Racism is associated with low IQ

>Bright Minds and Dark Attitudes: Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact

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They didn't bother testing me

Dark skin is much more strongly correlated with low iq.


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Maybe low IQ people just have more to lose from having their countries flooded with non whites.
Doesn't make their opinions less valid, just means they're in a different position to your high IQ millionaire living in a gated community.

Fuck niggers.

Myth busted.

Attached: NS_leaders_IQ_Scores.png (350x596, 16.19K)

Shut up faggot!

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Uneducated people find it harder to conceal politically incorrect opinions.

Non whites are usually very racist against whites and eachother, that explains a lot

nigger study

that would explain why niggers are incredibly racist

>blacks are really racist

Thats fake news. The smartest people i know are always the most racist.

I've got a masters in econ, am fairly popular wherever I go, and am racist? Guess I'm an outlier by their work but they almost certainly had shit methodology.

Nah, the people who write these articles are just too retarded to understand human survival.

Blatant racism, probably. Racism after learning the statistics and facts? No.

Idk how you can be high-IQ and feel safe around niggers.

Yas Forums BTFO'd

yes we know that niggers are high in negative ethnocentrism.
thx for telling us what we already know.

High IQ master racist here.

It's because they have too much good faith in others, that is all. They honestly believe that the laws they established will remain once the demographics shift.

Dumbasses haven't seen how Zimbabwe went to shit under Mugabe and his cronies.

So the reason why so many immigrants hate white people is because they are less inteligent? Makes sense

Admitting that your a racist is low IQ. You think Bobby Fisher wasn't racist?

I'm not racist, I'm racially conscious

define racism (hint: the term was coined by Jewish communists less than 100 years ago)

both authors r kikes

Seems like the chinks are the true master race

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So you're saying niggers are based?

Explain why all highly intelligent and successful white people live in all white areas then.

chinks lie about everything including how smart their chink kids are thats why niggers praise them

A carefully manicured mind set on a determined course, with its paths and channels laid out and directed to a decisive will, may find it's minimalist purity appear too simplistic and spare for the more aesthetically-inclined idle critic of mental cornucopia. Faggot.

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"Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact" right-wing ideology is the subject of the study, not just racists, you idiots would have known this if you actually red at least the title. Tho racism is inherently part of the right-wing ideology. And you can tell why they don't want people to interact with minorities, because that would mean actually getting to know this people and see them for who they really are, humans. They need you to stay ignorant and to only interact with other whites, if not, the whole ideology just crashes down.

actually is the opposite if you are smart you dont need slaves around you

>Racism is associated with low IQ
Yeah, but the twist is this is self hating, jewed and golemized whites hating their own race.

That alone is a flat - 50 points for IQ.
One might say, it makes the score plummet.

Speaking of plummet.

Imagine being a haughty jew in the USA, living the good life, owning a factory, murder raping a young white girl, and you try to blame it on a black worker by manipulating another black worker.

And an all white (aka Germanic/Celtic) judge, jury and persecution actually believe the blacks over a precious jew brotherhood starlet (Leo Frank was a member of Bnai Brith) and his elite team of jewish defense attorneys.


This has blasted and roasted their anuses in such a capacity that they created the ADL of Bnai Brith, and, since it happened in 1915, been on a crusade against white and black racial cooperation.

Any black an white racial tension of the modern time is rooted in this event.

They have not forgotten, and neither should you.

Revel in it, though.
Revel in a precious jews neck snapped, hanging from a rope, all his influence worthless.
The blacks he wanted to fall succeeded him, he died, a fucking member of the yehudim was rightfully exterminated by Germanic hands in 1915.

One of the few cases of true justice in the US.

How do you feel about this, OP?
Leo Frank simply won't come back.
He stays hung and pants pissed.

Weird, huh?

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We need one of those bell-curve memes where low and high IQ doesn't report corona numbers, i.e. China and Africa.

>getting to know minorities and find out they're human
i didn't realize that trying to peddle drugs and other degeneracy is what makes you human, and you still wonder why people don't want to interact with you

get BTFO



I believe that racism in most cases is ultimately a cope

>racism is associated with low IQ
says the non racist

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When the left want to demonize you, they use size. Low I.Q., short, poor, small dick.

Not unsurprisingly. Dumping all problems of a country on immigration is a no brain non-solution. It's one-level cause-effect thinking. It means you're unable to think in complex terms which usually have several cause effect layers and variables. It's a sign of cognitive deterioration, that's why as people get older they usually get more racist. Blaming the "other" doesn't take much cognitive effort while seeing the problems with their real world complexity takes a lot of mental effort and energy.

Many dark-skinned people are racist and conservative too. The less education the more so.

>Nuremberg Trials IQ tests

Drugs=degeneracy. I guess painkillers and anesthesia are bad? Awful take annon.
Other degeneracy=? Ok annon, I guess everything you don't like (or you hate yourself for indulging in it) is bad, that doesn't scream brainwashed or self loathing.
Being a human makes you a human. We are all the same, to argue that is to take a pseudoscientific point, not scientific at all. You might as well deny climate change and the world is flat while you at it.
People don't want to interact with me? How do you even know that? I'm not the one being a shithead, nobody likes a (Nazi) dickhead. People don't want to be constantly judge for trying to be happy on their own terms. Nobody wants to feel discriminated as well. It sounds like a lot of self projection. Get help.

how is it cognitive deterioration? older people have more experiences with minority, experience is the red pill

people who abuse them recreationally and create a identity around them is degenerate you fucking retard just like its degenerate to make a political party part of your identity

>shitskins are dumb therefore rightwing
>lets import shitskins
mental hoops are unreal

>americunt not knowing how biology works.

Why am I not surprised?

The whole ideology, of conservatism? I realize you're a memeflag fag, but ask yourself, would anyone argue that the entire ideology of classic liberalism would "just crash down" if say, people woke up to the fact that abortion is baby murder? That's a poor example, but not only are you making up utter nonsense, by painting all of conservatives as racist, you truly are projecting your own hatred, outing yourself as a racist.