Why are y'all like this?

I know the majority of you here are young, white, dejected incels. Why do you choose to dwell here in misery like this?

A lot of you might have been radicalized by things such as Stonetoss comics. We have alternatives for you on the left, whenever you all are ready to stop being destructive and angry pieces of shit and ready to do something meaningful with your life. This goes for just about everything.

We've got breadtube, subreddits, leftypol, and everything else under the sun. And, you're allowed to be free with your sexuality and not repress yourself. What are you even waiting for?

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Some more stuff you guys might like.

Give it a chance.

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You don't need to be cringy neolib idpol "es jay double-you's" either. We've got plenty of edgy humor if that's your type of thing.

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You know this represents most of you. Why not just quit?

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Comics are you a kid?

>blax dumb
>brain big

And most of your arguments you have nailed into your brain are horseshit, by the way.

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Stop being transphobic.

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Niggers tongue my anus

Capitalism sucks balls. And so does fascism.

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lmao i didnt realize how lame this shit is

wow, left cant meme. turns out stereotypes are true go figure

You can be fun and edgy, and be a leftist too. Just stop being a racist and transphobic asshole. You might even get a romantic partner!

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we're not, you coddled shit dick cum guzzling faggot.

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>hey retards being miserable and wasting your time on boards, how about you be miserable and waste your time on our boards instead?

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>A lot of you might have been radicalized by things such as Stonetoss comics
Congrats, you read the wiki on Yas Forums and now completely blend in with us. I'll escort you to our leader now

Will you let me say nigger?

I really like saying nigger

Like, imagining stanning Stonetoss over this:

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Yea and also fuck terfs.

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i'll consider looking in to it if my anus ever naturally prolapses leaving me nothing to loose.

This retard doesn't understand finance at all.

All you've done is take a right wing meme and run it through the CalArts filter.

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hey op this is me and my bf, what do you think? is it /leftypol/ approved?

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Some of you might have social and mental problems. You'll be loved and accepted for who you are on the left, instead of shamed and ridiculed by your right wing peers.

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pretty sure slavery would go against the NAP. do you even know how libertarianism works?

>academics have decided
yeah, Juden Studies have decided.

Trans people are an anathema to humanity and must be expunged.

...Are you saying my homeless ass is the moral equivalent of a retarded college cunt who can't pay back his gender studies shit?

>talking about mental problems.
It's like a midget accusing everyone else of giantism

mixing up globalism and capitalism again.

what fucking retards.

This is what you're choosing to stay and support if you stick with Stonetoss's bullshit.

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>reversible effects

yeah no

The funniest part of this is that lefties are taking for granted that blacks having smaller brains was disproven when it literally never was.

Based TERFs. But seriously, as a G, fuck the L, the B, and the T.

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ok so tranies don't end up sterilizing themselves? I think we should make them sterilized then.

Your hero appears to be a joke thief

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For the "freeze peach" libertarians out there.

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define capitalism

Most incels are non white

trannies are a disease that needs to be eradicated.

He's a based leftist who doesn't give a shit about your cringe property rights

Hey hoo hey yeah fuck transphobia

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I would rather be shamed and ridiculed by my peers than get pointless mental masturbation from faggots like you. Life is struggle, and without struggle nothing has value. Go back to your hug box you abomination.

As a B, I'll fuck all of them.

as a jew I have to say you miss the point of free speech entirely

I think it's funny that white nationalism is more or less ethno-libertarianism while left wing authoritarianism defaults to invading the rights of others for the sake of some higher invisible moral authority they have, that they NEED to have because they don't have anything else, and moral superiority appears into existence as the lack of any arguments you have spawn the zero of your credibility

He swore, oh wow that's so edgy.
I can't tell people to kill themself on twitter, so no you can't be edgy. I was perma banned from twitter for telling someone I hope they die from covid-19.
so no, I can't be edgy and lefty. go do it, tell Joe biden you wish he would just fall over and break his neck, you'll get the ban hammer because you can't be edgy.

>ends up killing minorities the most

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