Imagine how much money it costs to fly a helicopter just to issue a citation to some dude camping by himself...

Imagine how much money it costs to fly a helicopter just to issue a citation to some dude camping by himself. Police state spare no expense when it comes to flexing their muscles.

And then you mask wearing, hoarding, shrieking paranoid fucks applaud this behaviour. I understand to keep distance but I am so disheartened to see how many retards love falling in line with the government's rules and commands and believe 100% of the scare tactics their Lügenpresse writes for you. Like I said, you applaud this shit. No common sense.

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tldr sage seen this before

>cop flies chopper out to remote campsite to fine you
>murder him
>now you have a chopper
>fly chopper into mosque

Is there even people living in Tasmania?

This was the first time I came across it, otherwise I wouldn't have posted it.

Who are you actually talking to? Go to kikebook or twitter. Alternativley you can turn 360 degrees and go right back to lereddit with your bullshit Abdul.



And you are calling me an inbred sandnigger.

Every governmental body understated the virus and now they are overstating it to the point where they are losing common sense in place of fear. Basically government showing how incompetent they are as usual.

I like where your head is at, but I think that chopper could be parlayed into much more.

>she fell for it
Maybe you actually are an inbred.


>fly into mosque
>jump out at the last minute and parachute to safety
Nothing personal.

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Germans tounge my anus

Yeah, there's a few of us. I've been threatened for being in these super remote areas also. Got lucky and they let me go but I could have faced a $2000 fine.


Are tasmanian devils dangerous and things to look out for?

Hello, based department?


Attached: terrygrin.gif (200x234, 2.85M)

Me.. anyone else north west. Mate of mine worked at the hotspot, reckoned he went out for a work dinner 3 weeks ago before the bs mandatory separation shit. They are getting retrospectively repremanded for something the govt said was all good at the time.

Too based for this world.

I'd probably be willing to die in a fight over something like this

What is a helicopter to operate, about $800USD an hour or something like that?
It is a complete waste of time

Not to mention them coming over to talk to you would actually be the only act breaking the principle of social isolation in the situation. No one is going to have contact with anybody else, until the po-po decide to come over.

They might cough on some plants, then next day, another hiker walks by, smells the plants and dies instantly of the Shanghai Shivers. It's for the public good.

I am in Iowa and do whatever I want.

The virus isn't real. NWO introduction.

14/88 the earth is flat

All jews must die

Fuck jannies

strange. a dude isolated in the middle of nowhere who is distanced from the rest of society is somehow not practicing social distancing correctly.

Correct, and the only way to make him practice social distancing correctly is to break the principle of social distancing by coming over to talk to him with a helicopter.

night of the long knives when?


The virus respects the badge and the gun.

>Imagine how much money it costs
They don't care. Taxpayer money.

>Keep your distance from others
>No that's too much

Too bad its ruined by knowing that a shiteating currynigger posted this

Now this is what I call a based, out of the box way of thinking

oh no, they are outdoing themselves this time, they've taken incompetence up 50,000 % or more