If Central and South America united would they be unstoppable?

If Central and South America united would they be unstoppable?
>Vast natural resources and land
>Vast populations
>Decent militaries
>Functional minds especially compared to the continent of Africa
These countries are extremely corrupt and poor, however, that could change under the right kind of leadership.

Attached: The federation.png (807x960, 92.78K)

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Nope, average IQ is too low.

Push the central Americans into South America and turn all of Mexico into a giant landmine dump

Unironically yes.

big if.
africa would be a super power if it was united and run by huwhites or chinamen. it has more of everything, land, resources, crop lans, even literal goldand diamonds, oil....and ismany times the size of europe

Attached: 89382532_760707767666378_8892322473144483840_n.jpg (512x750, 37.06K)

>doesnt know the high development rate of latin countries
Lol you must be retarded.

Suicide showers will take them out

No, even though they speak the same language, the indiviual cultures are too distinct and each geographical-political region has it's own goals and modus operandi. If Yugoslavia couldn't hold together, this Definetly can't.

why tf is mexico highlighted

>even though they speak the same language
We don't
No, it would just be a bigger failure

>Central and South America unite
>Venezuela is still a shithole
>other shitholes remain shitholes
>internal bickering, especially between Spanish nations and Brazil
>there is no way politicians can manage such a country and satisfy everyone's needs.
I find it hard to believe this wouldn't lead to secessions or even civil war.

A neo-Spanish empire is cooler than this anyway.

because, it is a part of north america ;)

This is pseudo-trotskyist bullshit

this is the closest that would ever happen

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>We don't
Kek, just learn spanish already

Sorry, Irmao, wasn't even thinking about you guys, just thinking about the spics. Even then again, some accents are so different that they're not mutually intelligible for all spics.

Central Americans have the IQ of niggers. Mexicans are far more advanced.

if they started to value education and science more then they would have a lot going for them.

Only if they force chemical castration of anyone not 90% European genome and bar non white immigration.

Even then they will be vulnerable to invasion since the population would decline 85% at least. So while they would get rid of actual, demonstrably provable retards, they would end up most of the continent empty for hundreds and hundreds of kilometres in every direction.

If you want a literal example of this read up on Matanza de Salsipuedes in Uruguay. They successfully achieved exactly what I posted but on a smaller scale they were always overrun and in constant rearrangement with their neighbours and foreign powers politically, socially, financially, and diplomatically.

In the end the armed forces went to war with each for about a fortnight, the US backed traitors won and 33,000 people went missing in the 70's. The only hope for them is the US hegemony to disappear so they can start the slaughter en mass but I fear the chinks will do to them what they are doing to Africa.

unstoppable? more like unstable

no, it would just be another case of São Paulo pays the bill
and this would be the heaviest of bills

Learn russian, slav

Did the aliens get French Guyana?

Why would semi functional countries in South America want the literal retards of Central America? Would California be unstoppable if you airdropped them 10 million more illegal immigrants?

Mostly backwards shitskins who are good at cleaning hotels and mowing lawns.

Its basically the same problem Australia and NZ has. If we had 10 times our current number of whites based in our culture WITHOUT non whites here we could become SEA version of the USA with actual decent force projection. Same with Latin America. Uruguay got close and modelled themselves after the US founding fathers but the kikes pretty much sucking Argentina dry and making Brasil their personal playground means unironically Paraguay is a better neighbour and they are so fucked ethnically speaking that they couldn't invade Fiji and win. Even if they shared a border.

Bolivia, Paraguay, Peru, Colombia, Brasil, Venezuela, are all ticking time bombs of non white hordes. On top of that they are now mass importing niggers from Central America. I fear the southern cone being white and chill with some potential is a thing of the past now.

>El Salvador in the same country as Honduras
>after the fuckers killed thousands of them
Lol do you want another war in Central America?

No fucking shit most latin americans dont have a strong emphasis on race like we do.

What the gringo shit are you talking about?
Im a venezuelan living in peru, both people are shit.

My point is, at least for a century or so,the southern cone including Brasil did. Uruguay's even modelled their flag, anthem and constitution on yours. Originally with protected freedom of speech and the right to own and bear arms.

Libertad, libertad y la tumba... Freedom or the grave - youtube.com/watch?v=96YOvTUvEs4

Its lost now though I fear...

If they united it would probably make things even worse. Same reason we didn't absorb mexico.

They where USA, they where.

But your daddy divided it so well that they are still infighting.

the people are brown and therefore cannot advance beyond basic agriculture without charity from whites.

working under the insane assumption that they could get their shit together things might work out for them. get some nuclear capability going, build a few nuke subs, some carriers etc and then just nationalise the panama channel. boom endless money and if you dont like it fucking eat nukes and be glowing glass. but it wont happen because they cant even build a functional state.

No. Too many criminal, corrupt, but well positioned and armed retards with low IQ but high ego live here. This is because drug trafficking, allowing these criminals to buy the law and infiltrate all levels of government (specially police forces and law making). If not related to drugs the bands dedicate to other kinds of crime like embezzlement. They threaten and kill any that oppose them.

To top it off, we only import all the ideological trash from the first world (socialism, feminism, etc) but nothing of real value like work ethic. This place is fucked for ever more.

TL, DR: No, we don't have the necessary culture/IQ/whatsoever.

Not like languages are that different. One month of dilligent practice is enough to master the one language if you already know the other, unless you are a nigger.