Do you think motorbikes will be banned by governments for being too dangerous?

do you think motorbikes will be banned by governments for being too dangerous?

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I think they'll ban driving for being too dangerous

more likely being banned because it's not a mass transport

Yes. But I'll probably die on mine before that ever happens.

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they made me feel alive but they are dangerous as fuck, I don't want to make my mother cry for an andrenaline high

come here fucking zoomer so I can slap you until you turn into fucking man

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They basically fucking are here

It depends on how much they need organ doners.

Motorcycles, Scooters, Motorized bikes, mopeds, and Ebikes are all incredibly based. May two wheeled transportation always reign supreme. Bonus points if you build it or customize it yourself.

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They will be banned until a vaccine can be created. Make sure to get your ID chip updated or the police will confiscate your bike!

When will they ban niggers for being too dangerous?

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shut up insecure faggot

>It depends on how much they need organ doners.
>hahaha muh organ donner kebab meme
do regular organs even work for you abominaciones de las Americas after you ve strayed so far from the regular human genome?

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Based toothpaste.

The moment they ban them is the moment I go full rebel

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motorcycles are boomer remover plan b.

Its only dangerous if it can be used by white people

Eventually, I could see it happening in say 100 years.
You get enough busybodies in government trying to solve every problem. If AI cars are mature for a few decades, eventually everyone will have one, and they'll ban human driving on public roads for safety reasons.
Then it's just a hop and a skip to motorcycles.
Cuck scooters and < 1hp electric bicycles will be tolerated.

I don't want this to happen at all, but I can easily see us heading down that road.


now that you said that, all memes aside, you are somewhat correct
especially when it comes to racemixed individuals - they can not donate anything, besides blood, but even that indicates some bad interactions with any hosts blood

Scooter and moped drivers are the absolute worst of the worst though. Since you don't need a license for those here (under 250cc), every shit for brain HUE that can fleece 600€ for a used one will get one and start driving like a drunken retard making uber eats deliveries.

>Scooter and moped drivers are the absolute worst of the worst
This is my scooter: 2019 Honda PCX 15cc. Do you like it?

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>you don't need a license for those here (under 250cc)
Really? That's crazy. I wonder why they don't require you to have a motorcycle license. Seems like a bad idea. That's probably why you have problems with those people. Any idiot can ride one.

250cc does seem like a lot without a license. Here if I remember right it's 50cc allowed without a license.

In the uk it’s becoming harder the pass the test because of the restrictions they’re putting on training schools.
I’ve rode all my life but I don’t future generations will be able to ride sport bikes on the road

Sorry mates, finger slipped. Meant 125cc instead of 250.

Also, let me clarify on "not needing a license". If you have a regular car driving license you're also given a license to drive bikes up to 125cc. Anything more you need the specific bike license.

Don't really like the design of scooters, but those panniers actually look cool. the PCX was all the rage here because you could get a brand new one for 2k€, but i've been seeing a lot more cbf-125s around lately.

It takes money to ride a Harley

It takes Balls to ride a scooter

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Fuck off and stop making these dumbfuck threads
should have mandatory QTDDTOT

Ive known many riders over the years and everyone has had accidents with some serious injuries and sketchy near death incidents. The roads and driving culture doen here just doesnt appear bike friendly

We should make it easier for morons to get hold of high powered motorbikes.

This but unironically.