Australia is virus free

25 million mates, like 3 dozen new infections. My guess is this curve will flatline to 0 in the next 10 days.

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Negative, our "requirements" to be tested is incredibly narrow still. Even though we have confirmed community transmission, we still are not testing people who haven't travelled or been in contact with someone who has traveled.

Our cases will easily be much higher but because there's no way to confirm them, our numbers are low

No, it’s over in Australia. When you test 5,000 people and have 10 positive matches, it’s over.

Australia doing this much better than NZ. Some businesses still operating there, including take aways, construction also.
In NZ everything is closed. And we've been forced to stay indoors for 3 weeks.
9 % of all business have closed. It's projected by the Treasury that we will have an unemployment rate of 15%.
In survey released last week 88% of business say they expect to close or lay off staff before the end of the year.
We've lost major magazines, businesses, even today Burger King went into receivership.
Our harsh measures have produced the same results as Australia. Death rate of 2 per million. Our infection rate is 283 per million, Australias is 250 per million.
We've put a million NZers out of work why? To save a few 80 year olds who were going to die soon anyway?

Nice try Scomo

Everybody here is acting like it is over because I don't see anybody social distancing anymore. There were groups of people at the supermarket chatting with each other...

Look at the average age for the people in politics and then realize that everyone in every job is a selfish self-centered asshole like you and me.

New Zealand will be back in force soon. You are flatlining your infections too.

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I think you shut things down after aus did, more specifically international flights after.


>25 million inmates
Fixed it for you.

It's over. Stand down.

thats how you get second waves.

Attached: 1918_spanish_flu_2ndwave.jpg (518x435, 87.18K)

That's not total active cases, user....

you read that as "australia virus free", i read that as NEW CASES GROW 400%+ OVER 24 HOURS

Thats only because Australia has so few Chinese immigrants, students and tourists. Doesnt count

What kind of reality are you living in that your statement is remotely true?


The testing over Easter dropped off. Few points :
1 A new plane load of cruise travellers arrived back in Melb yesterday. I think there will be a jump in the next day or so becuase of these selfish cunts.
2 On a positive, it was the first Easter break I can remember without a road death in my state. (Vic)
3 Low figures, easy to have a high % increase that doesnt amount to many in raw numbers of cases

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Okay, even if reported case numbers are too low, death rate (63) does not indicate there's a huge hidden crisis.

oi m8 show me ya blooday campin loicense roight fookin now m8 or you're goin' to da clappah m8! vat'll be wun fousand dollah fine and six munfs in da slammah. ordahs from da crown.

Attached: loicense fo dat tent.jpg (1242x1173, 287.22K)

germany is clean aswell
on wednesday a lift of the lockdown will be announced and everyone will go back to their normal lifes by next week
corona has been officially beaten

Yep, it's a complete nothingburger here

They only need an exit strategy for the hype. It's apparent for some time now that it's not as bad as expected. But they can't just say lol jk back to normal guys. They need to keep pretending that it was worth it.

We absolutely must keep the borders closed though to prevent a new outbreak. Five centuries should do it.

Based. And our main export instead of iron ore, for the next 12 months, should be any one with more than the faintest of tans. And as the Greens don't like live animal export - we should send them all dead

You can't reopen when your country didn't get enough infected to gain immunity and the only tool you had to stop it was a lockdown, it will just start again.

Do marsupials have dicks you can suck, OP?


Yeh but, for the Spanish flu there was no locking down of international travels. Pretty sure troops were deployed across Europe in the midst of the first wave etc. Then the virus mutated and bounced back, again during troop movements and things like that

Brus we are knee deep in Chinks and foriegn students. We use them as UV shields when the ozone hole opens up etc. Turn em into umbrellas

Yeh we are gonna spike again due to Cruisy types coming home. Having said that, I cant hold it against them because I would sure as fuck want to be quarantined in Oz compared to just about anywhere else

>Australia is virus free

I work in a hospital, you're being lied to about the numbers

Get fucked krautnigger