??? White Utopian Libertarianism ???

>Socialism is bad in theory because not everybody is equal. In a white ethnostate, it may work, however, kind of like national socialism.
Isn't the same thing true for capitalism? Whites don't exploit our planet and our "workers", the 2% do.

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all forms of leftism are bad and only lead to corruption, capitalism is free of that

>capitalism is free of that
Not as long as you perpetuate it, your Lordship Rothschild.
Besides, national-socialism is not left-wing populism. Hitler is not fucking Bernie Sanders. That's just typical cuckservative shitposting.

>socialism isnt left
i think you might be retarded my dude

>there's only one axis, left and right! Purely economical, and once you get far enough from the center, things become authoritarian

so who's the retard?

Is " Duch " you know the new IQ of them ...

if you go left you become authoritarian if you go right you become libertarian

Stop using anti statist colors you nazi piece of shit.


Why not Dutch?

That actually makes sense. I always believed left-wing anarchist are not true anarchists because they want to rely on daddy for their gibs, as socialists.
But what about fascism? Weren't they extremely rightist people who also had strong government?

How does anti-statism make me a nazi exactly? Weren't nazis authoritarian?
And if you dislike anti-statism, then why are you using an anarchist flag?

Pinochet regime, but with a social support system to counter exploitative jobs and a social regulation of monopolies in there area ( until a competitor arises). Strong advertisement of national, sovereign and self improvement values.
pledge that authority and accountability must always go together to repell tyranny and slavery.
rules of debate in lawmaking ( to keep the matters close to reality and fight fallacious subversive elements)

ND is full of no natives, no sense of discursions for it... Bc living on welfare and be a jonkie/whore on Communist heaven is the top for them ...

Low IQ < More communist

why always statism? It gets so tiring...

the state shall be build with a minarchist system, but strong powers for emergencies, against subversion and a strong propaganda arm. the citizens mmust have the right to free speech and to bear arms. ( limit of free speech: removal of the basic laws and freedom, destruction of the folk of any kind or any attempt, subversive ankor elements)

>left-wing anarchist
thats pretty much an oxymoron like 'democratic socialism' or 'capitalist communism'
that being said countries like usa are halfway to being corporate socialism where corporations serve as intermediaries , do what the elites want in exchange for government regulations that prevent anyone from competing with them and bailouts when they fuck up.

i take the pinochet system as a base and turn it to a minarchist system, that enforces minarchy and national values with an iron fist, but is by multiple systems prevented from doing more.

Oversocialized degenerates cling to different forms of collectivism because they can feel strong and worthy only from projecting themselves onto a group. This is why both leftism and national socialism attract faggots and incels.

On the other hand neolibertarianism is Jewish in that it bases itself on complete individualism and as also attracts mentally ill extremists.

The best solution is minarchism, paleolibertarianism and paleotraditionalism.

This is called the Volkish wordview. This was a movement in Germany before the NSDAP highjacked its core racial tenants and made an urbanite political party out of it.

>what about fascism?
Facsicm is essentialy the end goal of socialism. It's ultimate collectivism as the individual is dissolved into the state.

It's only capitalist because who cares how the economy is run if the state owns you ultimately? Much like China.

Everything is contagious. As technology increasingly connects and governs the world, many are quick to see the benefits of this path, yet seemingly fail to see the unprecedented dangers. An existential crisis looms ahead, and instead of principled and inspired men with foresight and judgment, our leaders have become errand-boys, indirectly serving a hidden hand, caring little to nothing for their nations and citizens relative to their own self-interest.

We live at an all-important crossroads in human history... and again, due to exponential increase in technological progress, gifting those in control with the power to manipulate and destroy on a scale unknown to previous ages, this time there may not be any second chances.

Well yes, that's similar to what happened in the Industrial Revolution which lead to the birth of socialism to "combat" it, no?
That sounds great. I would by standard identify as a national-minarchist. I made this thread to look for arguments that would support such a system.

But Fascism, despite being economically socialist, is extremely rightist because it's a nationalist ideology... So many commies and socialists are anti-nationalist. They have destroyed all national or racial struggle and replaced it with class struggle, while Fascism stays in the cultural struggle.

So it's possible?
What does that have to do with purely white capitalism?

Are we slipping into a degenerated and cheapened state of being, gradually and seamlessly enough to avoid recognition or alarm?

A lowered 'frequency' is all-pervasive, and it's end result is a less natural, pure, and worthwhile existence.

Only the restoration of vigilance, an active intolerance to poisons, renewed discipline and a restoration of traditional high culture has the potential to act as a citadel capable of cultivating and protecting the type of lofty and transcendent beauty, the type that acts as the driving fire of human greatness.

Its possible but unfortunately it is not a coherent ideology. You will not find a manifesto for this.

Yes. Surprise all theories require virtuous people.

What about pic related?
Ok, that's more clear. Nice trips.

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Capitalism and socialism are both toxic. Embrace a third position. Equality is a social construct, but all members of the nation should be taken care of.

Capitalism is a shit system only fuelled by muh free market and any mention of state owned shit to the capitalist sheep = SOCIALIST!!!!!. Authotarian Dictatorship with a Mixed Economy is better as it brings balance to the market and a strong leader

Capitalism and liberalism is for inequality by nature. They prefer freedom over it.
Assuming that capitalism is the farthest right economical system, and communism/socialism is the farthest left economical system, then the solution to both problems should be somewhere in between. I would be guessing nationalist minarchism, would that be correct?
Stop sucking state cock.

Ok libertarian faggot. The state is better than your libertarian needs

Nationalist minarchism, not exactly. The excesses of capitalism can create degeneracy and have a negative effect on the workers.

Have you never studied history? Do you not understand state tyranny? At leasy 70% of you statist faggots would starve (if commies) or complain about the fact that this isn't the "white families protect themselves with guns and kkk robes from hordes of niggers with no gubbermint to infringe on their free speech" they wanted (if fashies).