Assuming white people are the lost 10 tribes of Israel and the Jews we know today are the Synagogue of Satan, would YHWH be the God of white people?
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Jews are white.
Memeflags are jews
we are the chosen people, nice nitpicking in that picture
The Holocaust was white genocide.
Then why do you call yourselves Israelis and not Israelites?
Jews are khazars
The mustache fell off that groucho marx disguise
we dont call ourselves in english
No doubt about it, Israel's young Russian women are hot.
Who said the chosenites must look good?
Jews are not the chosen ones.
You're rats given human form. Your every religious celebration is a celebration of your people's survival.
Then they fucked up, wandered the desert, and denied the son. Chosen-status was lost long ago, they’re just in denial
I hate edgy twitter pagans
>look how redpilled I am guys
No self awareness at all
Jewish fairy tales are fake and gay, but as Whites become a minority everywhere we will probably need to create an ethnocentric religion like Judaism. Call it Aryanism or Goydaism or whatever.
The Bible is White history. Google "White Israelites", you'll not find a smidge of information on the idea. Not even some attack that it's an anti semitic white supremacist hate ideology, just nothing at all.
Have you heard of any "redpill" that's completely 100% scrubbed from the face of the internet and mocked and ridiculed, to the point of seething anger, as this? It should make you think.
Kek. God creates beauty everywhere, except with Jews fucking faces
>just enough Jew to be Jew
>Rest is clearly Slav
not gonna lie, your queen is pretty hot
but ours are finer
Hijacking European genetics to wash away your middle east ugliness.
They are God's chosen people. Problem is the only God you know is Yahweh and basically you're fucking stupid. That's a demon, and christcucks worship him too despite reforming their religion to be more like Zoroastrianism, where Jesus is half Spenta Mainyu half Mithras. You don't understand what the light really is, therefore you still feed the darkness.
Jewish beauty is in their character and morals
The Jews are demon spawn dude, thus they reflect demons in appearance. They're corrupted thought of Melkor, sent to do its bedding and prepare the world for the coming of darkness. Read the Silmarillion.
Enlighten us user?
D1sc0rd l1nk: NXYxEP
Christ is I AM (Ehyeh)
That appeared in the burning bush to Moses and said tell them Ehyeh sent you, thus tell them Yahweh sent you.
Christ is the one that gave them the name Yahweh to use for The Divine.
Nah more like you're nitpicking, most of y9ur people look lik3 Woody Allen including the Jewess in the picture