>ultra nationalistic and pro russian (white) oriented
>conservative and militaristic society
>self sufficient
>women were encouraged to raise kids
>non white minorities deported to far east and gulags
>homosexuals sent to gulag
>abortions illegal
>christianity was discouraged and stigmatized but you were still able to go to church
>bolsheviks purged
>borders closed to foreigners
this is in no way a promotion of communism which is the kike creation or Soviet regime that killed millions of it's own citizens but isn't it crazy how on fundamental social basis Stalin's Russia sounds more comfy than current Western civilization and it's "values" ?
Tell me how Stalin's post WW2 Soviet Union is not better than current Western "civilization"
And yet nothing to eat...
I would rather prefer the american 1950s
Because no matter what it would have turned into communism now. Fags niggers and jews
I take it that you are pro genocide.
No doubt in that, my point was 1950s Soviet Union versus modern neoliberal globalism
>(((stalin's post ww2)))
Because the old left is totally different to the new one.
)))stalin's post ww2((( was as anti-Jewish as you can get.
Stalin had the balls to challenge Zionism, Israel and the US militarily. None of his successors did.
That's why he was killed.
You can kill Ukrainians, you can kill Germans, you can starve millions of people, but as soon as you go after the Jews you get poisoned and have an artificial stroke.
The USA and the USSR were competing for Zionist approval until 1948/1949, when Israel pretty much conclusively went with the USA.
This angered Stalin as this wing of Jewry going back to Trostky was always defiant of him.
You misspelled capitalism.
Who cares
Communism doesn't promote faggotry, it doesn't promote niggers and it doesn't promote (Zionist) Jews.
At least not to the extent that Western Liberal Capitalism does. It's international trade centers where all that shit happens.
And guess what: the USSR seeked autarky
Your completely right but you know the marxist scum that originated and spawned from the USSR started the west on the path it is firmly on with the help of (((them))) of course.
>kills millions of russians through a mixture of incompetence and terror
> Tell me how Stalin's post WW2 Soviet Union is not better than current Western "civilization"
Look the foundations were rotten. While they were effectively facist (and thats a good thing) they were also LARPing as lefties. This meant the soviet union had real plans to import a bunch of savages and they regulary did. The USSR wanted to destroy ethnic groups just as much as every neo liberal does today, expect they were failures at everything, including being marxist.
No user. It was the USA that spawned the USSR.
Trostky was in NYC meeting with monied bankers prior to the 1917 Revolution.
The famines ended in like 1930's
Germany literally put Lenin and all these communist agitators on trains and delivered them to Russia to start a Revolution. Never underestimate the vile kraut
>The USSR wanted to destroy ethnic groups just as much as every neo liberal does today, expect they were failures at everything, including being marxist.
Reorganizing Eastern Europe into ethnic nation states doesn't seem like wanting to destroy them. Sure, if an ethnic group posed a threat they'd deal with them, but otherwise it was very much okay with that ethnic group adopting Socialism.
There is the argument that Communism preserves the purity of one's race moreso than Western liberalism.
How bout you go fuck yourself with your cuck shit, aye?
Ze Germans never intended for the Commies to actually spawn a viable country. It was like releasing a virus over international lines to weaken your strategic rival.
The germans have literally created communism and the USSR when they started getting steamrolled during WW1.
As always, the germans couldnt predict anything further than 5 minutes into the future and created a monster of an empire that would, quite literally, fuck the germans a new asshole 20 years later.
Never underestimate the german inability to be a vile subhuman incapable of predicting the future consequences of their actions.
They created communism and ruined nationalism.
All in a span of like 20 years.
Now they're destroying this continent with niggers.
All because they couldnt predict what would happen 5 minutes later, AGAIN.
>ze germaninios never intended to be fucking retarded, they just are doing dumb shit again and again non stop for the last 1,000 years
>dont blame em please i like em
Poland can't be objective because of your status as a border nation of NATO.
Yet they were built like Greek gods.
Bruh, famine sure does turn you into greek god.
>Soviet Union
>pro russian (white) oriented
Good bait, retard
Because everyone with a spine were dead? And only cowards survived, wait, you even would be sure of that?
You're a slave.
Dont worry, we'll come and help you when you'll be losing your next war against birds.
Don't even get started: free sex barracs for all genders, even same underwear, kids raised by state. Full degeneracy, later it changed, but it was regular commie-degenerate af.
That pic is pretty homoerotic tbqhfamalam
I'll hold you to that, Polack.
>ultra nationalistic and pro russian (white) oriented
wrong, the bolchevic movement was an anti russian movement created by jews and fueled by ethnic hatred
It had Stalin in it.