Paedophiles trying to become parrt of LGBT

Pic related is the flag of the MAPs (minor attracted people). They seem to try to spread "awareness" about their condition and want to join the lgbt. The thing is that the fags want to distance themselves from those paedos. Can you guys meme them into lgbt so that we can strike them down for good?

Attached: MAPs_Flag.jpg (850x550, 17.22K)

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Are MAPS really a huge thing? I barely ever see anything on social media on these guys. Don't get me wrong I'm fully aware of what MAPS are but I dont ever see these guys getting alot of support.

gbts are already pedos tho

I already hate the L, the B, the T, and anything else trying to attach to my G. No more letters please unless it's the D.

we started this meme here years ago but reddit fags alerted the media, i dont think it can take off again

pedophiles were always part of lgbt
that was the whole point of lgbt movements but they are always walking in same parades and hang in same places

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what a garbage flag design

Bullshit. I want nothing to do with faggots.

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Why wouldn't they be?
They can be LGBTQP+ to me for all I care.

It's not as if a fag is any less offensive than a pedo to me anyway.

No and the LGBT community is generally hostile pedophiles trying to co-opt their umbrella of "queerness" or whatever you'd call it. Most of my lefty friends post memes mocking them like "To any pedophiles out there who feel marginalized, persecuted, misunderstood scared... As I queer person, I just what to whole-heartedly let you know uwu... You deserve the hate and I hope it gets worse for you."
I have observed some lefties trying a different approach to pedophiles and suggesting that it may be better to be less hostile to them and instead treat them like mentally-ill people who need therapy and treatment for the purpose of protecting kids, arguing that forcing them into secrecy lets them stay covert and seek out communities with other pedophiles.
Ironically, a lot of them seem to be totally jazzed with child drag queens, which given how sexually charged and filled with drugs that scene is, is basically throwing them to the wolves because suggesting otherwise wouldn't be very woke. From what I've seen, this is mostly due to willful ignorance and fear of getting accused of homo/transphobia rather than a conscious effort to create a grooming pipeline for pedophiles. Not that it's an excuse.

ok, let's make it happen

>mentally-ill people who need therapy and treatment
so where we were with gays in the 1950s

But they still are mentally ill in Romania. That's what we're being taught anyways

All the LGBTBBQPPDAPBRAPP freaks I've argued with have seemed pretty defensive of them. "Oh, they're just people, they need validation and support and resources."
Let it alone and watch it burn itself down. Don't associate with any faggot no matter its flavor. No one can save the mess they've turned themselves into.

Attached: LGBTQP.png (850x550, 397.44K)

Fuck you, your already pedophiles. I hope your entire shitty movement is completely and righteously slandered and that your forced back into the closet.


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Consenting adults vs prepubescent children being manipulated by an adult, user.

I always see Japanese comments wondering why they aren't part of LGBT already since it's just as much of a mental illness as being homosexual.

reminder oroginal gay rights activists were all part of NAMBLA and pro pedos. reminder that pizza wasnt banned till the late 70s. reminder of all the weird af love is love family incest/pedo cults that the original fag movements branched off of.

It will happen. Give it time

Heraldic interpretation of flag:
"We cum and piss on girls and boys alike"

They've been trying for decades, faggot.

There on Twitter mostly

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I've seen more Yas Forumslacks advocate for child brides because it's "trad" and the only way to ensure she's a virgin than prominent LGBT activists promote pedophilia as a practice.

I'm fine with that, people will finally revolt.

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it's ok when we do it though

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They’ve always been part of it.

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cunnychads rise up

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inb4 elementary schools start bringing in people to fuck our children.

All faggots are kiddie fuckers.

Disgusting. Shoot them