Bye bye Confederate monuments

Say bye to all your Confederate monuments. Ralph Northam passing everything during this coronavirus time

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Someone should physically remove him instead.

>b-but we marched t-t-to s-stop th-this!
>th-they're not supposed to do this!

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>Confederate Monuments
I don't even know what the fuck is going on anymore, and desu I could care less at this point

Good, then racism and white guilt will be gone forever.

I've wouldve cared if conservatives actually conserved anything. I feel bad . But I expect everyone to cuck.

>Remove confederate monuments
>Protect the LGBTQ community
how are these related...

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He's pushing through all sweeping San Francisco legislation now. Virginia will be the new California soon

Based Desu poster

There has never been a country or a regime that has more vile hatred and has done more damage for everything European than America.

>worshipping failures

Fuck the south they were jew controlled suckers.

Tie them all to his legs and chuck him in the ocean.

Protect the lgbbq community from what exactly? Are they like the moving statues in hercules


Gays apparently

This is it guys, this is what we've been waiting for. The great awakening. First the White House coronavirus to reopen the US and now this, not tired of all this winning

based. no statues for 2nd place. bunch of SAD babies

I thought Virginia was based, loved guns etc....

Good. Those nigger-loving traitors can rot in hell, it's a travesty that they were ever memorialized.

it says
not just
so do you see? the two are likely unrelated and the headline is just describing two separate things in a bill
fuck i shouldn't have to explain this

This will teach them even giving Democrats one term is a mistake.

Confederates were the descendants of the nation's founders.
The yankees were immigrants and criminals.
Fuck the USA. I have no loyalty to this shithole. This country will take your rights and stab you in the back at every opportunity and I hope it fails and falls to ruin.

And when 10 million russian trolls move in and vote republican due to lack of voter ID laws, we can go back to legally executing all minorities and abortioners. I mean, if a simple supermajority means you can become california overnight, why not the opposite?

But you just had a super good optics peaceful protest, how could this happen?!?!?!!

The monuments werent even erreected as a meomorial or to preserve history. They were literally a fuck you to the north and popped up well after the war. They were old school trolling tbe north with them and they flashpoints of hurr durr derpism. Smash the dumb things.

The South was a literal cesspool of Irish subhumans by the time the Civil war occurred, the North was far closer to being the true heir of the Founding Fathers' vision.

Should’ve tried harder during the war confedertards

Funny the Confederacy was literally entirely based of the revolutionarys not to mention the great Confederate seal is George Washington on a horse they idolized them

They may have idolized the man, but not the ideals he stood for. Namely, the proliferation of our great Anglo republic (i.e. NOT importing Irish serfs and African slaves to steal the inheritance of the founders).

Easy with the truth user

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