/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3187

► Detected: 1,926,277 (+2,429) ► Died: 119,730 (+112) ► Day: 96 (-18:49:29)

— 4.7 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 6.5x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 3,592 strains have been sequenced —


Brazil has 225,000 undetected cases, researchers estimate

New York, California and other states to reopen soon

Putin willing to use Russian military to enforce lockdowns

Trump wants to reopen the economy, creates new task force

Trump strikes back at media, says he reacted quickly

18 year old teenager dies in Britain

r0 between 3.8 and 8.9, according to the CDC

People that had mild symptoms might not be immune

Low antibody levels raise questions about reinfection risk

300 die in Iran from methanol poisoning amid false cure rumors

China burning bodies without testing or registration

WHO declared end of swine flu with only 18,500 confirmed dead

Spain health ministry says up to 66% of deaths not detected

CDC refused to test infected man

Virus might be an escaped vaccine trial

04:06: 211 new cases and 1 new death in Pakistan
04:03: 432 new cases and 21 new deaths in Germany
04:02: 471 new cases and 128 new deaths in Spain
04:00: 112 new cases and 50 new deaths in Piedmont, Italy
04:00: 27 new cases and 5 new deaths in South Korea
03:43: 59 new cases in Nevada


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Other urls found in this thread:


How many weeks has it been two more weeks?

Four weeks? Five weeks?

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>tfw no mommywife to quarantine with
its not fair bros

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Op gets fucked by nigger during quarantine


Imagine she invites you over to her house to try some YuMmY BAT SOUP that she cooked especially just for you.

What do you do?

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>father even went into writing MASSIVE walls of text where he just expresses his feeling and "repenting" for his sins or some shit
Condemning people who want to close down the Churches here amidst a fucking pandemic, they have all the rights to do so, those places are health hazards, he's literally defending kissing the damn icons inside the church after everyone else kissed them and touched them before hand, like holy shit how can you be this retarded?

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A 360, obviously

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Who else learning to draw hentai with all their spare time, I recommend watching Mikeymegamega on youtube. He does great videos on tits and leg drawings, definitely a must watch for a newbie.

This is why you should be a Muslim

Linking this again

(since i was late to the last thread) and put screenshot in for the lazy

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Thoughts on the team tasked with solving America's public health crisis?

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we're not hitting 2 million today

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You're gonna stay awake for at least 36 hours?

Friendly reminder that this virus will be vaccinated and everyone will get back to being wage slaves.

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>kushner and ivanka
we're fucked aren't we

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>all jews


>countries are unironically wanting to reopen

This is going to be hilarious when they shut back down then the normies lost their shit to far higher levels

the satanic seven

German news reported two millions yesterday, im confused now

>23k deaths in 4 weeks
>deaths already flattening
Jee guys sure glad we shut the whole country down, we ALMOST lost 50% of average yearly suicides to these sniffles

It's a fucking nothingburger. We've got 76 Corona deaths in our state of 4,000,000 people.

Do you make money this way?

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Oh yes, I need to tell the pole to turn the growth from preggo to eldritch horror

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76k in a day isn't anything special. Altho holiday might have messed us up

So they closed down the local parks, but keep fast food open. I fucking hate this country.


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Muh economy bro am I right?

They know niggers would flip if they didn't have KFC

Don't worry, 1% of NY is infected, that's way past trying to contain it. 10% of NY will drop dead

One has more opportunities for contact than the other, given that fast food only operates in drive throughs now

enjoy the park
they dont have authority over you

I think it's so they can repurpose the rangers and whatnot to other duties, and food is deemed as essential.

Though, you shouldn't be buying food someone else has made unless you plan on microwaving it for 2-3 minutes.

A classic poster, I recall when you drew on graph back when it still only in china.

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>Friendly reminder that this virus will be vaccinated and everyone will get back to being wage slaves.
Friendly reminder that actual virologists know a vaccine is impossible since no one knows who patient zero is. You are the silent echoing scream of the nothingburger

>Stop Eating Bat Ass
You know I can't do that, OP.

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The pro's do, I don't. I can only draw basic things at this moment, the pros do it full time and only draw for living.

6,000,000 Cases by April 20th
ATLAS effects begin May 1st.
The End's not near, it's here.

Attached: CoronaLife.jpg (1024x731, 190.01K)

April 9th - 85,638 new cases
April 10th - 94,629 new cases
April 11th - 80,961 new cases
April 12th - 72.823 new cases
April 13th - 71.572 new cases

If It falls by todays end below 65.000 I will know it is over. I haven't been this disappointed ever since Hasbro has confirmed that there won't be season 10 of The Horse Show.

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you dont need to know who patient zero is to make a vaccine
that said they cant make a vaccine we're gonna be living (dying) with this for the rest of our lives.

You are such a bunch of dumb happeniggers it's unbelievable.

Governments are already easing lockdowns when only barely even know the effects of them are visible. Were in for the long ride. There's way too many infected to even think about containing it in any way. I'll remind you this grew from only a handful of cases

To think this would have impressive back in a midday announcement in January, now it's just the norm on the world's midnight

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>>countries are unironically wanting to reopenThis is going to be hilarious when they shut back down then the normies lost their shit to far higher levels

Wait until the food supply chain and supply chain and expertise death attrition hits them and their precious jogging routine and hottub and Netflix night and leaves them with candle and a stale portion of delivered pizza

>you need to find patient zero to develop a vaccine
This isn't a movie

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Peak Prosperity conman was predicting 10 million by April 19th previous monday.

Literally who gives a fuck. If only 10% require hospitalization, and only 25% of those die, my odds look pretty good since I'm not 78.5, morbidly obese, or a smoker.

Funny thing is I had no idea you fucks were practicing Islam in there until recently when I swapped my Tinder location to Malaysia and saw dozen of women were hijabs on their heads.

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We can kill ourselves together.

Hey guys Covid tests arent reliable. They go test old people when infact they should go test the nursing staff. This whole thing could be a semi hoax

I'm vegan

kill yourself, barneyfag

>all the MAGAtards and Jews calling for the economy to reopen
>MAGAtards die of chink AIDS
>Jews cash out on "muh strong economy!" bux

Good goyim

do you have the full image of that crop?

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If ADE does happen with this virus, a vaccine will kill people and won't be possible.

Well, the thing is; what do they even plan on doing without a vaccine? Reopen the country and hope it doesn't happen again?

Threadly reminder

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Yes it is

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In January that would be mind blowing. Even in February 14k was a grand event and today it's just ~1/4 of the daily number

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Omg are they all kikes?

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Slurp it out of her asshole. Obviously.

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I would have boughten 3 more bags of rice if this report was in january, now we get that much in death daily it seems.

Did... did WHO just ignored a letter from 60 US lawmakers demanding China to ban wet market? And then WHO supported over the re-openings of these markets?

Hey guys Covid tests arent reliable. They go test old people when infact they should go test the nursing staff. This whole thing could be a semi hoax. Design to frag old people and dissidents. Remember which faggots had the facebook picture post saying " stay inside save lives" breal contact with them. They are losers that will drag you down.

>you dont need to know who patient zero is to make a vaccine that said they cant make a vaccine we're gonna be living (dying) with this for the rest of our lives.

There is no vaccine for SARS or the common cold

'Vaccines won't work': US virologist breaks down COVID-19

And it's not even the update of the day, it's just in the timelapse of the previous thread, one hour and a half

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I’ve become addicting to stashing beans and deenz lads. I can’t stop until I have a decade’s worth of canned goods. I’ve been getting cans here and there slowly and steadily so people don’t shame me going out. I will be buying some more soups tomorrow.

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Sadly no, it is either saved by another user or lost for good.

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that's a bit of a reach.

119,730 dead people think you are a dumb kraut faggot.

Are you even surprised?

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Hey guys Covid tests arent reliable. They go test old people when infact they should go test the nursing staff. This whole thing could be a semi hoax. Design to frag old people and dissidents. Remember which faggots had the facebook picture post saying " stay inside save lives" break contact with them. They are losers that will drag you down.

Can't archive everything I guess

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Look mom I posted it again!

why are you faggots still making these threads? Cases are declining and the west coast states are looking to reopen their economies soon. Doomsday posts are over, don't you feel the shift in sentiment by the general population?


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Stop spreading misinformation
Here they only test people going into the hospital AND hospital staff very frequently

Here are some of the main problems (but not all the problems) with coronavirus vaccine

recombines - so cant use live attenuated (without being very sure it wont do that)
S protein makes it worse
E protein ( decent mutation rate? , difficult to know what region wouldnt be internalized)

will try to find more of the problems later just came across this coincidentally

Official numbers are frustrating, but it's what everyone goes by. Unless you know a place offering estimates in real time.

Well? Join Islam brother.

It's crazy how much our girl grew in those 4 months

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forgot pic

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China shot themselves in the foot opening them back up, so they say it didn't originate there and was most likely a leak or similar.

They should have banned them completely, and that would have been as a coverup that could have worked.

Add while you can, just got ten KG of powered potato and a kg of powdered eggs. Good stuff, two varieties of potato's in raised beds, peppers, tomato's, garlic, onions and mushrooms, tobacco and other plants thriving both under indoor led lights and outdoors. Should extend supplies considerably

Not enjoying your time off?

Bug brains are good at copying, but thinking on your own is hard

It is crazy, I wonder what else will happen next. People want to open up everything despite that being the reason as to why the curve has flattened for now. Can't imagine what numbers will there be when that happens

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Is it really slowing down?

He's a German after all

Merkel you fucking fuck could you be so nice and finally state if im supposed to go back to work next week or not? Its fucking embarassing to see how Austrian teachers get the memo one month in advance and i have at best five days to prepare my NEETxit

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This is their exact strategy

>why are you faggots still making these threads?
To stare in amazement at retards like you
>Cases are declining and the west coast states are looking to reopen their economies soon.
I mean, normies like you really are incredibly stupid. You waiting for a txt from the virus saying good game and everything is back to normieville? Tell me when it does not go exponential again as soon as you sniff normal economic and transport activity and again and again. Go on tell me. So no normal exconomic activity? Well then hordes of poor hungry people and then you get outbreak anyway.

Only because more than half the world has to be a hikkiNEET, otherwise this would go bonkers

and its a bad plan - if this is as dangerous as we think it is

you would have to implement personalized engineering controls (HVAC , sanitation , etc) for every single bushiness , place of work and public space

Weren't we concerned about a government "death tribunal" when Obama proposed his healthcare plan?

It never was dangerous

>Is it really slowing down?
Ask Ecuador. As long as 90% of people stay hiding indoors it appears to slow down. Amazing. As soon as they come out, off we go again.

for now

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Yes, prepare to become irrelevant again, argiefag.

Craziest part is that we only know a small portion of the numbers since we can't test everyone and track every death on the world. Ecuador reports nothing special, but burns bodies on the streats

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Its fake

The virus could entirely vanish from the face of the earth tonight; it could never have really existed. Wouldn't matter - everything has already changed and is never going to be the same again.

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Will do. I wish I had a set up but i’m just a jail bird
I will be sowing vegetables soon(tm)

Can someone explain the benefit of this lockdown to me? I'm not an economy worshipper like RamZPaul, but when the country re-opens what is stopping the virus from re-emerging and exponentially growing again? We going to periodially shut down the country again and again when the virus hits a certain amount every few months so that everyone gets the virus and develops antibodies but not at once? Hope the summer heat takes care of it?

Not to mention some countries just don't report their numbers or go by different criteria to others

You're stupid belguimlad.
Gusto ko na umuwi putangina.

nothing, we're fucked

the benefit of the lockdown is not swamping our medical system.

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