How is CNN so blatantly out of touch?

Like, arent they supposed to be a leftist news organisation? Surely they see housing unaffordability as an issue for millenials.

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Fuck off CNN

In a lot of major cities there are people who bought their homes for $50k who now feel entitled to ask $1mm for them. Talk about entitlement.

Basically this. Doesnt the entitlement cut both ways?

Do boomers really not see the issue with selling out their children?

>Do boomers really not see the issue with selling out their children?
My mom is still stuck in the 60's. Still bitching about how awful it was to go to an all white catholic school. On the flip side she is leaving me her house. A good chunk of the white boomers will be leaving paid off houses to their children. This is why leftist push so hard for 100% inheritance taxes. When the boomers finally start dying off in large numbers it will be the biggest transfer of wealth in history and will primarily be going to whites. Can't have that......

Replace C with Jew

>how is CNN
>posts CCN

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Did the press briefing headlines not pull the clicks they were hoping for?

Fuck, got me OP, well done

>A good chunk of the white boomers will be leaving paid off houses to their children.
Fewer will than you think. With all the mortgages and refinancings to pay for cruises and new cars and everything else, most boomers will leave their children out in the cold.

I'm looking at buying a house this year. It's absolutely ridiculous how much housing prices have been inflated the last 5-10 years, a house someone bought for $200k in 2013 is being sold over $300k today.

i hope the british housing market gets smashed, was in the process of looking for a house in Edinburgh before the kung flu hit

it will take 2-3 years of recession before housing crashes.

Old dem Boomers watch CNN and don't question any of it. I'm living with my grandmother right now, and it's all she watches.

I don't agree with orange man on everything, but the level of dialog is so low between parties that it leaves me shaking my head

It's a fucking shitshow

Fake news websites

But it’s true , I can’t wait for the crash

Read the source name and then KILL YOURSELVES. You are literally as bad as the boomers and we are better off without you

CNN, all people are cheering for your heads on a stick along with all the elites right now.

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Is pol turning on CNN? CNN said panic prep for zombie flu and pol followed orders from the tube. Why turn on your program daddy now? C'mon pol

can`t wait either,,have 4 houses now mortgage fee and have cash to buy more, just waiting for crash..then rent them out to millennials not smart enough to save money ..stupid fucks


>Is pol turning on CNN?
How new are you?
Firstly, it's Yas Forums you fucking shill.
Secondly, CNN and all MSM sources are near the top of the list of "gassable energy resources" due to their utter lies and manipulation by major corporations, thinktanks and government services.

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Never heard of CCN, but judging by the logo I'm guessing it's not leftist.
>entitled millennials
Sounds like run-of-the-mill "muh greatest ally" conservatives

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I just realised that, wtf is CCN
Oh well, they should be gassed too.

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They're burning their money on frivolous bullshit to satisfy immediate impulses. Reverse mortgages and home equity line of credit so they can buy new gadgets they'll throw away.

I've only ever heard conservatives call CNN and NPR leftist.

Millennials are so fucking stupid. If the housing market crashes jobs die too and they still wont be able to afford one just like in 2008

i'm still pissed off from 2008.
housing was supposed to get cheaper yet prices kept rising because of "speculation".

All media right now is going straight for the d&c. (((They))) are about to go down but they want to cause as much needless conflict as possible on the way out

When adjusted for inflation, houses have been on a steady rise since 2010, right after the housing crash that started in 2008. We’re now at a higher point than we were in 08 (graph is three years old).

Wages have remained steady that entire time, which means the modtt egg l is unsustainable. Price increases can’t outpace wage increases in definitely; prices have to level off or wages have to increases faster to keep up (lol).

The housing market might start to crash later this year due to nationwide lockdowns.

>i'm still pissed off from 2008.

The bubble will burst, they can't blow it up again.

>With all the mortgages and refinancings to pay for cruises
>Reverse mortgages and home equity line of credit so they can buy new gadgets they'll throw away.
Do you know a single person who has done that? I know a lot of boomers and not a single one has a reverse mortgage.

A protected Market
all of these should die desu
only fags and crackers like to smooch the blood of people through regulations and controlled market


lrn2reading faggot