Why are the Jews pushing extremely degenerate porn like blacked and other shit that completely humiliates and disgraces...

Why are the Jews pushing extremely degenerate porn like blacked and other shit that completely humiliates and disgraces white people? Surely, this can't be a coincidence? I try not to go full Yas Forumstard over the jews, but it is seems weird that someone would start a website like blacked for any reason other than to humiliate whites.

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>1 post by his ID

It's Jewish nature

Attached: Jew_Greg_Lansky_Pornography_Blacked.jpg (3004x1660, 517.92K)

Shock value = views = profits

I'm sure that some of the tribe - like Al Goldstein - do it out of malice, but I think that most of them peddle their poison because it's profitable.

Here's 2 now.

I don't believe it. Making a website called Whited and having white men fuck women of every race would be even more shocking. Yet one such website doesn't exist...

Its mainly white men who watch BLACKED.

You're not the norm, cuck.

Because they are a sick and hostile alien race we have mistakenly allowed to parasitize off of us.

Fight the new drug.

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Extremely untrue, most white people think the black dick makes it look like the woman is taking a shit, it's notoriously unattractive to white people. But black people are apparently used to it, it is their favorite porn after all.

Because smart people can destroy their opponents without any conflict

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>make porn with white girls , black makes
> It's definitely made for humiliation

This is the reason a bunch if white males are incels, they are fucking insecure.

It called Tushy

>lose to a 85 iq ape
Sure. You'd feel shame if you perceived yourself to lose against Koko the gorilla, who is smarter than most niggers.

It's made to appease the fetishization of white women, obviously because they are the most attractive women.

It's definitely psychological warfare. There is no demand for this in real life.

>Why are the Jews pushing extremely degenerate porn like blacked and other shit that completely humiliates and disgraces white people?
Type "Sabbateanism", "Frankism" and "tikkun olam" into your browser.

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The elements of national power, which include diplomacy, information, military, and economy (DIME) are the tools used to pursue national interests. Military is generally the last resort. What you’re witnessing through porn is Jewish influence through the “information” tool.

>decide to have a wank
>find sexy redhead model
>go to her videos page
>first three videos are Shitted™ titled "Her White boyfriend didn't know what she was up to!"
>some shithole inhabitant says it's not about humiliation

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Israel is full of lefty commies, niggers and full blown pozzed faggets. Remember whatever they push on to the goyim still affects them in their tiny shithole.

here's a tip, people get off on being "naughty" and degenerate, it started about 100000 years ago

Black people don't watch porn ?

Yeah with women of their own race mostly

Nice way of proving my point and showing how insecure you are by getting upset and attacking me instead of what I said.

Porn is made out of Fantasy and fetishes. Of course there's gonna be a market for white girls getting fucked by other races.

So we are supposed to believe you claim of jewish porn lords without proof?

There's an even bigger market for white men fucking races. Where's Whited.com? It doesn't exist because Jews run the pornography industry and are hostile to Europeans.

Go look at who owns/runs all the major pornography websites. Porn is an off-shoot of hollywood, they all work in the same town, and hollywood is run by Jews.

Bcs they are aliens, their rabbi said

Well jews even give theyr wifes to shoot on blacked episodes.

There is absolutely no one stopping anyone to start a business, most porn sites start really small and then go upwards. If there isn't whited is not because there is a secret club stopping them, is because no one has decided to make it yet.

>meme flag
Hey Noam, working hard for the shekels?

that's called 90% of porn

are you fucking retarded

they have internet in el salvador!?!?!

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