These are viral numbers, Yas Forums
The masses are finally getting angry, and nothing is halting it anymore
>inb4 "who cares"
>inb4 "take your meds schizo"
>inb4 "tinfoil hats lol"
>inb4 Anyone else obviously not supposed to be here

Attached: Udklipsy.jpg (1258x659, 37.87K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Op's straightness got abducted

Meds, consume them. Thx.

No mention of Jewry
this is just more misdirection

jewish spoonfeeding the goy half the story

3 days for what?

this is the correct answer

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I learned not 1 new thing in this video except maybe Liz Corbin isn’t 100% batshit crazy

Guise it's totally the OSS behind the scenes!

I have not watched it yet, but im willing to bet gold bars that jews are not mentioned at all? So whom controls the CIA? Maybe you'll get to that in the next vidya?

Attached: fa847531648d7d506c26e006baf1204f0ef40b0d74137c81e2fadf1b6103cc15.jpg (590x350, 96.88K)

And? It's still decent babbys first redpill as it is.

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I refer you faggots to , it's the kind of conclusion normies have to come to themselves, calling the kike by name would probably have it booted off Youtube in a second

it's probably a jew wanting jew funds

why wouldnt it be posted somewhere else? FUCK JEWTUBE

>It's satanists!
You mean like in a Hollywood movie? Hollywood that the Jews run?

Wow. Massive. Thank you for awakening the normies to the evils of satanism, Jews. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

It is posted in other places

>all bots

Take your meds schizo.

Yeah this shit is great honestly
It's a perfect first redpill for many many people
You can't just make a documentary about the JQ and expect the NPCs to be okay with that, you have to start with stuff like this and then slowly introduce the facts about how many of those people they showed in the video were jewish.
It's a good start and 4.5 million views is nothing to scoff at, I've recommended it to several of my friends and they all thought it was really good.

Wow they interview Hilary after eating a baby how is this still up??

Kill the Masonfrees before it's too late!

Attached: Maji.jpg (681x536, 86.72K)

More like boomertruthers: the movie. Remember democrats are the real Nazis guys!

>More like boomertruthers: the movie. Remember democrats are the real Nazis guys!


ah so we're going to spam this probably jew produced shit that never names the jew for the next month i see.
literally the dumbest of the caved in heads know "psychopathic child rapists" run the world.

>Still not understanding it's Jews
So far, yet still nowhere.

What was the need of () you pathetic fucking newfag?

It makes sense, but why the fuck let anyone take control of your life? The only thing you need to understand is PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. If you accept responsibility for your own actions, you accept responsibility for your own life, which in turn means you accept true freedom

needs to toe the line a bit more so that people make the connection to jews themselves. this flick just has boomers nodding their heads in agreement telling them what they already know without really challenging them. the main guy seems a bit washed-up as well, that will turn normal people away.
but if it's making people think then it's good

Oh ok I'm 25 min in and it's DA Yatzis!!!!

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Oh wow, another carbon copy of Zeitgeist, which was already a shitty schyzo documentary when it came out.

this, you gotta be subtle, at least at first. pic related is from the doc. kek

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Ok I get it this is like Owen Benjamin for normies without the JQ stuff...ok this is a baby step.

Attached: 1vtovn10.jpg (300x290, 30.93K)

yes i saw that and was thinking ...ok normies will not get that
it will fly right by them
but im glad its there
as it will be there when they wake up later

Attached: 20 The Best Flat Earth Documentary 50 YouTube.jpg (537x539, 140.23K)

You can't directly mention the jew, it in the spell