So what will be roo goys? Stay home or go outside and get beta version of (((their chip)))?
Other urls found in this thread:
Everything is contagious.
As technology increasingly connects and governs the world, many are quick to see the benefits of this path, yet seemingly fail to see the unprecedented dangers.
An existential crisis looms ahead.
We live at an all-important crossroads in human history... and again, due to exponential increase in technological progress, gifting those in control with the power to manipulate and destroy on a scale unknown to previous ages, this time there may not be any second chances.
Are we slipping into a degenerated and cheapened state of being, gradually and seamlessly enough to avoid recognition or alarm?
A lowered 'frequency' is all-pervasive, and it's end result is a less natural, pure, and worthwhile existence.
Only the restoration of vigilance, an active intolerance to poisons, renewed discipline and a restoration of traditional high culture has the potential to act as a citadel capable of cultivating and protecting the type of lofty and transcendent beauty, the type that acts as the driving fire of human greatness.
I agree!!
The amount of cum being spilled by NWO totalitarians this last month must be record breaking.
Fucken oath, gas the kikes!
so this is the power of based conservatism
Yeh I've heard word that ur mums arsehole is almost two thirds full
Depends, what sort of neetbux are they offering in return?
>so this is the power of based conservatism
No. That's literally progressivism.
Conservatism org would be to preserve tve freedom of people above all else.
How about do what I want and ignore those morons
>Death during arrest
All those options are proudly delivered by the brave new world administrators .
>Only the restoration of vigilance
Oy we might have a junior terrorist right here.
This cunt asking the real questions.
Australia has already fallen
America is following closely behind with the EARN IT act
>tfw SHA algorithm
>t sad face when aussie cunts not be allowed into possession of you
>can't be compiled nor executed by the poor plebs
tfw aussietards efficiently banned mathematics
Just leave your phone at home silly
cant we just keep it as it is? it's better to be safe than sorry.
same double dole etc, phone interviews with job agency, this is all really working for me right now.
>buy a burner
>install app
>slap burner to drone
>buy a burner
>install app
>slap burner to pigeon
>buy burner
>install app
>slap laser pointer to burner
>throw it in the streets
>wait EOD to blow up your phone
>blame congress for stupid rules
>say you have no money to buy phone
>get free walks
>How about a deal instead goy?
Not having a phone will be criminal offense. Soon.
related question, i'm wondering if 5g is connected to the rfid chips Bill Gates wants to put into us?. Like maybe they need that extra boost in radio frequency to read them?
Losers who don't show up for work, idiot attorney generals are calling for national guard because cops aren't showing up for work, no guardsmen are showing up either
Soon all this rich snots will grab badges and make this work?
>Australians have still not realized that they are test subjects, that their entire country is just a social laboratory.
>Buy a burner
>A burner requires ID from now on, because of multiple abuses
not an option
Right, because it's legal to impose your lifestyle and make people buy stuff, what about the amish? Just tag them?
In line with boiling the frog strategy, now that you accepted house arrest they are rolling out "voluntary" tracking app
>At No 10’s daily press conference on Sunday, Hancock said the NHS app would allow people to report their symptoms, and then the app would anonymously alert other app users that had been in contact with that person in recent days.
The Guardian reported last week that the app, developed by NHSX – the health service’s digital transformation arm – with academic and industry partners, is in the advanced stages of evaluation and is weeks away from being ready to be deployed.
About 60% of the adult population would need to sign up and engage with the app by registering their symptoms or positive test results for it to be effective
Remember cattle. It will be "voluntary", just as shops and banks and employers will voluntarily refuse to deal with people without the app. Of course this isn't the end...
Nice picture.
5g is untested mi,Italy technology and I'm going to tell you right now if Trump administration attempts to use it to murder anti semite americans he will be drawn and quartered, it's legal to be an anti semite in America so long as you don't attack anyone
But what do they gain from tracking every one of us how does that make any profit
Trac font already telling their customers they need an upgrade, they will attempt to close all other comms when 5g goes up
What the app will do is going to be marking political dissidents an opponents as infected, so that they won't have any contact with other people.
They will also be "disappeared" and their deaths will be explained as death from COVID 19 in quarantine camps.
It's not really an issue of small scale encryption like for an example both of us communicating through a chat client forked off of github, it's the large scale that's worrying. They're forcing the companies to comply and provide a complete informational oversight of their users' chat history to the government which then allows that government to use algorithms and AI to predict literally everything, from suppression of potential uprisings before they even happen to what kind of a policy can be pushed and in what kind of a way. These things can very easily be predicted just from analyzing what people say to each other privately.
I hate being the guy that makes a pop culture reference, but Westworld actually painted this specific scenario quite well in the last 2 episodes. It's exactly that and no, it's not sci-fi either. This has been the west's and specifically 5 Eyes' end goal since at least the 70s. Especially after the Soviet Union fell, because if the external threat to your power suddenly vanished then the only remaining threat will be the internal one of your own people.
I have an annoucement.
They want to gamble over which products are best for eliminating problem sectors like rational thought
>But what do they gain from tracking every one of us how does that make any profit
Silencing opponents, tracking and preventive arrests of dissident groups.
You forgot FUCK CHINKS
amish people have photo ID for their guns too. they also have passports so in the long run they'll get their Ibrainchip and AndroidBrainscanner too
>I hate being the guy that makes a pop culture reference, but Westworld actually painted this specific scenario quite well in the last 2 episodes. It's exactly that and no, it's not sci-fi either.
Last episode of Westworld was eerily predictive programming-did you noticed the Asian people in black face masks? This was filmed before Covid made news.
Same in Denmark and Norway.
Maybe we should look into this app....
I'll get on it after work.
Amish people have an agreement they don't use ssn or anything like that, they don't drive cars and they don't require ffl to buy weapkns
don't worry we offer a selected list of fashionable accessories for them
yeh. Ted K was not just right, he was spot.
What the actual fuck?
I hope the ABC is just trolling here, because 90% of aussies break the law already just to earn ends meet. The law is that fucking retarded.
this was all planned anyone who falls for this is a subhuman retard
Dont you love how all these MSM websites no longer have a comments sections. Fucking lowlifes
Of course, 5G is required to ensure constant tracking of your quantum dot chip. We will become the internet of things.
>this was all planned anyone who falls for this is a subhuman retard
Plenty of those around unfortunately.