Listen FAGGOTS, Aliens chose to land HERE IN AMERICA not in YUROP or CHENA.

Stay fuckin' mad

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Other urls found in this thread:


ay lmao

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this. aliens consider the usa to be the global government because it’s true. euros, chinks, poo, slavs, kikes, spics and niggers BTFO

Lads why do the lmao threads keep getting deleted? I was just in one that was active and someone posted a pic saying save this before it’s deleted, obviously I was a mong and didn’t save it but it was some grey on a table & looked like it was leaking blood out of what looked like ear holes, what’s going on here? I jeep seeing people saying stuff about the photo getting deleted almost as soon as it’s posted

that's because you border mexico you idiot

You know, since this shit thread isn't gonna go anywhere this Rothschild had very interesting words about aliens. All that shit is just a farce, but the part where he rubs it into our faces that the actual aliens is a parasite that is our subconcious mind was the strangest thing he said.

This guy is probably the most legit there is, and even now I wonder what he meant by that. He was going full pilpul, also the whole eating meat is also technically blood sacrifice.

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Obviously a very enlightened individual very clever.


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Very interesting view the psychopath holds. So "Kill" applies to all animals, hate energy is why "Turn the Other Cheek" still persists and its basically also applying to animals, and yes it is your solemn duty to teach your kids the right ways and make sure they too have children. The only thing you're actually allowed to eat is apparently pure vegetables, etc.
Yet there is something there about his words that just seems inherently wrong, clearly there is something he is hiding. Something "at stake" and I guess nobody bothered to ask why they hate Christ so much that they defile his works, or why the gospel of all things would cause a change in people just by reading it.

There is just a lot he isn't telling you, like what is at stake that they're going through all this effort. Plus something inherently wrong about his view that I can't quite place, my intuition tells me there is something.

>be ayyyyy
>have big feet
>go to america
>niggers think you have limited edition yeezies
>they kill you rape you and still your feet

steal* fucking retarded anglos and their retarded language

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Aliens are flat earthers

Wait, no wait, yeah I get it now. Why God hates them and wants to smite their asses forever and kept doing it every time those snakes would show up. The fatal flaw of the psychopath mindset and why they're considered Evil and not just sinners like the rest of us.
>One other thing...If you knew what it tasted like, you would take the deal as well.
I was over thinking everything, right, the most important thing. I always do this. It's the blood libel, they're not just killing you and naively eating something you explicitly shouldn't. They're eating souls, the souls of children especially both from your pineal gland and through the blood.

Fuck me, that's it. That is the fundamental reason they're all so Evil that you can feel it looking at them. Its all so simple.


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Very unsettling read.

It gets worse as you go, his humor is as lame as the implications are terrifying.

What the hell is up with RH- blood? Like those people are a different species.


I could make it go somewhere but honestly I'm very tired and discouraged right no--
Plebadians fuck off and take your space jewry with you, look at the bugass draconicuck standing right there in the back. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

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>Aliens chose to land HERE IN AMERICA
Repeat that please

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to be fair it was really their only choice
only one nation had a magician strong enough to accomplish the babylon working successfully

The only aliens that crashed in america are kike faggotry in hollywood

I have never seen this before, rock or wood?

I would assume rock.

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Watch Vikings from the history Channel. They hint at aliens there as well (both by carvings and an actual ufo lol). If you looked into it, and the shit was actually real, it could be either rock or wood.
Bear in mind though, these are the people who tried to sell the idea that "Allah" was stitched (backwards) into viking attire.

Making first contact at skinwalker ranch
wish me luck bros

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Exactly. The pyramids are their base.

What is the source of these images? I'm really curious. Please also check Brien Forester's youtube channel, you'd be amazed to see the skeletons of those elongated humanoids... given if that carving is real in the first place.

The one with the computer is very fake. But there are alleged carvings depicting alien-like entities in scandi countries. Just be discerning. You could always just use the site provided "search Google for this image".
Try it with this one too. Can't believe how many smoothbrains believe it's real. (Alex Jones)

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