What the fuck is wrong with white people?

what the fuck is wrong with white people?
you're complaining about blacks not thinking forward, but look at that

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It never ends well for them.

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This is horrific.

I see courage and a will to prove yourself. This is done for status.

Apply this mindset for exploring or entrepreneurship, and you might be on to why the white race is so dominant.

Watching this makes my balls hurt for some reason. Does anyone else feel a tingle in the testis due to heights?

Try not to get shot over a pair of shoes today buddy.

White people getting blacked before it caught on as a porn category

Gib liberty or gib me death

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Everything is contagious. As technology increasingly connects and governs the world, many are quick to see the benefits of this path, yet seemingly fail to see the unprecedented dangers. An existential crisis looms ahead, and instead of principled and inspired men with foresight and judgment, our leaders have become errand-boys, indirectly serving a hidden hand, caring little to nothing for their nations and citizens relative to their own self-interest.

We live at an all-important crossroads in human history... and again, due to exponential increase in technological progress, gifting those in control with the power to manipulate and destroy on a scale unknown to previous ages, this time there may not be any second chances.

There weren't any blacks around so everything was safe. I don't see what the problem is.

>swede talking about being dominant


another perspective may be that they're simply reckless attention seekers. theyre probably so called cluster b personalities.

White men are suicidal incels, white women fuck dogs

Attached: doggorino.webm (640x480, 2.57M)

i remember seeing a slav crane-top parkour video that ends with our dare devil falling vertically, displacing himself a great distance expeditiously

I miss tthe old Ally Law youtube vids... That is onencrazy little potato nigger


**falling down and displacing himself vertically a great distance expeditiously

pls post some fails.
I would love to see some russians hitting the floor.

For sure. Whenever I'm on a rollercoaster which has a steep drop I get this fuzzy feeling in my balls

No seas ignorante Jose!
Ella esta en su derecho y tu lo tienes que respetar!

Nah, these guys are retarded attention seekers and don't respect their own lives. They only appeal to neutered homos, like yourself.

shut up fag

Sauce right fucking now

your women are dogs

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Nice cope.
>monkey jealous of climbing ability
I think I see what's going on here.

> What is courage?
No surprise that a nigger asks this question.

The efforts euros need to go to ensuring white flight these days

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Youtube has all their successful runs, LiveLeak has their final one.

Is pulling a gun on cops courage? No. It's as retarded as this climbing cranes bullshit.

lmfaoo i haven't seen this in 10 years

Died hardcore as fuck you should go on social media schlomo and talk all about white niggers after all we Jews need to get rid of the Aryans

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Polish women are like 90% of bmwf couples here, stop being such a begrudging nigger because swedes are better than you

...I made it 1:33 seconds in before I had to close the video. I only lasted that long because of the wine. Holy fuck, why do people do that? This is worse than the gore videos you guys keep sharing.

Seriously, does anybody want to post a gif of an Arab woman getting stoned to death, or a cartel member getting his face cut off with a dull machete for me? I would appreciate the eyebleach.

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This shit fucking scares me

No shit frenchy that's why niggers like it where you are, because you're afraid

Any videos of some retard trying to do this for sick retweets and accidentally falling to their death?


Got the Makeb datacron earlier on my first try. Ez cash

In nature many species' males demonstrate masculinity with danger to self behaviour. For example there are birds with vivid feathers which practically make them vulnerable to predators, still their survival prove superior skills to females.
The same happening here.

it's mainly russians desu.
I was watching a video about some russian guy building a log cabin in the wilderness and out of the blue homie says he has to climb a tree to get cellular reception and he just scales a 30m tree without a second thought.

Psure Ruskis don't fear heights

>Scared of a compilation that you know won't have any deaths in it because muh adbux.
Do you also wet the bed on the regular? Fucking bitch.