Why is my country such a meme?
Why are we letting our beautiful white, blonde, blue eyed women and men get mixed or turned into junkies or whores?
Look around you and see how many Aryan couples you see of your own age.
I bet its 0
Weird huh?
Weird how out of the blue all of a sudden aryans are being bred out of extinction.
But it's all a conspiracy it's not like a dude I know who's father is part of an islamic brotherhood type deal jokingly said that "outbreeding whitey" was part of their actual plan.
No, you are just paranoid and retarded user even though he told me this when I was 17 and he was like 20.
Weird how what he said is actually what you see around you.
Other urls found in this thread:
That porn star is Jewish and so are you
>coomer pic
>schizo rambling
>That porn star is Jewish and so are you
Yes she is and no I am not.
She is part of the point.
Why are pornstars with brown eyes and jewish heritage starting to dye their hairs blonde?
Becky the high school cheerleader played by a jew with dyed blonde hair?
Guess who she fucks in this?
I am in the generation that has seen the shift occur in schools, workplaces and the streets.
I have my share of responsibility for not doing enough, but I blame first and foremost, the men of the generation before me.
When my generation attempted to rebel in good spirits, older females took the lead and the older men followed in their efforts to silence us.
Not at all trying to demoralize.
I am seeing a problem more and more and notice how pornstars are also pushing the same bullshit.
The men of the previous generation that DID speak out stood alone, other men their age looked away awkwardly and followed female lead.
>I am in the generation that has seen the shift occur in schools, workplaces and the streets.
It wasn't this bad a decade+ ago.
I remember when half the kids in the street were blonde with blue eyes/
>I have my share of responsibility for not doing enough, but I blame first and foremost, the men of the generation before me.
Same, I'm trying to do the right thing.
I refuse to be made into the evil monster the bad guy etc.
I'm just going to bleach a lot of single brown moms and then get myself a beautiful blue eyed blonde wife.
>When my generation attempted to rebel in good spirits, older females took the lead and the older men followed in their efforts to silence us.
When did you rebel?
I don't know what you mean.
It sucks and it's frustrating but it's never too late.
This shit people say that it's irreversible forget that whole ethnic groups disappeared at times and now somehow have a country.
> Memeflag
Opkankereren Shlomo.
As you know these things manifested over years When the balance on the streets changed, packs of them started roaming the streets, we recognized their sad attempts at dominance, how most of them were insecure weaklings, we called their bluff all day and send them crying to retrieve their family members.
* It is never right to use violence! If someone hits you walk away! Everyone is equally guilty! *
When they made exemptions to the rules for them, whilst enforcing the rules harder on us, we had the best arguments, we had the popularity on both sides of the issue, yet, boomers pushed through the equalization mandates.
* It is their religion! You have to respect it! Did you know Christians pillaged half the world? *
Yeah I think I'm from a generation after you cause I remember being about 6 years old picking up a rock to help the big boys in the street chase of the Turks.
This completely stopped when I was about 10.
It's weird thinking about how we went from "hating" them and chasing after them to going to school with them.
I know dudes who used to fight them who are now in bed with them dealing drugs.
Is it true that 20% of the relationships in the Netherlands are interracial? In the US it’s 10%, and that’s including Hispanics who make up most of our interracial marriage
Now that I think about it.
It's drugs.
Drugs turned all these people into degenerate faggots willing to sell their soul for a high or as drug dealers sell other dutchman's souls for selfish profit.
I used to look down on the bible belt in our country but now I see it's pretty much the best defense.
Him and Wilders are asian heritage and jew?
Weird how that works.
>Is it true that 20% of the relationships in the Netherlands are interracial? In the US it’s 10%, and that’s including Hispanics who make up most of our interracial marriage
fuck off
Grootmoeder, wat heeft u veel Israëlische organisaties op uw adres staan.
I think the problem is that legal weed and rave culture totally destroyed gen x in Netherlands and made them into malleable sheep for the zog.
you are right
I just saw that somewhere. Chill
>Weird how out of the blue all of a sudden aryans are being bred out of extinction.
Its been happening for decades you fool
>Why are we letting our beautiful white, blonde, blue eyed women and men get mixed or turned into junkies or whores?
Je bent een sukkel
There is almost no mixing at all. Contrary to your shit demoralizing attempts to claim otherwise the mixing in the Netherlands is near zero. Especially among Original Dutch and Moroccans, Turkish and other islamic minorities. Here is why:
>Moroccans/Turks almost exclusively marry other Moroccan/Turkish women, they do not have children with Dutch women and the reason there is so much problems with them is that they can't get laid with Dutch women, leading to a lot of frustration.
>Upper class (elites) / middle class highly educated do not mingle with with islamic minorities. I know because I live in these circles. They talk a big game regarding inclusiveness but never ever practice what they preach. Especially women in these circles shy away from them.
>People from Suriname tend to stick to their own, generally though they are very nice and wholesome most of the time.
Our changing demographics are purely the result of fewer original Dutch babies and a huge influx of migration from third world countries, not due to mixing.
Look around you and you'll see high amounts of allochtonen who are integrated in society at a much higher rate than any other country. I'm not saying multiculturalism works, but in the Netherlands its certainly not causing the bulk of societies problems. Go take a look in Belgium or Germany and tell me whether they have it better than the average dutchy, I don't ever see much disrespect cast against natives other than their own statesmen either... So there's that. I'm a mutt myself so maybe I'm beyond your reason.
>Its been happening for decades you fool
Not at this rate and this openly
Maybe in the states.
But im really seeing it more and more here.
Tv shows are focused on race mixing.
social media etc.
its all race mixing never any aryan couples
>its certainly not causing the bulk of societies problems.
>thinking that's the problem
user you know fuck all about why race mixing and becoming a minority in your own country is a problem.
That or ya know, Hello Herschel.
>Guess who she fucks in this?
>Finds one porno you fapped too
Her hair is mostly brown
>Why is my country such a meme?
Because you are a meme flag, and everything after the fact can be ignored.
You realize porn is actively used to increase the NWO agenda?
>Bunch of flags in a massive orgy
>importing niggers and poos for decades
>Royal family needs to resemble population so grandson gets a nigger girl
>calls anything a meme
U K?
that thing looks like a border collie
Border collies have a brighter look on their face bud