The midwit meme is the truest thing Yas Forums has ever come up with

The midwit meme is the truest thing Yas Forums has ever come up with.

> t. IQ 145 who gets on much better with < 100 than 100-130

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This is kinda true, I do tend to get along fairly well with people that are practically or emotionally intelligent, but not cerebral, but people who think Cardi B is talented and spend all their time staring at their phones? Yeah I can't relate to them at all, and the second group there is generally the average social midwit.

It's because stupid people tend to agree more. Second group knows it is the second group, and they try to justify it by disagreeing, most of the times just for the sake of it. I have an uncle in the third group, only person I know with >155. He's in his own world. Weird is an understatement.

It was [midwits] in Vietnam who were most likely to turn traitor. They are the most easily led by the nose class of persons.
Stockdale spent 8 years in the infamous Hoa Lo prison, the “Hanoi Hilton,” and observed many things about the human condition.
One was the varying effects of Vietnamese communist propaganda on various types of men.
Rough, uneducated soldiers were largely immune. A sergeant from Tennessee met every attempt to break his loyalty with one word: “BULLSHIT!”
Stockdale, highly educated (having studied philosophy) was also largely immune. He could show his captors how THEY were misreading Marx …
The men who turned coat were the moderately smart, moderately educated. THESE are the class that are MOST susceptible to propaganda.

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You don't have 145 IQ

What's your explanation for the midwit phenomenon? Why do midwits believe such retarded things?

>mfw metaphysics
t. physicist

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t. Midwit

Smart enough to enjoy ideas

Not smart enough to get them from their own observations so they seek something to give them ideology

Not smart enough to be confident in their intelligence so overcompensate by identifying as a very clever enlightened person

>definition of iq
go be a nigger somewhere else.jpg

the middle tends to argue loudest and most vociferously.

me on the left

I've seen midwits do this thing where they read books by people like Dawkins, then adopt his opinions and go around pretending that they came up with the ideas themselves. They do the same with John Oliver, Carl Sagan, etc.

midwit is a term popularized by that faggot boomer and egomaniac vox day. lurk more.

>black women are in the middle

christians do the same thing with thomas aquinas but without actually reading him

I was thinking more arguing about ideas and not as a general behavior.

Can confirm.
134 IQ (Stanford-Binet), and my closest friends are working class grugs.
All the shitlibs I know are insufferable midwit faggots.

I like dummies because I don't feel threatened by their intelligence!

>tfw so clever not like those silly midwits

Being anti-midwit is midwittery in itself

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"a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing"

What you're describing is what I call the "I" group.

Imagine the cerebral brain cell as a cube. Data is transmitted by synapses and by fluid transmission crossing membranes with a prism type of fluid dynamics. Synaptic algorithms vary according to discrete genetic traits while the fluid dynamics side usually only varies according to chemistry. (pol's favorite topic, "blondes" are sometimes a small exception)

For fluid dynamics, there's a feedback cycle resulting from synaptic data that hits plateau levels for every time the number of synaptic algorithms multiplies by four. (the number of times fluid dynamics would have to "round the corner" of a cube before creating feedback redundancy.

Step one can be called the "me" category. It's the low end of the bell curve. The second,"You" is the actual majority. It probably spills slightly over the 100 IQ mark. The third is the "I" category.

I give them these names because one can watch a person's use of said pronouns to figure out where their comfort zone is when communicating. The "I" group is currently annoying in that they are mostly represented by current politically liberal activism. It's not really very liberal. It's Communistic authoritarian mush and well.... you can decide the rest.

here you go
op what exactly is the y axis representing in your mspaint graph?

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>muhmed thinks he is >130

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You're are INTJ, can't relate to Ti, nor Fe users.

Here is a redpill, everyone on Yas Forums is a midwit even if you think you got a good score on 'free online IQ test' or were told you were a special boy when in school.

Sub-80 is retard range mainly Africans. They're happy acquiring resources and opportunities to reproduce.

80-130 (99% of populous) - Midwits and egoists who do nothing noteworthy, these people make up the ruling class. (You are here)

130-150 too busy sucking jewish cock for money to do anything of note.

The one in a million 150+ is probably a bin man or a street sweeper just chilling, maybe occasionally writing a good book or hacking something cool together in his shed.

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Try to throw in 5G next time.

As someone with a 135 tested IQ Im sick of all my 105-115 IQ trained coworkers. Its like they're meat puppets pretending to be engineers.

amazing word salade that means nothing, any souce with that pasta ?

You write like Joe Biden talks bro

Jokes on you, I am fucking retarded.

anything under 130 is closer to animals than humans to me