>Going through old letters written in the 50s and 60s from my Grandma to her sister
>Come across this
Holy based Grandma!
>Going through old letters written in the 50s and 60s from my Grandma to her sister
>Come across this
Holy based Grandma!
Hitler didn't invent antisemitism. Hating them was as normal as breathing in almost all countries. They were doing none of the physical jobs, instead doing only highly abstract looked down upon "jobs" like finance, acting, comedy, law etc... still to this very day.
What the fuck does that say?
This is an english board, faggot
can you transcribe that for me i have difficulty reading cursive because i am a big drooling retard, thanks
Your grandma script sucks ass, but still based
>the middle east situation seems pretty bad. They should put all the jews in gas chambers and leave them there. Hitler ... wasn't allowed to do the job properly unfortunately. Now they ... trouble which they love all around the world.
Some of it was a little rough and I'm phone posting so I had to memorize it, but if you can't read cursive you're a nigger.
I wish I knew how to read. I have just been faking it.
>The new middle east situation seems pretty bad. They should put all the Jews in the gas chambers and leave them there. Hitler wasn't allowed to do the job properly unfortunately. There will always be trouble whilst they have so much influence around the world.
How does this feel literally having such a nigger IQ that you can't fucking read?
thank you based negro phoneposter
>How does this feel literally having such a nigger IQ that you can't fucking read?
it feels pretty bad man desu
This bread is actually a trap so low-iqlets can out themselves for being illiterate. Well done op.
>can’t read cursive
Found the nigger
Last sentence reads
>There will always be trouble while they have so much influence around the world.
Was she wrong?
Based grandma, is she still around?
>ating them was as normal as breathing in almost all countries.
You did consume too much leftist propaganda.
t. nigger from Paris
You would be surprised how degenerated the modern human fucking is.
I remember back in school I sat at the very back and could read everything on the board perfectly, while half of the class were sitting FURTHER than me couldn't read fucking anything. Modern homo sapeniens is a fucking subhuman. Don't get married without doing sight- and other tests to your wife.
user your grandmas penmanship is terrible. I read and write cursive and there are a few words in there that are illegible as fuck
That's because your class was made up by muslims and other sorts of undesirable creatures.
lol black people can't read cursive
There's literally nothing wrong with it
Lol I had only like 1 muslim in my class dumbass. I'm not fuckin 18 like you, little zoomer fag.
My teacher would not have accepted such shoddy scribbles. That is fucking chicken scratch
Enjoy the islamization, krautnigger.
I could read like half of it. Guess cursive is a bit different these days. Some letters were impossible to distinguish. I use cursive pretty much every day.
She left out ovens. She’s a cuck!
Just to clarify: I'm far over 18 of course.
Not that I accidentally get banned lol.
It say bix nood muh fugga,
There's nothing wrong with cursive in general, but your grandmothers is very sloppy.
Ancient hieroglyphs that only some millenials and boomers can into. I was taught cursive up til grade 4 but can read and write it still. 88
Do we really need to go this over again?
Just google Simon Mol. Nigger infected hundreds of Polish whores with AIDS lmao. Niggers are popular as fuck in Poland, stop LARPing as if you are some conservative bastion.
Read Herzl who considered antisemitism natural
This was probably around the time when Bibi and his bros were bombing Brits in Tel Aviv so they could be left alone to genocide the Palestinians.
It was a better time, it was a happier time.
The main difference, the one that matters, is that Poland will always be a white country. Yours will be brown by the end of the century.
Cope harder, Hans Abdul Cuckmüller.
Was your grandma Australian? What's that stuff about someone going to Sydney from Brissie or Melbourne by train in the part that's cut off?
White country with white niggers