How is going in Norway

I have several questions for Norwegian anons. Is Norway on the same path as Sweden or no. And are people brainwashed to hate their own heritage and other jewish shit

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not norwegian but spend a year there as a exchange student...
Upper middle class are socialist nigger loving bastards and working class are normal right wing ppl... theres black propaganda everywhere so its hard to tell, its not as bad as in sweden but they´re on similer way

No. We where one of the first to implement serious efforts to limit spread.

Sweden just went full herd immunity.

norway is the same as sweden, just 10 years behind.

Nah, the working class is not cucked.
We got like 1 nigger in a company of 200 people and he's only here as a transfer from a Swedish (born and raised kek) branch
Everyone else in the place is white and it will stay that way

I wouldn't say people hate their own heritage and what not but things aren't really great here either. We aren't on the same level as Sweden but we made some similar mistakes.

Thank God it's not like sweden and are you tolerant towards students from around Europe

I was a student from Europe when I came here on exchange. Now I live and work here, so yeah. Use Erasmus, but be careful with your grant money

We cucked out and shut the economy whilst Sweden remained relatively open and suffered only 900 deaths (most of whom probably would have died over that period anyway).

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>I have several questions for Norwegian anons. Is Norway on the same path as Sweden or no. And are people brainwashed to hate their own heritage and other jewish shit

Attached: norway_dying_society_like_the_rest_of_us.jpg (818x507, 51.22K)

The economy will be fine, kikenstein. It's not like this shit will be over until everyone has been sick with it

I saw that so I was curious about situation there

Yeah well, with our strategy we did not need to send our prime minister to the icu

stop kissing northern ass. 99% of these nordcucks have übermensch complex and think of us as lowest of lowest scum.

"Jeg håpte på at jeg var afrikansk/asiatisk" Jesus what a dumb bitch.

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>üntermench complex

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>I saw that so I was curious about situation there
My burger perspective when I visted:

>"Jeg håpte på at jeg var afrikansk/asiatisk" Jesus what a dumb bitch.
Make sure to upvote all the based comments Nordbro

Going to Oslo was your first mistake

This. Every time I have to fly to work, and have to stay 6-7 hours in Gardemoen airport, I don't go to the city of Oslo. I've been there a couple of times and it pretty much sums up the jewish dream of ruining a white country. It's beyond a doubt norways' asshole. The city I live in has only 10k people, but 0 blacks, 4 asians. It's like heaven compared to that place.

So oslo is a leftist shithole

It was intentional on my part, although it depressed me considerably more than I expected and wanted.
I visited the major cities of several European countries to see what each country would 'tolerate' within its borders in its worst city. I have to say I was disgusted.

Some day, I'd like to go back and visit the best of each country, to raise my hopes again. If you have recommendations, please send them my way.

Yeah I travel a lot so I live in Oslo since it's inconvenient as fuck to travel from somewhere else in Norway to the airport.

It sucks but I do sometimes appreciate it when I travel to somewhere like Berlin, Paris or London. It's bad by Norwegian standards only.

The left run Oslo, their main political party is dumpster diving hippies, I'm not even joking.

>I have to say I was disgusted.
*By Norway in particular. Although Paris was gross too.

You can go to croatia on dalmatian coast. People are based but there are some assholes and uncivilized fake croats and poeple usually don't like niggers and not to forget 99.8% of Croatia is white

What cities would you say were the worst and which were the best ? And best relative to the others, doesn't have to be good as in what it should be.

Also pretty much anywhere but Oslo.

What about the rest of Norway like Bergen Tromsø Trondheim Ålesund

If you want to look at it in a good way, we only have 50k black people total, 150k browns, the rest of the 5 millions are white. It's not "that bad", but it looks worse than it is since blacks and browns always walk the streets doing nothing. If we REALLY wanted to, we wouldn't even need more than a day to get rid of them all.

What makes European cities worse than American cities?

The last time I was in Bergen, it was really pretty, but it was almost 15 years ago. Mostly white, some asians, but it's a huge city, so it might have been fucked up by now. Tromsø is a snowy shithole, but it's nice there. It's a student city, so they get every race from everywhere there. Trondheim is like Bergen, Ålesund might be the whitest of them all. It's also 15 years since I was there the last time. I was in Tromsø 4 months ago, and it seems pretty white.

I am planning to go study in Norway so I don't know in which city should be best to go because Oslo is expensive and apparently leftist shithole so I don't know

Why did you change the name of Christiania to Oslo? Oslo doesn't sound scandinavian or germanic.
Just curious...

I wouldn't live there even if I got 5 million a year to stay there. I've been all around the world, and Oslo is one of the worst places I've visited. I'd rather use 5 more hours to travel each time I had to than to live in that shithole. I can't understand why the property prices are high there. I wouldn't even pay 400k NOK for the best houses down there.

I do not represent Norway.
Fuck skandinavia. Håper alle dør snart. Also fuck niggers and jews.

Ålesund has a difficult dialect, might be hard for you to understand them even tho you learn norwegian. It's even hard for me to understand them. Bergen is worse than Ålesund. It rains all the time in Bergen, it snows all the time in Tromsø. Forget about Oslo, it's a shithole. If I had to choose, I'd go to Bergen or Trondheim.

Oslo is hardly one of the worst places, it's bad on a personal level due to being our capital but compared to many other places it's better. Spend some time in Paris, Berlin or pretty much any other capital city in western europe for a real shithole.

Pathetic Norwegians.

>Is Norway on the same path as Sweden or no.
Demographically yes but slower, and politically no.
>are people brainwashed to hate their own heritage
Not at all, we might be the most patriotic country in Europe. Most of my fellow Norwegians I know love Norway and have a real jingoistic feeling. A problem of this is that a lot of people want immigrants to join in this patriotism and feel like Norwegians. Pic related.
Now we do have some retarded takes on feminism and environmentalism. Also, we are becoming more and more Americanized
>Jewish shit
We don't have such a big problem with Jews in Norway thanks to our second constitutional amendment that prohibited Jews from entering the kingdom for quite some time and the few Jews that where here were deported during WW2, so they never got the chance to set up any operations here like they did in Sweden and Denmark.I believe there are about 1300-2500 Jews in total living in Norway. Of course, one of them is the leader of an organization named SOS racism, a government institution against racism.

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Norgeland has a much healthier debate climate than Sweden but they're also on the path to self-destruction. They also have nigger infested problem areas but they are fewer.

Yeah I'm learning Norwegian(bokmål) for about 7 months already. I decide between Bergen or Trondheim

I'd say it's more similar than they want to admit. Norwegians don't hate their heritage though. Except Christianity. Like in Sweden it was used to justify blatant class oppression, so common people have a special kind of disdain for it.
Only if you're a jew. Or a nigger. Or any outsider, really. But PC culture is nearly as stronk as in Sweden, yet people seem unaware of it. Self censorship is way more normal there than here.

>stop kissing northern ass. 99% of these nordcucks have übermensch complex and think of us as lowest of lowest scum.
where do you get that from?
I only hate niggers and chinks, lol

baserad rødgrød. anyone who says that you arent the most based out of all nordic countries is coping hard.

how hard is norwegian? Is it more similar to english or german?

If you know english or german very well it isn't that hard