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what about it ?

Fuck this is really not a good look.

Apparently Mnuchin is sending out the Trumpbux really fast. This is amazing. And with Ross and Kudlow there, there will absolutely not be a bunch of liberal bullshit to shut things down forever. It'll be fine.

But it better be a fucking home run if you're gonna stick your fucking kids on it. Jfc. How is that worth the risk if things go bad? Wtf are those two really gonna bring to the fucking table?

>food on screen
could you at least act white

Lol is this for real?

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Optixfags out

based /our guy/ mnuchin

Nah the president hired his other jewish son in law and converted daughter

Optics need to come 2nd to everything functional.


ok boomer

lmao so it wasn't a meme all along.

My brother said his bank account had a pending deposit of trumpbux yesterday.
unemployment processing is still fucked.


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Everything needs to collapse, we need mass riots, chaos in the streets, public executions and mass deportations faggot.

Unemployment is state by state. Pretty sure most of the people who weren't already on it are gonna have to wait a long ass time.

Trump said 80mil people get the Trump bux by Wednesday. That's actually pretty fucking incredible.

>Wtf are those two really gonna bring to the fucking table?

Mass death and recurrent lock downs, which won't go over well with the normies, but it'll be lulz worthy.

There's no opening back up with Corona-Chan. The is beyond certain.

is 80 million everyone?
That seems low. Add in the the top 10% of earners who do not get trumpbux.
90 million productive tax paying citizens?

Texas is going to open first. Between April 23rd-May 1st.
Their cases will explode and lockdown will resume between Memorial day weekend and June 10th.
texans infecting people from other states. Risking Texas flipping blue and Republicans nationally taking blame.

I know I signed up 2 weeks ago, fucking joke.

I doubt it's everyone. But there's 330mil people. I dunno how many eligible. 80mil are children. So 200mil+. 80 is a huge chunk.

I don’t qualify cause self employed, but I need it more than you wage cucks.

Cute fanfic again. More boomers, late-millennials, and zoomers starting their careers here clawing at their doors to get out than there are wanting to stay locked up. Niggers stay in their respective wards and are placated by gibs anyway. Keep writing retarded shit like this though

When people are dropping dead all over, no one will be clawing to go back to work, this is for sure.

Mortality is 10-15% with no control, which includes 1/4 young people there.

Life ain't ever going back to how it was for the normies.

90 million plus 80 million children

170 million. So the remaining 150 million are self employed or on gibmedats(including boomers) during 3% unemployment?

Nepotism and cronyism on display.

Fuck em, let that north mexican province burn.

M8, look at our demographics. We’re barely hurting and Texas is the last state that likes having the fed telling them what to do. It’s nonstop bitching about getting back to work, people still don’t give a fuck about it here and likely wouldn’t still if it wiped out 10% of our people. Besides, niggers are buying the farm and they’re the ones cramped up in the cities. Katrina niggers venku

LMAO the number is NOT that fucking high you dipshit.

Mortality rate is 3% OF THE PEOPLE who got the test, which are the most severe cases.

Actual mortality rate is less than .5% you retard.

>So the remaining 150 million are self employed or on gibmedats(including boomers) during 3% unemployment
Could’ve just searched this, workforce is 155.7 million atm


cry about it pussy

What's everyone talking about?

Half those "people" are kikes. You are getting neither optics nor results

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Good goy

Yep, 13,906 confirmed, 208 dead, 2,269 recovered. 2% mortality, 16% recovery

Trayvon Martin was a good boy.

What was gamer gate all about?

It has taken me 4 years to realize that Ivanka married Jared and didn't change her name. She didn't even hyphenate it.


Yeah that is pretty fucking terrible.

Fuck off doomerfag and stop wasting your money on superchats

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That means she is a sjw liberal. She is going to take Trump down.