. If you touch the dead bodies of these insects, you will become unclean until evening. 25 If you pick up one of these dead insects, you must wash your clothes. You will be unclean until evening.
>Rules About Crawling Animals
29 “These small animals are unclean for you: moles, mice, all kinds of great lizards, 30 geckos, crocodiles, lizards, sand reptiles, and chameleons. 31 Whoever touches their dead bodies will be unclean until evening.
sounds like something a person with no empathy would say
stuff like this should lead to actual prison sentences.