Brit/pol/ 3 more weeks Edition

>Dominic Raab to announce lockdown for three more weeks

>Coronavirus: Police stop family on 500-mile Lake District trip

>Coronavirus in Scotland: Claims England has priority over PPE are 'rubbish'

>Coronavirus: Digging for therapy amid the pandemic

>TV interview for woman accused of making up Cyprus gang rape

>Bins set on fire in Coventry during country-wide lockdown

>Fire involving bin lorry in Sixpenny Handley

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Other urls found in this thread:

First for are Mozza

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why cant i see any images
my life is over

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best thread

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That’s called being blind mate

(almost) Dinnertime reminder that saddos don't know how to take a joke.

You've got a virus. I can help, I just need your credit card information.

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OP image curtesy of Daisyfag

Should’ve seen the ass on some girl yesterday lads

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>If there's a place to actually discuss british nationalism politics, I would like to know
aye, tell us when you find one eh? is too slow for a proper chat

oh, it was "werk time"

Post fanny and youll be able to see them

So how many deaths since they've started recording care homes?

If you're using Yas Forums x why aren't you filtering knob-heads that wind you up?

'cause I can still see that they've posted and I'm too curious to not click and reveal it

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My girlfriend is fully and completely onboard with this bullshit. We don't live together and I just want to fuuuuuuuuuuuuck.

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>4 (four) tripfags


I tried explaining to people yesterday how these death figures are doctored to incite fear and keep us under control. I told them that this is no worse than the common cold and the virus is just being tacked onto everybodies cause of death. They looked at me like I'm mental. Have you all had the same?

>Two of UK's largest care home providers report 521 coronavirus deaths

Show them this to shut them up

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why did they release it into carehomes?
how will pakis make a profit without any OAP's to kill

Hold on lads, this could be interesting...

Surprisingly not, though I've only talked to my own family. My girlfriend fully believes in it though. When I said to her that she needs to stop watching BBC news she said "I watch other channels as well!" I'm losing respect for her.

>2,000 extra coronavirus deaths recorded outside hospitals in England and Wales, official figures show

Scared of missing something ey?

It is miles worse than the common cold. The flu (influenza) is not even remotely similar to the common cold (rhinovirus). Fuck sake. If you're going to label yourself an authority atleast get the basics right. Pic related

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Lets be honest, they just unplugged all the old cunts now they have a carte blanche excuse to Shipman them all

Birmingham was built by foreign immigrants

Also read the last paragraph, as their sense of security grows the rhetoric will change from previously positive argue men of “jobs and pensions” to be “yes it’s bad for you, but you deserve it”

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why did tories deliberately destroy the UK IT industry?

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Yes I tried explaining a coronavirus is any of a type of virus which causes disease in humans and animals.
they aren't interested, there is one and only one coronavirus and that is all.
they have been sold all the media/govt expert lies.

I hate tripcunts ffs and I hate how they’re the ones to post the new threads for me because I’m too retarded to make one myself and will then go into another thread and cry about if. I also hate how they keep most threads alive when I’m too busy noshing off my mate deano in front of his missus and I’m fucking furious that they keep doing numbers on me >:(

Did you read the replies?

fed up of spastics tbph

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>Yes I tried explaining a coronavirus is any of a type of virus which causes disease in humans and animals.
Not even slightly true. Fucking state of you people. Jannies please fling these cunts into /cvg/ where they belong.

Tories were full of boomers even worse than they are now.

The IT they teach in schools is still poor as fuck

noun Medicine
noun: coronavirus; plural noun: coronaviruses

any of a group of RNA viruses that cause a variety of diseases in humans and other animals.

Right. I'm definitely quitting drinking this time. Or at the very least will stop for more than 3 weeks. I feel disgusting and cannot be bothered with it anymore. It's no longer fun.

Like I said and I'll wait to be proven wrong.
>Canceranon Does not suffer fools gladly and will go at you relentlessly until you fuck off like the spastic you are. He's a cunt but in a good way.

>The Man wants to keep me indoors for a while because reasons
maybe you are mental

My Mobile contract has just gone up in price. Fuck this inflation bollocks.

a particular group, yes

the only corona i know about is the one on me knob

Not sure why that screenshot is so blurry, so I made a clearer one.

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RE: corona bollocks
What you gotta look at is the *excess* mortality rate. Thousands of people die every day. Is kung-flu causing that number to increase? In a lot of places, it looks like it is. This is why there's cause for concern. If it wasn't going to cause any more deaths than the seasonal flu then they wouldn't have tanked the economy. Never attribute to malice what can easily be attributed to stupidity. I think everyone assumes too much of the government...

But this virus is nothing mate.

I love this. As if typing out some gay title in the name field makes you some Yas Forums elite member. Kek. Tripfags are cringe.

the root is Latin for crown iirc?

It’s all so tiring Karen

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Is the covid pushing us to a no deal brexit in 8 months? the govt they never lie....
> the govt they never lie.... the govt they never lie....
> the govt they never lie....

Tesco mobile has given all customers free calls from 8pm-8am on weekdays and completely free calls on weekends. Communism works.

Coronaviruses cause diseases but other viruses cause diseases too. Saying that a coronavirus is "any virus that causes diseases" is simply untrue.


Mate you actually are a newfag if you’re upset by anonymong lmfao

God this is pathetic

And she will divorce him eventually

yes. hence the word 'coronation'

reducing the GDP is the last thing a neoliberal government wants to do

Pretty much every provider does unlimited calls and texts now though, costs them nothing and they’d rather charge for data

Most taking the piss it seems, but one dense cow saying how the knights of the round table were black.

Doesn’t mean that this won’t increasingly be the discourse going forward

Lmao the tripnonce that made this thread unironically credited some other tripnonce because it used its image. Pure redddit
This pathetic cunt unironically claimed some posts the other day that he accidentally posted as user, just in case they werent crwdited online Yas Forums gold account. Couldnt believe it
Been on this site for way too long and ive never seen anything as redddit as the trippricks in this general
The tranny is unironically not even top 5 most pathetic faggots here

I remember this episode. It's weirdly haunted me my entire life.

Thanks lad, I got it off some video originally.

Tests which are designed to pop hot.
Tests which are designed to pop hot against general coronaviruses (which are common.)
The scarcity of tests makes sense at this point, and would be a design feature of the operation.
Think about it, if the fake tests are kept restricted and only given to the deceased or gravely ill and likely to die soon, then you have almost total control over your diagnoses, disease statistical growth and so on.
If everyone was tested because tests were abundant, people would soon notice that something was amiss as healthy people popped poz.

In fact the media is already preemptively hedging against that for when legitimate test kits become widely available to all(govt can only plausibly delay that for so long), with stories about how "many may already have had the virus and transmitted it, while never developing symptoms.,)
This is how they can explain doctored tests popping on healthy people when they become widely available.

There is no need for even high level professionals to be active conspirators, although many will be participating through hidden COMMON PURPOSE membership.

Because if they worked out if they replaced expensive brits with cheap poos their dividends would net them a new jaguar
What, you're saying Scratch isn't a useful coding language to teach kids?

IT in schools when I was a lad was completely worthless for when I actually went to work in IT
And really thanks to IT being a 'learn how to use MS office', is why today every feckless office Karen thinks they know how computers work

It's an absolutely beautiful episode, love it a lot user :(

Temba, his arms wide

They've given it to all customers, including pay as you go.

She’ll get him advertising onions burgers and bugs soon

It's /brit/pol retard. Format your shit correctly otherwise the filters don't work.

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>says the media lies about everything
>believes every the media says about corona virus
Why do people do this?

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That’s pretty good then actually

Not at all what I was arguing. Bunch of cunts, the lot of 'em. What I AM saying is that I don't think the government is half as competent as they like to make people believe. I think they actively chose what to police, what to say, what to do in public in order to promote an all-knowing, very-sp00py image. It's easier to police people if they do it themselves, because they're scared they'll be caught.

Think about it this way: why do they chose to pursue randomers posting bad words online? Because it makes people scared to speak out, lending to the "if i do anything bad, they'll find out" image.

Is manhands a tranny or a weird woman that had a messed up father/daughter relationship, which led to her abnormal female development and trajectory to whoring herself out on a forum with a 90% virgin demographic?

Thanks for posting it.

What makes me laugh the most is that they're saying "then we'll wait until afterwards for the results to come through". Yeah, sure, I can just see the media headlines now "oh, sorry, most of the deaths weren't actually coronavirus".

i should have said.

>Coronaviruses are a group of related viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. ...

if that make sit easier to understand.?

She's shagging someone else m8

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>messed up father/daughter relationship
what father daughter relationship? i unironically dont see my dad

All these newfags seething at some text in a namefield lmfao

>"I love this" "kek" "cringe"
>haha seethe user. Haha you're upset!
I enjoy this. How does it feel knowing the only validation you receive is from other faggots with no lives like yourselves? Keep those brit threads alive, mates. Clearly it's all you have. I'd actually pity you if you weren't such blatant trannies.

they are incompetent.
they rely on 'experts' but really what is an expert?
someone who has knowledge in a subject you (or I) have not acquired.

>if that make sit easier to understand.?
No, it just makes it correct. What you originally said was just incorrect.

dey mad, dey finna blow

>I hate how they’re the ones to post the new threads for me because I’m too retarded
post a thread at 260 replies which advocate the use of BBC as a news source

>how they keep most threads alive
scaring off all anons and destroying any constructive debate with meaningless drooling

go to the bottom of the page
>dropdown : tripcode
>copy and paste

takes about 10 seconds

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Nice cuck rag

She’s not your girlfriend anymore lel

hhaha dey read de book and i dont??? why not me running country??

Oh really, so why are they not including deaths outside of hospitals in the daily statistics? Surely, if they wanted to overhype it and scare us, they'd include the hundreds of deaths occurring outside of the hospitals? You conspiracy fags are always so thick.

You’re a virgin who would love a go on a tranny though?
Also, see

Exactly. That's my point.

woman. you can tell, after you've read enough posts.

5g predicted this

All triptrannies should post their nose.

which is why I corrected it.
next please..

that is how it is
boris is no more qualified to run a country or a govt than you, yet you give him authority to do so.

>constructive debate
I know you’re having me on but kek

I'm a full blown conspiracy fag, and I don't believe this is fake for a second. People are dying of this. That doesn't mean project zyphr isn't real though

She does my fucking head in
Clearly chasing all the benefits of being associated with royalty while still trying to spread woke nonsense

>post a thread at 260 replies which advocate the use of BBC as a news source

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Not everyone is a virgin, like you.

Because they're only testing the sick people in hospitals you fucking gonk. If they tested everybody the proportion of deaths to infections would be small.

Furthermore, most of these deaths are recorded as corona deaths simply because the virus was in their system.

Because the media, the government, the nhs who love third world immigration, lgbt rights, trannys, drugging children etc are telling you the true version of reality aren’t they? It’s pathetic lad.

Do you lads think Dominic Raab is going to be more liked or more hated after this crisis is over?
Boris ain't doing shit for a while, however the "cabinet" seems to be interim PM rather than Raab himself.
He's got a keen eye and a strong mind, but he seems too robotic to me, kinda like Hancock.

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