White mating strategy

Women are the bottle neck in terms of reproduction, so why be picky? Your genes will be maintained in the gene pool, even when you racemix.

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Its always the fucking German flag
Nice try Mohammed, you're not getting my sister

>Its always
What is "it"?

What if your waifu was black?

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>mixing with niggers
Offspring still looks more like the nig parents. Niggers are the furthest thing from human. Mixing with monkeys is not ideal.

Not true. Random person from same race is genetically closer to you than your own mingrel abomination.
>there is a reason why it is nearly impossible to find any donors for mixed offspring. For same race-one of the parents, uncles, cousins can donate.

Gene synergy

Each race and ethnic group looks the way they do from environmental and sexual selection. If you mix with another ethnic group your genes will be mixed randomly. Human Beauty correlates to genetic health. If you blur your ethnic beauty you blur the genetic health.

The art style forensics (over rendered compared to the original wojack) is obviously fake and gay. The artist might have at least changed the floral pattern to some spear chucker motif at the very least.

What if you weren't a retarded fucking leaf?

Your niggers have allready a bunch of european addmixture and you are likely mixed anyway, so why maintain this synergy when it no longer exists anyway?

based retard
I fucking hate Anglos but even I know that the average Euro-American is like 98% European.

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>Your genes
mug genes muh legacy

Don't worry, half of polacks will go for atleast an asian pussy.

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Yes nigresses in america are basically quadroons if not halfies already. Its not even racemixing in strict sense anymore.

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Das Kope


Got 2 nippers in Laos, 1 in Thailand and another in Poland with its mum. Getting my tubes tied if it happens again.

How could you be that fucking bored. German nonce go get fucked by a machine.

nice try jew

>everything not pure natsoc is jewish

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Toppest of keks, my friend.

I'd rather jerk off into a public toilet than degrade myself with chimplets.

what a great catch you must be

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>Women are the bottle neck in terms of reproduction, so why be picky? Your genes will be maintained in the gene pool, even when you racemix.

Mh hm.

How do you feel about the hanging of Leo Frank, OP?

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Mutts are the first to die in the inevitable racial conflict.

>How do you feel about the hanging of Leo Frank, OP?
Imagine being a haughty jew in the USA, living the good life, owning a factory, murder raping a young white girl, and you try to blame it on a black worker by manipulating another black worker.

And an all white (aka Germanic/Celtic) judge, jury and persecution actually believe the blacks over a precious jew brotherhood starlet (Leo Frank was a member of Bnai Brith) and his elite team of jewish defense attorneys.


This has blasted and roasted their anuses in such a capacity that they created the ADL of Bnai Brith, and, since it happened in 1915, been on a crusade against white and black racial cooperation.

Any black an white racial tension of the modern time is rooted in this event.

They have not forgotten, and neither should you.

Revel in it, though.
Revel in a precious jews neck snapped, hanging from a rope, all his influence worthless.
The blacks he wanted to fall succeeded him, he died, a fucking member of the yehudim was rightfully exterminated by Germanic hands in 1915.

One of the few cases of true justice in the US.
Praise this occurence daily and arm yourself with this jew slaying sword.
It cuts deep into their shriveled black hearts.

How do you fine people feel about that Leo Frank was killed and the nigger he wanted to hang lived?
I think it's pretty good. I enjoy it thoroughly.
Definetely a destination for me to watch if time travel ever becomes a thing.

These fine Germanic Gentlemen killed a filthy jew in a grandiose spectacle way before 1945.

Check out that piss stain, ew, so much piss. How is it possible to piss yourself THIS much lmao.

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How the fuck. Where do I find white men who like brown girls?

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Marry a woman woman, breed her, and breed black queens on the side at the same time. That's my mating strategy.

Most black women will give birth anyway, so the kids might as well be half white.

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