How could this documentary not metion the JQ once

Not going to say this isn't doing any good but seriously how could they not mention "Them" once. This is the equivalent of when Alex Jones said Saudis run the media kek

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Because they wanted to make a documentary, not get murdered

Would you feed a newborn an 8 oz steak? No you have to start them off with milk. This is milk for normies. Same reason you don't hit normies with a 6 hour William Cooper lecture to start. The people this will reach can't sit through 4 hours of Jordan Peterson or Bill Schnoebelen.


3:12 , guess what that is?

Jordan Peterson kek he appeals to lost men who are losers. Imagine thinking he doesn't appeal to normies.


You can't just name the jews like that. even hitler knew you had to be subtle!

a member of the merchant's guild, you stupid fucking mutt

this, you can never ever, under any condition, tell the truth

keep consuming alt-lite and boomer red team vs blue team politics

>even hitler knew you had to be subtle!

Meant to say Jordan Maxwell not "Peterson"

>mention jews are behind it
>get banned from YouTube
Didn’t mention the elephant in the room now could that be?

I'm not clicking on your virus site!


Probably because the ADL runs youtube censorship and would have their video removed. You can teach people about Epstein but not that hes a jews working for Zionist mega group and Israel.

Jew pill is the final pill. It was for all of us, right?

But it must eventually be done directly, otherwise we are simply loosing the game they have set.

No, never directly.
>muh optics
>muh plan
Don’t be a wignat

its da Nazis and the Pedo Elites!!!!!!!

load of shit.

No one gives a fuck anymore dipshit, there is no political solution. Bombard as much truth to as many people in as many ways as we possibly can.


holy shit, that little boomer video didn't actually blame it on Nazis, did it?

>the final pill
LMAO you fucks are so ignorant and ignore what is above the jewish smokescreen

shut the fuck up /x/ nigger

The documentary isn't for us. It isn't for people who have already been redpilled. It's an intro for normies. You can't hit normies with the JQ right off the bat because they've been inoculated against it by brainwashing. This is very simple and anyone who doesn't understand it will NEVER redpill anyone.



No it didn't

>Jew pill is the final pill.
Nope. Bloodline families, inter-dimensional beings... stopping at the Jew is a mistake desu.

This is glaringly obvious, but shills will do anything to try and discredit this MASSIVE redpill that is smashing through the normies right now.

Attached: 1584703592716.jpg (979x979, 220.84K)

Watched this last night and when that came up I tuned out and went to sleep. Classic alensky tactics and rather boring
>inb4 muh based stuntmen
They're faggots

3 million people watched it yesterday, thats crazy! it's spreading so fast! people are waking up to being hypnotized to consumerism and living some fake tv life, things are going to only get worse, it hasn't even started yet, it's going to get worse fast! toilet paper run was just a fake run, wait for the empty shelf food runs comming up in the next few weeks

>above the jewish smokescreen
WHAT IS above the jewish smokescreen?

Hey dipshit, no one redpills anyone, people redpill themselves.

I just sat through the whole thing. Very mild dose of red pill, and way too slow. I give it a 4/10.

disinfo like this is everywhere. so disheartening bros