Parasite won the best picture Oscar, BTS is dominating US music charts, Netflix spams you with Korean drama suggestions now ESPN will show Korean baseball. The Koreans are taking over.
ESPN to start showing Korean baseball
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Based Kevin Kim
My gf is a Koreaboo to the extreme. Now we can watch some fucking basketball for once. She’ll be happy and i don’t have to see niggers. Win win.
I hate this fucking bullshit. Korea is such a kiked, degenerate country and probably the worst country in all of Asia. I work in the shipping industry and go there a lot for work regularly. Its a giant slum and the people fucking trashy alcoholics and emotional shitheads, like a bunch of fucking Asian rednecks. What the fuck is the sudden fascination with this non-country? There so many fascinating countries in Asia, and people choose literally the least interesting and milquetoast one to worship.
>koreaboo gf
Kill her. Then kill yourself for dating her.
i just like starcraft bro
Does she sarang her oppa
You must be a chink
So? At least it's not niggers and Amerimutts.
Nope, Im white. Fuck Korea and fuck China. Japan shouldve raped and enslaved both you yellowniggers and us nuking them was the biggest mistake weve made in Asia to this day.
OK Shinji
So much seething
Based and Hirohitopilled
>Korean gooks with their Canadian flags
Get the fuck off my continent you fucking parasites. Fuck Korea and fuck your Commie President Moon Jae-In. Cant wait for Trump to pull out the troops and your cousins to the North finally nuke you fucks back to the stoneage (eg South Korea circa 1960s).
No, what are you gonna do about it
Koreans idea of entertainment is 90% western to begin with. It's the 10% Japanese throwing a curve ball every once in a while. It's clear why they are pushing it in the west. American producers have gotten so lazy they'd rather not make the same show a third time when they can buy it from Korea and pretend that somehow makes it different.
>tfw drunk off my own farts
>czech em
I wont have to do anything, this virus pandemic going on throughout the world is going to bring back the old "Yellow Menace" propaganda with a fucking vengeance. Imagine being an Asian stupid and naive enough to still hang around in the West. Good luck, youre going to need it, even our most rabid liberals hate Asians.
Pretty based
Lmao seething mutt, keep slurping down high fructose corn syrup. I'll probably live longer than you
My motto: If it isn't niggers or spics, I don't fucking care.
Baseball. Learn to read.
Based as can be leafbro. Fuck jannies
>Lives in Canada, another New World country on the same continent
Imagine being this stupid. Dumb pisskin, enjoy being hated by everybody.
Redpill me on Plaza Accord, is it true America cucked Japan out of dominance in the 80s? We should have just let Japan take over like they were doing. But at the same time there's something about America BTFOing Japan that makes them produce amazing entertainment.
What happened to having the players all stay in the same city and play at the same stadium? Fucking millionaires can't play a kids game for money?
I liked japanese more.
Just because nobody loves you you don't have to project it
neat is it like burger baseball
GOOD. korean dramas and movies have well written characters and dont force gay lesian left wing racial mixing agenda..... stop watching american shit bro
>Push Mutt "Culture" everywhere
>Piss off enough people
>Cram MUH FREE MARKUT down everyone's throat
>They BEAT you
>Start civilizing you with REAL culture
>Cry about it
>Get Coronad
>Economy collapses
>Get carpet bombed with Russian nukes
>Everyone lives in peace
Good riddance.
Dumb fucks who do you think has (((invested))) into (((Korean entertainment)))? Follow the fucking money retards. What part of (((Globalism))) do you not understand?
English next time?