Yas Forums uncuck a brother

what is the method to uncuck someone who was previously chad level?

> brother was Chad in high school, had many women and last a stable relationship, traditional confident man
> at college he met the succubus who introduced him to feminism
> now then, 12 years later the succubus gave him only 2 kids, no marriage because thats partirarchy
> sucubus then divorced him and left him with the kids!

now get this, I was expecting he would move out of their house and get uncucked and ditch this feminist, then start over with a 24 year old trad wife
but no! his mind is still weak!
he bought the house and payed the succubus ex, then he still allows her to come over!
she is dating, but he doesnt have time to since the kids are living with him!

when I tell him, brother, wtf are you doing, he gets all angry and defensive
told him, get on tinder get those thots and you make them into a woman, move out, stop being a weak pussy
stop thinking weakness is strength

nothing works

is it even possible to remove feminist mindvirus?

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tl;dr. Yas Forums is not your personal life coach/therapist. fuck you. fix yourself or fuck off and kys, faggot.

he loves the demon
not much you can do at this point except maybe explain how fucked his kids will be with such a mother

well at least she gave him children, i think youre underestimating how much men will put up with women so long as that woman is the mother of their children. cucks will worship women whove done nothing for them, but usually even decent men find it hard to treat their baby mamas crappily (species niggerus americanus notwithstanding obv). if she is truly fucked up too it is better he have the kids, esp if he has a daughter. but indeed, encourage him to move past her and not let her live there if shes dating around wtf.

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Yeah unless you explain that if he doesnt man up his kids are going to have a horrible outlook on manhood for the rest of their life he is pretty much mindfucked.

> now then, 12 years later the succubus >gave him only 2 kids, no marriage because thats partirarchy
> sucubus then divorced him and left him with the kids!

How does this make sense? How is it cucked? There are a lot of cumdumpsters out there. Thank God she abandoned her children and left them with him. The kids might actually have a shot at a decent life.

the kids are already behind their peers and fat
told him look the kids are getting fat what is wrong, he just shrugged it off
told him, look the kid is intelligent he could learn anything, brother just "so he should learn", well not if you dont faciliate it
it went nowhere

Brother is a weakling and degenerate, you should have beat him up by now, i.e. you're also a bitch.

Shit thread

>> succubus then divorced him and left him with the kids!

He won

The only righteous thing to do at this point is murder the succubus.


how did he win
he gets to feed them, cook, clean, get too tired to do anything fun, and when it is weekend they go to her place.

>no marriage

>no marriage
>divorced him


no church marriage
having kids, living in same house gives same tax benefits as church marriage anyway
she took 50% of his all stuff and he had to pay for her part of the house

Is that natalia poklonskaya? Looks a little like her.

is this only a board for whining?
no actions to uncuck?

Try showing media that celebrates masculinity, that might work.
If you give him a book he probably won't read it. So watch a movie with him.

This kind of thing can't be fixed with reason, it's a matter of an underlying set of self-expectations and principles.
Propaganda still works, and it's not always bad.
He was probably constantly influenced by only man-denigrating things demonizing masculinity his whole married life, and apolitical people especially don't detect what's happening to them.

Shooting guns , watching the tv show Spartacus and riding a motocross .

give redpill movies like this?
where they show strong handling women like weak pussies they are
without being too obvious macho like

It's not about strong handling women. It's not necessarily about women at all. It's about role models that demonstrate self-respect, not being a simp naturally comes along with that.

I'm not very Yas Forums desu, but here's some
>demolition man
>Blade runner
>LOTR too I guess
>pulp fiction
>running man (never watched myself, but told it's good)

If they weren't married, why did he have to pay for anything, especially if it was his house?

Also, the passion of christ of course. It's easter and all

>The tourist (more lighthearted)
>Braveheart (not seen it, but pretty sure it's good)

It's hard to remember stuff off the top of my head, maybe some Yas Forums user can help out.

thanks bro
such is the law, living together for X years and having kids. no church wedding, a divorce means 50% split

>no marriage
>divorced and left with the kids

Something doesn't add up.

ffs, no church wedding. the civil marriage is in effect even without signing anything, such is the law. live together for some years + kids together, that is treated like marriage by the courts when splitting up

Oh, rocky as well of course, the first one.
Fight club too maybe

some romance ones:
>west side story
>true romance

And the most based movie of all time: The Princess Bride

>didnt marry

>No marriage
>Divorce though

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That's fucked up.

You can't save him, he cucked himself for too long. The fact that he accepted to live with her and have children without marriage means he's under her spell.