A document published by the Rockefeller foundation in 2010 titled "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development" presents "hypothetical" scenarios that could arise in the near future, and just happens to lay out the COVID scenario to the letter.

Direct quote (page 28):
>During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight
of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems—from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty—leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.
At first, the notion of a more controlled world gained wide acceptance and approval. Citizens willingly gave up some of their sovereignty—and their privacy—to more paternalistic states
in exchange for greater safety and stability. Citizens were more tolerant, and even eager, for top-down direction and oversight, and national leaders had more latitude to impose order in the ways they saw fit. In developed countries, this heightened oversight took many forms: biometric IDs for all citizens, for example, and tighter regulation of key industries whose stability
was deemed vital to national interests.

>mandatory wearing of face masks
>body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces
>biometric IDs for all citizens

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Other urls found in this thread:

page 31: nanotech surveillance

>Technology trends and applications we might see:
>The cost of capturing data through nanosensors and smart networks falls precipitously. In many developing countries, this leads to a proliferation of new and useful services, including “sousveillance” mechanisms that improve governance and enable more efficient use of government resources.

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get the fuck in here faggots. This is more important than whatever slide garbage you're bumping right now. Want to prove to your retarded family and friends that the "tinfoil" shit you've been talking about for years is real? This is the fucking document. GET IN HERE FAGGOTS.

I am utterly fascinated by the fact anyone had to actually draw this scenario.

Anyone who knows that power is always pursuing more power can see that governments are creating an apparatus by which the systematise the movement and actions of their populations.

They are trying to make nation-states revolutionary proof; to ensure that members of the polis will not be able to "correct" even the most egregious abuses of power. They want us to be human chattel, completely without autonomy.

And they've done this by making us complacent. By luring us with this bait called technological progress, which is always just a means to prolonging life. And prolonging life is seen as the ultimate good in neoliberal realism, regardless of the quality of life. (Unironically, read Foucault's writing on biopolitics for this. Peterson has not read Foucault. Foucault is 50% utter French retardation and 50% unbridled truth.)

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i've had this document on my kobo forever and by chance decided to finally get stuck into it last night. almost choked on my spit when i read the bit about the pandemic . it was creepy how accurate it was. the only thing i didn't know was the publish date. now i find out it s 10 years old and my mind is flipped . coincidence or a " planned" event?

The entire province of Alberta hates the Rockefellers. Seething fucked up rage, at the moment.

Really don't think they will be happy if they all find out about this...

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It's not that i think this is incorrect, rather that i see it as selfevident, that i havent responded more.

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>future narrative pic related

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Why write in past tense?

The scenarios are written from the future looking back on what has transpired.

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Your gonna go far kid

Here's page 28. Am I blind, where's the quote about pandemic? Not a shill, just wanna read the quote

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That's pretty arrogant. Not even ((they)) are able to ensure anything 100%.

Great find!

*PAGE 28

sorry page 19

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*PAGE 19. Fucking heck. My bad. see

who are you kidding, you wont do shit

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Nice find OP.

Thanks mate! And remember guys, fuck Jews, they are the enemy

>At first, the notion of a more controlled world gained wide acceptance and approval.
And then later ?

>biometric IDs for all citizens
>PEter Thiel/Palantir
Pieces falling into place. The problem is we are in a catch 22. We either allow foreigners to take over our countries or we implement biometrics to track and remove them.
The entire situation is fucked when common sense shit like privacy laws pertaining to data favor business more than the individual's rights. No one except the biggest Luddites would oppose these ideas if all the data wasn't exposed to a corporate technocratic elite that is in bed with the deep state with no oversight or protection for the citizens.

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Gosh this document is just full of coincidences! (page 22)

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Mandatory tests for COVID 19 and concentration camps for those who refuse to be tested.

This is an actual proposal that was just made:

>Those people comprise Group Three, current COVID-19 patients, including pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic carriers. They will pose an enormous risk. Once new infections slow, some people actively infected will try to forgo any universal testing and return to work and social life, where they will infect others with the virus.

>Therefore, the testing regime with require sanctions. One idea: Employers who take back or hire anyone without the requisite certificate would either forgo or have to repay any of the financial support Congress has provided businesses. Those actively infected who try to masquerade as a member of Groups One or Two could be placed in government quarantine and held legally liable for anyone they infected.

>That means it should enact a program of universal mandatory testing once the outbreak has receded—i.e., require that everyone get tested for the virus. Only, then, when testing shows that they are not infectious, can they end their practice of social isolation and distancing. Everyone found to be uninfected or immune after being infected and recovering could receive a certificate authorizing them to return to work and congregating with others so certified.

>Those actively infected who try to masquerade as a member of Groups One or Two could be placed in government quarantine and held legally liable for anyone they infected.

>Robert J. Shapiro is the chairman of Sonecon and a Senior Fellow at the McDonough School of Business at Georgetown University. He currently advises Future Majority, a Democratic strategy center.

they plan to blame the loss of 2020 election to Trump on virulent nationalism caused only by the pandemic and that Drumpf exacerbated it so he could use it to beat them in the election, unfairly of course.

you were used to russia stealing the election

now get ready for Plandemic stealing the election
get ready for years of endless investigations
for an event they themselves created as an excuse for why Drumpf won, not that people actually want nationalism, Drumpf tricked them into liking it by HOW HE RESPONDED to the Plandemic

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"Lock Step" in pic related, too.

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Some of us were aware of this before

Reminder that Soros has a plant in Wuhan.
Reminder also that China has been manipulating the major think tanks of the world over time to spread their mechanisms of population control.

Bumping for interest

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What we are witnessing is a global coup by elites to implement a new world order where they will rule unopposed. While Coronavirus exists it affects mostly only elderly and is a bit more virulent form of flu.The hysteria blown by the mass media and social media agents served to justify extreme measures like lockdown which will NEVER be revoked and will stay with us. The end effect will be a prison society with no dissent possible.

Further measures will include:

Compulsory vaccinations-said vaccines will lower test among certain groups and lead to sterilisation. Scientists will decree that it was a price worth paying and white people were violent anyway.

Digital currency-all your money will stored online and controlled by authorities. As will your expenses and where you are spending money.

Digital ID-to use internet you will need to use a digital id confirming your real life identity. Anonymous posting and usage of internet will be banned in name of fight against "fake news about coronavirus". Without record of your vaccinations in the digital id employers won't hire you and you will be banned from travelling and public spaces. All non-state and non-corporate crypto currencies will be banned.

Carbon Tax-it will be used to stop you from eating meat such as beef to prevent you from having strong body and mind

Ban on growing your own food-in order to make you dependant on toxic shit you will be only be able to buy online.

Ban on free speech-speaking about or doubting coronavirus pandemic hoax will be punishable by prison and cutoff from public services. We already see people posting truth about coronavirus scare being censored on Twitter and Facebook(Bolsonaro)

Spread the word, look behind motives. Do not believe what media tell you.

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>Al Gore is in the club of Rome

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