Is homosexuality a mental illness or a choice?

Is homosexuality a mental illness or a choice?

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it's a choice made by mentally ill people

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If Gaping that precious white bussy is wrong, I don't wanna be right...

Imagine if you could save pic related from Sudoku by the occasional to daily dicking? There will ALWAYS be Lesser males and Lesser females: Modern society and technology just highlights them by size and scope.

Pic related seems to imply some kind of mental illness on your own part. Might want to get that checked out.

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Let’s be honest it’s becoming increasingly clear from a medical standpoint that homosexuality is a mental illness.

She is cute , what is her name ?


Why do white boys make the best femboys?

Please tell me this is in jest bulgaria-user

If it's a choice, can anyone teach me how to make that choice? I've fucking had it with women and I'm ready to just find myself a rich man to settle with. Yeah, I'll take an ass ramming here and there, but at least I'l always have money in my pocket and a roof over my head.

Kek she dumped her ugly closet faggot bf for a more decent looking but still closet faggot dude

>Is homosexuality a mental illness or a choice?

It's about to have the right amount of cleverness to realise that you must submit...

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>Let’s be honest it’s becoming increasingly clear from a medical standpoint that homosexuality is a mental illness.
He says with NO sources, just his raging boner.

>white pale skin
>pink holes
>smooth and hairless
>cute facial features

I don't know but romania is a shit hole.

It can be either but it drifts into both more often than not.
You are certainly not born with it.
Previous trauma will dictate how you react to people and scenarios.
Trauma is objective but how you deal with it is subjective and most of the time you subconsciously deal with trauma that leads to sexual deviancy.
You may also have had homosexual behaviour normalised and in most cases, encouraged.
Homosexuality has zero benifits and creates countless problems.

A choice that leads to mental illness

>Is homosexuality a choice?
i have bad news, you homo

Ancient Whites sexually selected for the genes least reactive to DHT, so they have phenotypes that reflect the least most masculine faces, generally. Consider pink, small/slender facial features, and light skin an attribute of weakness (Triggering Heroism in men), sexual maturity and you have the perfect recipe for superb femininity; the fact you can see lovebites and where you touch, and their arousal/flustering is far too powerful (E.G. My Dick Can Only Get So Hard)


It's both

Damn Chang, why are you this obsessed about whites? Your gook boyfriend not enough for you?

Listen Bruce, I know you haven't been the same since those wogs stir-fried your favorite 'roo, but maybe, just maybe, you can see that not all of us are Yellow rat bastards in disguise

thats hot im gonna go shag a man now

Este é o fim.

Listen Chang, I'm middle eastern, and I am honestly cringing at your pathetic attempts in copying niggers just because you're jealous of whites

it can be neither, it can be both.
I am gay but I am not one of those LGBT faggots who buttfucks in public, dresses like a literal demon in pride parades, or thinks its 'cute' to have a little child hold my leash while i'm in BDSM gear.

However, there is absolutely nothing wrong with smashing prime qt boipucci in the privacy of your bedroom

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I believe it comes from the fact men don't aspire to have masculine traits so much anymore. Strength is a virtue but not in this upside down world. Girls and boys are put together in class these days, and it makes boys act differently and less competitively.

her name?

God I wish it were me.