Is there such a thing as non-degenerate paganism?
Is there such a thing as non-degenerate paganism?
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All pagans are faggots. All socialists are closet aristocrats. All christcuck are sinners (factored in, hail Mary x3). Anyone who is loudly and proudly one thing is usually the other thing unless it's a gay pride parade.
Cлaвa Poдy!
Idolatry is a big sin against the Lord and they are fucking idiots
>festivals to celebrate reproduction and baby making degenerate
You are right they are better off like feminists
All religions are a product of the jews. But not paganism!
People forgot what it's like to watch their children die and the crops wither in the fields while their animals starve. They have forgotten to satisfying joy of the warm months bringing life back to the frozen family and friends. They don't recall what its like to feel and think passionately on the fertility of ones world, to be subject to the powerful whims of the seasons.
A few years of relying on an apple tree to survive, and they'll be out rubbing their vagians on the bark each spring again too.
>Christcuck hates white fertility
Why am I not shocked?
you have a problem with women love a cock?what they should love instead?parfumes,dresses,money,cars,gold?
>what they should love instead
circumsized bastard jew
What's wron with this?
Shinto. The state religion of Japan.
Also Hinduism but that one is debatable.
These are the only two modern successful "pagan" religions. Look at what they did, how they adapted, and how they are entrenched into their societies and cultures if you want your naitives religion to be sucessful
This. Celebration of male fertility is a good thing.
Shintoism, the most successful "pagan" religion also has a penis festival.
There's no pagan creed, no pagan doctrine, no authority or defined body of teachings. You can say paganism is anything and it's true.
no they dont
look at amish
No. Why do you think Judaism is pagan?
Paganism teaches that the ultimate spiritual experience is to serve your flesh and worship the land instead of it's creator.
Instead of denying yourself of primal urges to ascend to a higher state, you debase yourself by flooding your human experience with every sinful urge possible.
It's the opposite of asceticism. The opposite of repentance.
define degenerate
Yeah because bowing before the dead naked body of a dead jewish supremacist, asking for his help, while calling yourself a "white nationalist", is absolutely not complete degeneracy.
Yes, ones that are atheist.
>Is there such a thing as non-degenerate paganism?
Yeah, we live it every day and speak it every day.
>women worshiping cock
You'd rather have them worship the muff?
Fertility, nigger.
Do you have it?
You think that child at the bottom of the picture was born from grassboy there, smooth brain?
neopaganism is nonsense of course, since there's no way to reconstruct an oral belief system that's been dead for a thousand years, but so far as we can know from the texts as they come to us the phallic idols are about the one thing they've gotten right. Pagans were degenerate.
What the fuck, looked at the picture: hmm... a plazenta looks like a tree, the tree of life.
Look at the file name >tree of life
Are they slavic pagans?
Well, odin (which is the body and the mind, hence thought and memory, hugin and munin) hangs upside down, from the tree of life for 9 nights, and all that jazz.
Placenta stuff is a bit cringe these days, but that doesn't make the analogy wrong.
Same with yrminsul, a sacred tree.
It's not actually a tree, there's no funky ass trees like that in Europe, nevermind the Germanic regions.
It's a vaginal canal, womb and ovaries, all stylized.
OP thinks his horseshit will deliver a fatal blow to our even heathen spirit, but not even Christianity could do that, nevermind threads on Yas Forums.
We don't need mass.
We don't need scriptures.
We just need to live.
Worked so far, will work forever.
Made for the Big Red Cock.
Why is it normally just a bunch of twats that are just one step away from full blown lesbo bitches? I can understand tradition but these Americans that do it are cringe. They need to learn how to properly respect the heritage.
>odin (which is the body and the mind, hence thought and memory, hugin and munin)
What is this larp crap. Óðinn is a product of late heathenism, a gay minority cult practiced by kings and courtiers. He was a political icon. Hardly the stuff of muh ancient nature tradition
There's no larp crap, that's literally the root of it all.
The only larp about odin is anthropomorphizing him, or any of the other 'gods'.
Germanic heathenry = simply ancestor worship and infinite respawn into new bodies through it.
Not faggots roaming the land drinking from springs or crosdressing and getting their wagons pulled by goats.
Although that one did result in a rather awesome painting.
>implying the gods weren't anthropomorphized by their actual historical believers and that 21st century neopagan copes about seeing the gods just as 'archetypes of human behaviour' or 'spiritual principles' because obviously nobody can actually believe in them anymore are actually correct.
Shit nigger, you quoting me like that really makes me look like an idiot who knows nothing, whereas you know everything.
>21 century neopagan
Nigger, we dance around cartoon devils (the only change christianity introduced) to remind ourselves of mother hulda/perchta and krampus, and Hulda is way older than the concept of an anthropomorphized odin.
Furthermore, our language (and yours) is laced with throwbacks to the physical nature of the 'gods' even in their modern forms.
Starts at Birth, ask any German how that would sound 'Germanized' and they will say something along the line of "börs" Börsdei
Buris Day.
Buurs Day
Buurs Dag
The day of Buri/Bör, you know the 'god' Buri, only no, he just represents the concept of 'son' and when you are born, it's the day of buri.
This is true for all Germanic languages, including yours.
So unless your mom popped up an actor from the Eddah, I think you're shitting yourself up more than you can chew back down.
Then there's Lif, the lifeforce inherent in all things, including stones.
Lodr, a god, right? Lödr?
But no, it's actually the aspect of flame, and the hot blood coursing through your very veins.
It's the 2020th century and we still use "Lodern" to describe highly voracious flames.
Lodernde Flammen.
You are cordially invited to trace the etymology down, go head over to library genesis and snuffle through the good old shit from the 1800s, you as an expert will blaze through it. I'm sure.
I could go on, and maybe I will, pulled an all nighter through and I'm quite sleepy at this point.
Oh, okay, I'll just go on for a little bit more.
Traditionally, age milestones for humans came in sevens, too.
The 21 is still used in some Germanic countries, albeit for the drinking age, when it used to be full maturity.
Or in the christianized middle ages, marked the end of knight training.
18 is foreign milestone, it's jewish, 18 is chaim, which means life in hebrew.
we had
0-6: second pregnancy outside of the womb cause you're a little shitty kid weakling that needs life support.
7-13: milk teeth are falling out and your permanent ones come in, which was seen as a sign that your ancestor (which is you from a past life) is manifesting in you
14-20: maturation and transfer of all assets and honor of your past life into you
21: full maturation.
It's also why we have seven as a lucky number (as well as 13, but that comes from some old swedish calendar that was based on menstrual cycles, true story, and the 13th day of each month was the most fertile)
I hope this was somewhat informative to you.
Germanic heathenry = ancestor worship and respawning over and over again, accumulating more and more insight and strength.