but we're way better at pushing our interests than maybe 95% of your countries.
I mean after 109+ attempts don't you think it's time you admitted that you can't get rid of us? you might as well just join us at this point
but we're way better at pushing our interests than maybe 95% of your countries.
I mean after 109+ attempts don't you think it's time you admitted that you can't get rid of us? you might as well just join us at this point
Other urls found in this thread:
using demons is cheating desu
That wall is from a stable built by Crusaders btw
I don't think anyone is denying the fact that you're very good at what you do. Despite wanting to gas all of you, one has to give credit where credit is due, what you've done is quite amazing.
Based Aipac chad. Using american assests for their betterment Based
nobody denies a tapeworm is good at what it does but nobody wants to be a tapeworm Moshe
If I could travel back to any point in history, I would go to Cyrus the Idiot, known as Kourosh in Persian language, and kill him. I would take the throne and go on a campaign to kill every single last Jew without exception. I would form a temporary truce with Babylonians to round up and massacre every single last Jew and use their corpses for artistic purposes.
If I had the power to go to any point in history, then I would do this. There would be no Judaism, Pisslam, or Cuckstianity then. None of these religion would exist, and you would all be a sect of Zoroastrianism most likely.
The 110th time will be your demise. First 109x we were taking it easy on you
Look at Jared standing like a schoolgirl over there
your crusaders deus vult ancestors literally hewed and chistled off bits of the fucking foundation stone to sell to pilgrims for shekels. you're even more jewy that literal jews
>I mean after 109+ attempts
Taking virtue in being the most disliked country on earth.
kek. you cunts wouldn't have done that yourselves, nope not at all
We thought we were getting rid of you when we gave you that whole in the desert you call israel
well, you can't. and even if the technology existed, it'd probably just create a new quantum timeline and not influence this one at all. and even if it did, then we would probably just spend some shekels to make sure neither you nor anyone else knows about it existing
How can I join the Jews?
I am willing to poison goyshe children for a Mizrahi wife with a fat ass.
foreskins gotta go
no more pork bratwurst
and you have to find a jewess on your own
first two are optional though since all your kids will be jews anyway
>you might as well just join us at this point
It's a curse to be a Jew, I wouldn't wish it on anybody.
>How can I join the Jews?
Fucking your own mother would be a good start.
doesn't seem so bad from the inside
Fuck you, filthy g*y.
Thats a good plot for Back to the Future 4
A bitch that will constantly be demanding material goods and really loves only money. Nice face though.
Aw shit, an emotional reaction. You sure told me buddy.
thoughts on amerijews?
fuck off before we send them again
I'm took a bath, and it felt good to rub my ass with the soap made from your grandmother's limbs
entirely depends on who they voted for
I'm part of the 5%.
I mean as citizens in general. Imagine if our 6-8 million bergs and steins all aliyah'd to israel all at once. would you be excited?
vielleicht solltest du mal den Mearsheimer lesen und hier nicht so das Maul aufreißen
entirely depends on who they voted for
I don't want a single obama/clinton voter here
Find Jewish roots means DNA test if you are Israelita you can be Jewish and apply for nationality of Israel
Dont expext miracles or what ever on "Jewish Heaven" bc they are going out US fuck!!!
dude you're at like the 50% percentile at most
As all women does... Nice trick INCEL
They can have Shariah as long as they stay in London and pay my pension.
wait, i can join you guys??? wtf, of course i want to be on the winning team. sign me up!