This ''kek magic'' is pure larping, stop being silly.
This ''kek magic'' is pure larping, stop being silly
Other urls found in this thread:
You are a faggot.
Your digits display you are wrong
Are you really autistic enough to feel the need to proclaim this? Kek will rape you first after the water turns him gay.
>This ''kek magic'' is pure larping, stop being silly.
He doesn't know.....kek
I thought so too, but then those digits have me convinced.
you are the silly man, OP.
rbg dies tonight
This ''kek magic'' is pure larping, stop being silly.
Unlimited pooooooweer.
>Kek isn't real
So explain your numbers
Sometimes life is stranger than fiction.
>he doesn't know
The only thing I have to ask: if bugmen are not ok, but the Frog (bug eating reptile) is ok, so wich one anons?
>You associate yourselves with it?
Kek disrespected OP back with that 1 digit off
shut up upside down indonesia. i hope you get cancer of the balls, they get surgically removed and you have to sit down to pee for the rest of your pathetic leif.
Tragic waste of quints avoided, wew
>kek magic is silly
faganon is off by one
You could have had it all, now look at you. Fishing for (You)'s in the cold.
Well let me tell you something. I've seen things. I've seen... Numbers. Numbers that come out of nowhere. No explanation. No fucking reason. Least that's what they want you to think.
Last time I saw septs I got goosebumps. user told me not to focus on it, told me it was that devil shit.
But I saw his fuckin' post ID. '7yScare8d'. How the fuck you gonna explain that? Huh?
All these people posting around, like there aint no higher power driving them, they don't notice the doubles, they only notice the singles. An' if you point out the doubles? What do they do. They hide it. Say it doesn't exist.
I've seen Anons, say that meme magic ain't real, and where the fuck are they now? Fucking vanished. Ain't no one ever seen 'em again.
Is kek magic real? The fuck should I know? But I do know something. You don't fuck, with what you don't know. And how do I know this shit? Well, take a look at my numbers, and tell me that ain't divine.
lmao you are leik a babby
Kek magic is completely real. Unfortunately the memes being created today lack the power to manifest it. With greater memes comes greater meme magic.
lmaoing at those numbers lad
Oh no, don't doubt kek.
Misfortune will befall your line.
ur gonna die fagit