Explain this phenomenon away Civ-Nats

You dumb fucking niggers


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Look..the picture is WEIRD, okay. Not because they're all white or they appear to have money, it's just...odd. The shared pinapple pants, the almost matching haircuts even though one is a boy, the perfectly straight line they're standing in...it's odd. It's a weird, odd picture. I've seen pictures of well dressed well-to-do whites and it didn't bother me, this bothers me because it feels like somewhere in there is mental illness.

Is that why they were commenting about how it was "Hitler's dream" and literally THOUSANDS of hostile anti-white comments? Why the fuck won't you just acknowledge reality, for fuck sake the comments were there for all to see. 50,000 likes. And there's literally nothing wrong with it, you're post-hoc trying to justify racial dehumanization and animosity.

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Agreed. I don't think I could stand to be around this family for 5 minutes.

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t. anti-social reject

And yoga pants on a boy

Most of the anti white comments was from white tranny's and catmoms

>somewhere in there is mental illness
This is you. The picture seems a bit vain, but less so than your average faceberg post from lower class degenerates.

the levels of cope you fucking faggots are reaching too is incredible.

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You're projecting massively man. Its a family photo and the boy probably doesn't give a shit.

>forcing your son to wear leggings

Probably the result of inbreeding, absolutely degenerate.

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No they weren't, you're just lying because you are unable and unequipped to handle reality. You have had generations of conditioning and propaganda dumped into your head and now you can not get over the cognitive dissonance caused by plain reality.

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Nah dude, women are fucking weird and like to dress their kids in matching clothes and have them do dumb poses. Its more of an old fashioned thing, my dad has a few pictures of him as a boy with his brothers in matching clothes for photos. I think I probably do too.

What's that an excerpt from?

Democracy: The God That Failed - Hans-Hermann Hoppe

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Yes I realize a lot of people hate a white blonde family. I don't. Take it easy, fruitcake.

Niggers have the biggest inferiority complex of all time

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Your first post says other wise.

>her nose

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?? you are the one supposed to be doing the explaining, as it shows white people are just insane, self-hating degenerates

Nice job btfo'ing yourself you dumb nigger

You wrote a paragraph of cope trying to blame overt and blatant racial hostility on the fact a 4 year old boy had pineapples on his pants for a family photoshoot. You've been trained to react with particular opinions and thoughts about this kind of thing, it's obvious as fuck to anyone who's no longer brainwashed.

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C'mon retard, you wouldn't have any negative to say about this picture if it would have been mande with a pack of niggers instead of white humans.
And that goes as well for all the other retards on Twitter who krypto-hate them for being white, but lack the balls to say so openly.

Seriously stop fucking with white people.

Look! White people reproducing! Guess it's time to CHIMP THE FUCK OUT

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Name which of my points had a problem with them being white or blonde?
You too?

Oh, you can't? BTFO'd, haha! Dumbasses.

>yogapants/leggings are bad
Never done weightlifting or gymnastics huh, fatty?

Look. Stop abusing the kids, stop being WEIRD, get the fucking son out of the GODDAMN YOGA PANTS and stand in a natural formation and I'll think the picture is amazing. As it is, it's fucking weird.

Now - the hatred coming at it because it's "Hitler's wet dream" - I hope those people get literally gassed in a death camp.

I'm sorry if you think I'm anti-white. I'm frothing at the mouth pro-white but I'm not closing ranks on a bizarre picture with an over-controlling mom as normal. Husband probably can't stand that bitch.

Almost all the security staff on Frankfurt Airport is terrorism affinity muzzies and niggers.
Image, you as a white get checked for weapons and explosives by a muzzie shitskin.

No becuase I'm hetrosexual

That boy is TOO Cute!

It's a normal fucking picture that mom's always take, suggesting otherwise if fucking insane. You're even coming up with some bullshit speculation about how she's over-controlling and her husband hates her. Look man, you might be pro-white but what I'm getting at is the propaganda affects all of us. We aren't immune to decades of this shit being broadcasted at us, there's more than a good chance whatever negative feelings you have towards it were instilled in you by a foreign (((people))).

they matched outfits and took a corny picture. like a mommy would do. this shit really exposed twitter for all being niggers with single mothers who were never involved in their lives.

>>yogapants/leggings are bad
>Never done weightlifting or gymnastics huh, fatty?

Why wearing leggings as a male in te gym? Who you wanna want to attract.... the BBC?

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Cope you lonely angry faggot

>there is global warming
OF course the smart thing is to have 4 kids in the most CO2/capita area of world.

You seem very insecure about your masculinity, so I doubt it.
When you're doing olympic weightlifting or powerlifting, there are certifiable benefits from wearing gym leggings, yes. A DYEL fat incel that talks shit on Yas Forums all day wouldn't know that, though.

seethe more shitskin

good thing there's literal billions of chinks, niggers, and indians dumping as much plastic in the ocean as possible to match this family carbon footprint. lmao, you're fucking pathetic

>Inb4 kike mods with a power fantasy from being bullied at school delete this thread again.

Alright. I'm not going to become some fake clone for the sake of any cause - not even white nationalism.

I hope the family is a nice. They look like they have good genes and they should reproduce more. If I walked into this shit in my home I'd stare at my wife with a small grin wondering what the fuck was going on, and then get my son out of the yoga pants.

This picture is too politically charged, I think, for anyone to be accepted giving an organic opinion about it. It's about white survival.

Well, I think whites should survive regardless of my opinions. To all you faggots who hate this picture because they're white, I hope the fucking death squads kick down your door and either drag your ass off to the country you belong in or put you in a mass grave.

The end. You guys have a nice night.

>Edgy irritable gymbro
Many such cases

The comments clearly didn't have a problem with the aesthetic.

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Am I the only person that see the rear prop of the stationary bike perfectly line up with the boy's crotch like a large black dong?

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Its a advertisement you dumb nigger.

I'm not a "gymbro".
I do a sport.
But of course, you're clueless and think weightlifting is bodybuilding or some gymbro shit.

Here we go. Do you want them to lose their livelihoods? Me too

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