Let's go

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Ruski ruski ruski ruski ruski monkey monkey monki monki monki putin is a mooonkyy

le monke


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Is this off topic too, jannies? I wonder if it's possible for jannies to collectively fuck themselves?

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Fuck off nigger.
sincerely lit-croat-user

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Crimea is Russia! Suck dick, fagot

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Based Ruski. I regret the fact that our countries want us to hate each other.

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>Another wild post from the Albanian poster
Never stop, my sweet.

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Shut the fuck up you subhuman piece of trash

Houston, we have a problem

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>Loves England
>Dislikes Germany
Hello jew.

Dare I say based.
Would drown you in the Adriatic sea 10/10

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Why would you go to Albania, kosovo nigger?


I'm surprised you got Lithuania right on the map, user.
Are burgers evolving?


>It doesn't matter what color Crimea is because I hate you all
Serb in Bosnia?? Please tell the retarded Bosniaks to stop coming to my country, my city is full of them, they've been coming ever since the war. It's to the point where Bosnian is listed as a third language in Hospitals right next to English and Spanish.
Blow it out your ass, next you'll say "No more brother wars"
Get a proper flag, fag.

This is a complete meme that has left an impression on eurofags because they felt superior

Would shoot your ass till we reach there

>MFW a muslim is more based than most White posters.

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are you retarded balkan fag?

there is a serbian republic in Bosnia

Cuz its my second country, yey.

Amerifat here. Everything falls apart when I get to Eastern Europe. Them shits have crazy names

love you östenreich

No more brother wars, mutt. I'm fine with war on Americans though, because you long ago lost the right to call yourself European.

Your all the fucking same

everything for the vaterland

You like bloodsucking niggers and you dislike people that pay for everything ?

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Nah fren, I'm very happy to be anonymous when starting shit with others, no reason to give a bad name to my country.