If you had to choose between 4 of the following thinkers, who would you choose to be in quarantine with for an entire year and why? What political discussions would you have with them?
> Qanon > Nick Fuentes > Michelle Malkin > Milo Yiannopoulous > Varg Vikenes > Jack Posobiec > Mike Cernovich > Terrence Williams > Steven Crowder > Lauren Southern > Kathy Zhu > Soph > Gavin McInnes > Stefan Molyneux > Joe Biggs > Jordan Peterson
Qanon, I would spoon one of the eyes out and sideways skull fuck with my flappy ball bag slapping in to the remaining eye, while repeatedly saying "didn't predict this you larping cunt did you"
Jonathan Perry
I actually came here to see if anyone was talking about Q, wasn't some shit supposed to happen over these last few days? Did it? How did qfags "save the world" this time when it didn't happen? Was there palpable amounts of cope?
Nolan Ross
I don’t even know 99% of these guys except for Ghost Qanon and Alex Jones I would Pick Ghost because I would love to hear him and his wife and dog go batshit insane
Carson Perez
>> Lauren Southern I would just ask her to turn around and touch her toes for five minutes every few hours.
Oliver Ross
HazBin Hotel is so woke OMG
William Rivera
oh some shit happened, or maybe didn't but anyway it was intrinsic to the plan or maybe it wasn't but that was part of the plan too - look at this tweet if you take every 3rd letter, sometimes the 4th but never the 2nd except when it is the second, then it nearly spells another word if that word was spelt by an illiterate pig fucker, and that's conclusive proof of the plan going to plan
Jacob Moore
Can I do 2017 QAnon? The first year one was much more into conspiracy and breadcrumbs were fun to follow.
Anthony Walker
I love capitalims. Please export more manufacturong jobs to the thord world while importing more third worlders to lower labor costs. MAGA!
Gabriel Jones
This post makes me hate Q more. I wish someone hated me the way you hate Q
Okay so my four would be: Gavin, Jordan, Milo, and idk Lauren. Less about political discussions and more about their video personalities. With Milo at least you know shit won't be boring. If you want to learn something then Jordan. IF you want to get shitfaced drunk or fucked up then Gavin probably he's an old punker partier and Lauren because obligatory grill.
Jackson Wood
Steven Crowder > Lauren Southern > Kathy Zhu > Soph
I wouldn't let them say a word I'd tie them up then fill em up then kill them on the last day of quarentine.
Luke Sullivan
Varg Lauren Kathy Soph
Varg will stay loyal to Marie so all the grills will be fighting for muh dick.
imagine Q as a housemate 3 years later and he is still telling you he will do the dishes any time now
Josiah Collins
more like this
Chase Gonzalez
Why does jews always claim Trump to be anti Israel, when in fact he loves jews and Israel so much that he moved the embassy and gave them millions shekels in aid? Please explain that?
William Ramirez
first I will find who delivers orders to many people corona virus have no place in nature or medicine It is Jewish fraternity free masons 33 degree that are wizards of Oz and delivers orders to do not life serving deeds. Just get together and hunt down 1% fish heads in charge of by fear and greed, enslaved grabbers.
John Carter
Robert Anton Wilson
Timothy Leary (early, befits the drugs got to him)
Aldous Huxkey
Cornell West
From your list, Only Milo and Gavin.
Though, Milo's friends, "Fencing Bear at Prayer" is worth a mention. If that's even her name. Why choose such a hard to remember, loong GD fucking name??? Ugh. Anyways the Medieval studies prof cutie with white hair. Female.
Oh also George Saunders, Harold Bloom, All the Intellectual Dark Web, esp that one gay dude with the show in LA. Fuck, my mind is fried right now. The fuck is this man's name??? I dunno [edit: Dave RUBIN!!!]
OH YEAH, JORDAN BENZO KING PETERSON, for sure. His early stuff reminds me a lot of Learys early work. Also, Laura Huxkey was a trip. Not super heavy stuff but fun. John Passo. Of course, Ken Jessy, today, would be a Shitlord Supreme, along with Oliver Reed, haha jk, but seriously along with Dharma Buns author, Jack Kerouac. Etc. but, speaking just of modern, alive thinkers?
Trump is also the most Leftist Republican, who ran TO THE LEFT OF HRC ON MANY ISSUES LIKE MJ, PRISON REFORM, ETC, in modern RNC history.
In fact, Trump said he'd look at raising taxes on the 1%!!! "On people like myself!" You late coming hillbillies either weren't paying attention that far back or dadgum, yeehaw shucks just plum forgot a hurhurhur. Anyways, he's a realpolitiks guy not whatever bullshit white supremacist cocksuckers you're trying to dream him into being. Idiot. His daughter married A Jew and he then made that New Jew his right hand man. "Most anti - Isreal, pro - White president!"... pfft , my fucking toe!
Hm. And, for someone so eager for white supremacy... Your list is lacking the obvious choices even a 19th old WS would put on a similar list like this. I'm talking here and telling you this site is at least 60% pre-pubescent try-hards.
Just Soph I would force her to eat my pedo cum by making it the only way for her to get sustenance.
Ayden Edwards
Fuck your thread that pic is absolute dogshit. Capitalism won, but that means the jews won >pro white If he was he would be talking about shuttting down all immigration, not just illegal >anti israel He literally panders to kikes and his supporter base is the biggest kike tool ever Qanons are just milquetoast baby fascists that think trump is as half-radical as they are. Fuck fascists, fuck the alt right, fuck all that retard pandering bullshit because all of them suck zion don off. National socialism is the only way to truly win against the jews and globalism. Fuck your dumbass picture, qanons just make up conspiracies because they wanna feel smart and epic based redblackwhitepeepeepoopoopilled when they still believe zion don and democracy are useful tools that benefit us all
Brandon Stewart
>Michelle Malkin - drinking buddies >Lauren Southern - concubine >Soph - waifu to be treated with respect >Kathy Zhu - when me and the others are hungry for some bat soup
Oliver Thomas
I would rape Nick Fuentes in the ass so hard, he'd start enjoying it and turn full-on trannie alien. Literally, I would abuse him and fuck his ass bloody until he lost the ability to speak coherent sentences. I mean like, worse than even now. That smug little smile would certainly not be as often flitting across his stupidly ugly, fat fucking hairy face quite as often.
Of course, I'm kidding. But I would pay someone else to do that. It's be funny to see someone so fkn smug... suffer so horribly.