Why do east euros love China so much?
"Thank you, brother Xi" billboards in Serbia
Probably for all the medical supplies China gave them recently, just a stab in the dark.
>Paid advertisement
>Reflective of public sentiment
Why pay for it then?
Because they newer stabed us in the back like westeros did trough the last 500 years.
I am not a fan of them but better them than the gay pedo anglo.
They're going too far, the biggest gift China has given the world is this virus.
>Serbian president kisses Chinese flag as support team arrives
Based because fuck America and fuck most of western Europe, fucking jew bootlickers all of them. Fuck Russia too.
because brother Xi unironicaly more bro than the EU. In recent times China helped European countries more than the surrounding countries of each country indivdually.
'm getting fucked either way, so I don't care if we change to chink overlords instead of jewish, german, and fat hungarian ones.
This is for you.
Where is your countries billboard thanking China for their help? You don't want to appear ungrateful.
Nice. Thanks based kiwi user.
The Serbian priminister has allegedly taken more than a million in bribes.
>why do you like people who are nice to you?
Yeah, it’s just the medical supplies will be paid for with our sovereignty. As if being a bitch to the EU wasn’t enough, now our bloated cuck of a president decided to ally with the insectoid police state. At least they didn’t recognise Kosovo.
fellow serbfag here,
China is meddling into our affairs too much, who the fuck knows what money/influence is in the deal.
It's just the Faggot (Vucic) is trying to be a Tito, quite miserably. Wants to cooperate with US, EU, Russia, Israel, China, Iran, and everyone, while also doing against their interest (during cooperation with other parties from the list),
Hopefully we'll down him after this lockdown ends. Enough is enough.
>give people virus
>save them from it
>become hero
So much for a head of state kissing a foreign state flag.
I really hope we do. He’s gonna be the most vulnerable after the shitshow ends. Just don’t fall for agents provocateurs who call for violence and killing. It’s just a way for them to have an excuse for mass arrest of patriots on the streets.
This also went that far that Chinese youth is praising Faggot (Vucic) on social media and also even digging up his old photos to say how handsome he is (?!?!?!?!)
Huawei did a network of cameras across Belgrade (capital city), I'm assuming it's the same shit they do in China and that we'll have facial recognition in place soon, if not already.
CCP is setting it's tentacles outside of their mainland and this must be stopped.
Serbs are willing to suck cock to anyone
They cannot arrest everyone. There won't be other way than violence like 2000. You see how peaceful protests are being ignored for over a year? LOL. Remember protests after presidential elections? LOL.
Allegedly some agencies and parties in this whole mess want to get rid of Faggot (Vucic) who has some heart complications etc.
This news parchment was pitched in order to attempt to force him into the isolation since he was in obvious contact with many confirmed patients, and then who knows what they can do when he is isolated.
I mean our health care minister was doing killings for the mafia in 90s.....................
Maybe they set him up a deal he couldn't refuse, just to keep him alive and kicking in the public?
Plus they made a deal with Huawei to bring us le 5G. Towers already started appearing in places like Pančevo. Can’t wait for the SNS police state.
Saying that from your own experience, Catholic Serb?
You subhuman baboon.
You literal nigger.
How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Jose Tyrone LeShawn de Cordoba. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back into the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.
Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about human affairs again you antiquated farm equipment. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage. Your crude makeup isn't fooling anyone.
You nigger.
You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilization.
You are the Baltimore of South America.
Go fertilize the Pampas with you and your families corpses, it's the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life nigger, you will have a job. Making food for a race of beings of infinitely higher worth than you. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time a Brazilian "man" provided for a family.
Die, banana eating freak. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.
It's coming definitely. This is why this is the LAST YEAR in which we can do anything.
Next elections he'll have hundreds of thousands of immigrants to vote for him and byebyebyeeeeee
>not being a bitch to every conqueror
I am Serbian as mentioned in my first post..
LOL the eternal german shepard talcking. We wuz kings and shit, We wuz protwcting europe from turks.
On the internet. hahahahaahahahahahahhaaha ......
I will give them benefit of doubt and say they try to just play all the side (USA, Russia, China) to their benefit. But in all honesty
>they give gibs they good
Why wouldn't they, they got absolutely no help from any of the EU countries, absolutely no help from NATO, but they got a fuckton of free shit from Xi.
Serbia and other somewhat healthy white nations like Hungary and Poland should just leave the EU and join the BRICS and shanghai cooperation agreement instead.
You mean 1od5 miliona?
Those were just meme protest by the former government politicians. Hardly better than what we have now. Once they anti-migrant patrols started they sensed real opposition.
Resi XPBAT-a!!
yeah, 1od5 was cancer. That libtard girl leading it is so cringe lmao.
Patrols will cause havoc I hope.
Facebook group for anti-migration passed 300000 members in 1 week.
Hopefully the energy transfers to streets or we're fucked
Yeah you fucking froggs stole their medical equipment and kept it for weeks untill you no longer needed it.
Bet your ass he's going to be happy someone actually helps them instead. He'd be out of office so quickly if he had a italy style situation on his head.
Le gibs narrative doesn’t always play out like that. EU countries donate shit to us time to time and you don’t see billboards thanking Merkel.
kebab remover solidarity
Because they view China as a counterbalance to the USA that might help protect them from Judeo-American NATO aggression.
t. chankoro living in Hungary
fuck off back to your “middle kingdom” if you love that fat yellow fuck
Actually shilling for the people who bombed your capital to shreds
>please mister EU drop some more bombs my mother still lives and I want to inherit
we literally painted belgrade in german flags on the anniversary of the bombing of belgrade in '41
Hungarians are yellow too, Attila.
That former Dveri member Aleksandar Nogo called for the people to go on the streets at 17h the day the state of emergency is ended. I hope people show up, that guy had hundreds of thousands of views recently.
Shit, my bad.
Totally forgot about that.
big words coming from a turk
The chinks are throwing them our carbon credit payments.
You'll have to tear them down. Also Aus gov banned huawei tech a couple years ago, strange to think there are countries in europe with more corrupt politicians than what we experience here.
Serbs are mostly just dumb cunts. Our average IQ is 90 or so. I interact only with 110+ people on average, so imagine how many teethless peasants you have who are brainwashed by our Faggot president through national TV and just go yes yes I vote we love him give 10eur for vote, pack of flour, cooking oil etc...
I am disgusted by this and want to yield my citizenship and go wherever the fuck.
Also fuck le frogs, no exceptions. Annoying nation..
I hope they bomb us again I cannot take it anymore.
yes. Literally cuckoldry. I do not even think we got the demand for this to be done. They just were subservient and went out of their way. I hardly think it's a random occurrence. Too coincidental.
Are you illiterate, norduck?
Never said I wanted foreign gibs, both EU and China suck, no amount of investments is gonna change my mind.
go back Chink
So everyone agrees Western influence is bad, but why is Chinese influence bad, in particular? Chinese culture seem like an improvement over Serbian/European culture to me.
>more conservative
>more patriotic
>more restrained
>Bill Clinton bombs Serbia back into the stoneage
>Bill Clinton offshores all American wealth, industry and jobs to China, growing it into the worlds 2nd largest economy
>Serbia then kisses ass to China
Lmao like why are Serbs so dumb? Imagine being this much of a pathetic cuck LOL.
t. Ching Chong bing bong
Nogo is based. Slightly insane, but you need to have someone slightly insane in power so cuts can be made. :D
I'll make sure to show up.
Spoke with some friends in the telecommunications (some work for big names) and 5G should not be dangerous at all (not more than 4G and shit).
However I think this might be a political struggle between US and China, in an attempt to cuck out Huawei away from the market which they can later take. Not sure what to believe anymore.
Daily reminder:
Roma are important part of Serbia and it's culture.