CNN’s chimpout today during the presser was absolutely glorious. If you haven’t watched it yet, take the time to do so. You will not be disappointed kek
The MSM knows Biden is going to lose. Why are they blatantly exposing their bias to protect a loser instead of taking advantage of the situation by going full Kavanaugh on Biden so they can be like, "see! we're totally nonpartisan!"?
I was out for an extended walk during the presser. I could feel the butthurt coming from the MSM. I just checked twitter and they are still angry as fuck
They will be mad all week, thus denying Biden his spotlight time needed to pacify the Bern victims.
Josiah Bailey
He was fucking crazy for sure. It was either some sexual obsession, or it was some bizarre ass “romantic” thing. She has had several really dangerous stalkers in the past
>Hello? >Based department, please. >Yes. >Yes. >No. >i need to speak to a representative. >I NEED TO SPEAK TO A REPRESENTATIVE >R.E.P.R.E.S.E.N.T.A.T.I.V.E >NO! >FUCKING REPRESENTATIVE! >yes. >thank you. based
Yeah lol it was definitely the neo nazis lol those fucking retards!! LOL
I'm not telling exactly who it was that sent him... But, I know. Because I talked to the guy that was sent to my house and he told me who his boss is... Lol so I'm sure this bonehead that snuck into her house was sent by the same guy... But to be honest.. These people were sent as a act of god faith and protection... But it freaked Taylor out even though basically he was sent there to protect her LOL fucking stupid guy LOL scared his queen hahaha