If you look at the whole COVID-19 crisis and still think it's ok to bring kids into this life without their consent...

If you look at the whole COVID-19 crisis and still think it's ok to bring kids into this life without their consent when they haven't had a single bad day in non existence, you're either retarded or psychotic, nuff said.

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>"No one can suffer if we don't exist"
>*Points at head*

This is some Jayden Smith tier philosophy

Babies consent to this life when they first breathe, sorry shlomo

If we don't have kids who will Biden smell? You wouldn't deny an old man his only pleasure would you?

If life is suffering then end yours or shut the fuck up.

"Haha fucking stupid faggot OP. Thinks that not wanting to gamble with someone else's welfare and reducing suffering is a rational position."

There's a flaw in your anti-natalist argument.

Consider three worlds, A, B, and C, and a person, Jemima, such that: in A, Jemima doesn’t exist; in B, Jemima exists but experiences neither pleasure nor pain; and in C, Jemima exists and experiences only pleasure. It follows from the premise that the absence of pain is good no matter what that A and B are equally good for Jemima, and so are A and C. But it follows from the premise that the absence of pleasure is bad only to the living that C is better for Jemima than B. This is simply incoherent.

So I can tell you retards to stop having kids.

This argument hinges on supposition of consent from the unconceived or unborn, which is absurd. If one is concerned about making moral decisions affecting others without their consent, it's equally disingenuous to assume, on behalf of the other person, that life and death is undesirable compared to the alternative of never being born

One must experience human life to denounce it.

maybe your fag filled life is suffering, but thats doesn't mean everyone else is a tremendous faggot

You miss the premise that we all live in a life where we experience both suffering and pain. So, none of your premises exist except for A, where we do not exist nor do we experience pain or pleasure (before we are born). So we have premise A, Jemima does not have to deal with suffering, premise B, though Jemima can exist and experience pleasure, but pleasure is not guaranteed and she has to deal with suffering no matter what. Now consider this. If you believe in x, then you should follow through with y. So, assuming you believe suffering is bad (x) then you should try to reduce suffering as much as possible (y). So if you believe x, follow through with y, therefore you should pick scenario A over B, because if you want to reduce the amount of suffering in life and not gamble with someone's well being, then the best way that would be is to not have any suffering at all, and the only way that is possible is through not bringing someone into sentience, so therefore trying to follow through with scenario B while believing X is incoherent. You shot yourself in the foot there buddy.

Well just because your faggot life is filled with false pleasure doesn't mean everyone else's would be.

There's more to life than pleasure and pain. Legacy, gene preservation, the pursuit of knowledge, these are clear drives we cannot pursue in nonexistence and are not defined by pleasure alone.

Of course you would be a fucking wojak poster.

Stupid Op thinks not existing is better than suffering, there's a pretty straight forward SOLUTION to that problem - very comprehensive.

Shut up faggot.

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All of these things don't matter in the long run though and are pointless when considering the fact that all of them require you to deal with a tremendous amount of suffering for a temporary goal that you don't have to deal with if you just... don't exist. Why? Why does legacy matter? Why does the pursuit of knowledge matter? Why does any of this matter? Why is it worth the trouble when it's just not going to be relevant after an extended time? When diving deeper you begin to realize that they are all attempts to assign meaning to life to feel like you actually had a just reason to exist in the first place or your parents had a just reason to have you. It is an attempt to assign meaning in the meaninglessness and pointlessness, which in turn brings satisfaction to you at your dying breath and ultimately, brings you pleasure. Even if you found it was something worth while, others won't, and no one can make that choice before birth. Sure, no one can consent to being non existent either, but that kinda puts you in dilemma where, "oh shit no one can consent to either being born or not being born!" Then the most rational thing to do at that point is pick the one that has the less cons and the more pros.

Pros of non existence: No suffering, no problems.

Cons of non existence: You don't experience life when you may have wanted to or pleasure.

Pros of existence: A few pleasures here and there, maybe you'll do something with your life that some people will think "huh that was pretty cool he did that" for a few years and then forget about it after awhile.

Cons of excistence: Disease, death, pain, suffering, abuse, poverty, exploitation, war, more death, more suffering, loss, grief, the list goes fucking on.

So to me, it seems obvious what the option should be.

check mate.

how do you get consent from nothingness?

>implying coronavirus is the worst thing that could happen
>implying you somehow never came to this conclusion before

theviewfromhell is a great site.

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If positive things don't matter in the end (like pleasure and meaning), then by that same logic negative things (like suffering) are also ultimately inconsequential, you brainlet.

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Whats with all the anti-white birthrate threads all of a sudden?

I'm going to pop out as many babies as possible on the off-chance that it causes you to be reincarnated as one of them so I can tell you how much of a whiny faggot you are to your face. Eat shit

OP is probably a woman, I've met several women with this illogical position. SAD!

Refer to this comment

My point in using the coronavirus as an example is how unpredictable life is and how nobody is free from suffering. Coronavirus may not be the worst thing, but it still sucks to have to get it. It causes sickness or death (suffering), which causes loss (suffering), which causes grief (suffering), it causes conflict (suffering) it just keeps going. You'd have to be fucking retarded to not say it is a very bad thing that it would be better to avoid in genral. Even if it is being blown out of proportion, then my point still stands on the indiscriminate nature of suffering, since then the government is just using it as a tactic to exploit and scare people to push an agenda that will, surprise surprise, probably result in the suffering of more people *coof coof* NWO *coof coof*. Also, if it's not the "worst thing" implying there are pretty terrible things that can happen in life.

>implying suffering matters
DW bro, when you're dead you won't remember your life of suffering, it will be as if it never happened at all.

So what's better? A continuous stream of non existence with no interruption, or a stream of non existence that is interrupted with suffering, then going back to non existence?

People of this mentality are soft, weak, pussybabbies who have never truly suffered, for if they had suffered truly, they would have learned from it.

antinatalists are the pavers of the way for authoritarianism, slavery, eugenics, human expiramentation, etc.

Well I certainly know which one is more interesting!

Disregarding OP being bait, it is interesting to think about WHY people have kids.
Do they feel it's an expectation?
Do they want to live vicariously?
Do they feel like they could be better than their parents?
Do they really just want kids purely to have kids?
Of course, all of that is talking about people who actually plan on having kids, not niggers who just end up with them.

But what about the kids who are born, get cancer, and die before they have a birthday with double digits? They definitely suffered, but arguably didn't have any time to learn from it.