/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3186

► Detected: 1,925,330 (+1,482) ► Died: 119,705 (+87) ► Day: 96 (-20:31:22)

— 4.7 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 6.5x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 62 vaccines and 244 treatments announced —
— 3,592 strains have been sequenced —


Pastor who thought virus was a hoax has died of coronavirus

Brazil has 225,000 undetected cases, researchers estimate

WHO admits not everyone develops immunity after "recovery"

Trump strikes back at media, says he reacted quickly

Putin willing to use Russian military to enforce lockdowns

"Recovered" drops dead, surge of reinfections

"Theoretically possible" to get virus from mosquitoes

20 year old football player dies in the US

Patients remain on ICU for 20 days on artificial ventilation

17 year old without conditions dies in the US

Normalcy bias is the tendency to believe things will always be the same

H1N1 only had 3,433 confirmed deaths in the US, rest is estimated

China biowarfare program might have gone wrong

Deaths in the US already surpassed highest estimates for swine flu

CDC approvals delay testing in New York

04:06: 211 new cases and 1 new death in Pakistan
04:03: 432 new cases and 21 new deaths in Germany
04:02: 471 new cases and 128 new deaths in Spain
04:00: 112 new cases and 50 new deaths in Piedmont, Italy
04:00: 27 new cases and 5 new deaths in South Korea
03:43: 59 new cases in Nevada


Attached: CVG.png (686x526, 199.63K)

Other urls found in this thread:


> be me
> leeching off to my grandma's house in the suburbs
> my aunt then becomes a probable case of ncov just today



We're fucked.

#1 United States 587,155 (23,644) #2 Spain 170,099 (17,756) #3 Italy 159,516 (20,465) #4 France 136,779 (14,967) #5 Germany 130,072 (3,194) #6 United Kingdom 88,621 (11,329) #7 China 82,249 (3,341) #8 Iran 73,303 (4,585) #9 Turkey 61,049 (1,296) #10 Belgium 30,589 (3,903) #11 Netherlands 26,551 (2,823) #12 Switzerland 25,688 (1,138) #13 Canada 25,680 (780) #14 Brazil 23,723 (1,355) #15 Russia 18,328 (148) #16 Portugal 16,934 (535) #17 Austria 14,041 (368) #18 Israel 11,586 (116) #19 Sweden 10,948 (919) #20 Ireland 10,647 (365) #21 South Korea 10,564 (222) #22 India 10,453 (358) #23 Peru 9,784 (216) #24 Japan 7,645 (143) #25 Ecuador 7,529 (355) #26 Chile 7,525 (82) #27 Poland 6,934 (245) #28 Romania 6,633 (331) #29 Norway 6,605 (134) #30 Australia 6,394 (61) #31 Denmark 6,318 (285) #32 Czech Republic 6,059 (143) #33 Pakistan 5,707 (96) #34 Mexico 5,014 (332) #35 Saudi Arabia 4,934 (65)…

#1 United States +214 (+4) #2 Brazil +293 (+27) #3 South Korea +27 (+5) #4 Pakistan +211 (+3) #5 Mexico +353 (+36) #6 Thailand +34 (+1) #7 New Zealand +17 (+4) #8 Kazakhstan +88 (+2) #9 Bulgaria +10 (+3) #10 Bolivia +24 (+1) #11 Paraguay +12 (+1) #12 China +89 #13 Japan +27 #14 Norway +2 #15 Australia +35 #16 Lithuania +8 #17 Kyrgyzstan +11 #18 Sri Lanka +1 #19 Guatemala +11 #20 Sint Maarten +2 #21 Mongolia +13…

Attached: CVG.png (2000x1027, 351.45K)

What the fuck?

Attached: twatter.jpg (750x1215, 65.62K)

>Dead: 124,367
lol, still only 124,367.
How many days has it been stuck at 124,367? Four days? Five days?

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Anons, I know you've all been getting at this for a while but I just realized this has the potential to be far worse than any past pandemic like the spanish flu.

>We understand flus very well
>Would know exactly what we're dealing with
>No concerns about reinfection or impossibility of vaccine
>It'll kill a lot but then it runs its course and disappears, maybe even vaccinate it before it can do much damage

But corona-chan...
>What the fuck is a coronavirus?
>Possibly airborne aids
>We still don't understand it, what it does, or its long term effects. Infertility, neuroinvasive, hiding in brain tissue, etc. all reported
>We still don't know if immunity or vaccines are possible. The body doesn't seem to produce effective antibodies for it
>Because we don't know for sure that it's airborne aids, and the fatality rate doesn't look that high, people want to just open things up and rely on herd immunity
>Virus will spread to everyone as a result
>Then it turns out to have a lot in common with HIV and permanently cripple or kill a large portion of the population. Virus never goes away because immunity is impossible, just like HIV
>"Social distancing" and lockdowns become the norm for the foreseeable future. Society is never open and relaxed again.

Attached: 1586717235330.gif (350x331, 3.85M)

God Dan do i hate niggers

Anyone has this image but with transparency?

Attached: 1579827560097.jpg (1080x1350, 134.58K)

nuf said

>"Social distancing" and lockdowns become the norm for the foreseeable future. Society is never open and relaxed again.
fuck (((globalism)))

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Is it true that the niggers in the main city started to go outside despite the lockdown?

Corona-chan is the greatest gift to humanity.

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Still has an op to become the best case for globalism we've ever seen
All they have to say is "We didn't have enough international communication and cooperation, we could have stopped this with one world gov!" and every normal fag NPC will know and accept. all we have to do is kill more than world war two. US already experiencing multiple 9/11s weekly.

Niggers don't social distance or follow any of the precautions here. A lot of them are obese as fuck too. Coronachan tips right through them.

>rent strikes
>spike in suicides
>spike in domestic violence
>divorce rate rising
>children struggling with adjusting to online classes
>increased drinking by all, alcoholics/drug addict relapses
>PTSD for survivors in most affected areas
>employee strikes
>employee walkouts
>evictions despite government orders, asshole landlords cutting power, heat, water, cable, electricity to tenets
>mass hunger among children
>blood shortage
>medical supply shortage
>medicine supply shortage
>off the meds crazies going insane
>released criminals will break house arrest
>relaxed law enforcement to prevent infection
>infected hospital staff
>people intentionally spreading infection
>courts closed, prison sentences halted, custody issues delayed
>infection “scares”
>increased cardiovascular death risk since everyone's sitting on their ass all day
>possibility of a bank run
>endless quantitative easing devaluing the dollar
>food pantries emptied
>life insurance claims
>entertainment industry and artists BTFO
>dead, infectious cops
>r0 5.7

Attached: corona4.png (1483x1445, 2.24M)

nasa sta rosa ako preh

Suck dick suck dicl suck dick suck dick suck dick suck dick suck dick suck dick suck dick suck dick suck dick suck dick suck dick suck dick suck dick suck dick suck dick suck dick suck dick suck dick suck smdick suck dick suck dick suck dick suck dick suck dick suck dick suck dick suck dick sick dick suck dick suck dick suck dick suck dick suck SUCK DICK

It's not like this applies only on an international level. It would apply within your ideal ethnostate or whatever too.

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>possibility of a bank run
>tfw we're already here where I live

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Imagine she invites you over to her house to try some TaStY BAT SOUP that she cooked especially just for you.

What do you do?

Attached: 1586516751026.png (640x799, 1.46M)

>20 year old football player dies in the US
you fail to mention he was a 500lb wog hambeast

I wonder what her farts smell like

>kill your grandparents for the economy, goy

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i coof

Attached: images.jpg (228x221, 13.58K)

(((they))) didn't do that at the height of the 1918 Superflu just after WW1, and the world back then was ripe for a global government.


This is probably the 17 gigajillion time you've posted this exact same image with the exact same text. How much do you get paid to post?



Shit, I guess I'm catching Corona then boys, it was good while it lasted.


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WHO is going to be SO DEAD when this all ends.

Attached: WHO Taiwan.png (609x806, 135.94K)

Yas Forums here.

Is this shit really slowing?
My shorts and puts are getting wrecked. Down like ten thousand.

Attached: 6CEA529B-C0A8-464C-A8C7-17223E149E67.jpg (479x499, 77.52K)

My first corona related OC.

Attached: DBZscoutercorona.webm (480x360, 87.2K)

not everything is jews and its 2020

It's the same person, every time, posting this on every god damn thread. Are you autistic? Is this just what you do? I don't understand why you post this. I'm truly astonished. It would be great if you actually posted something worthwhile but instead you post this shit. Every god damn thread you post this shit. It isn't funny, it never was. Being annoying isn't trolling. Doing this kind of shit is more akin to being a fucking moron. You're probably sitting there, laughing to yourself like: aye, gottem again! stop it. stop it stop it stop it stop it. I'm so fucking tired of this horse shit. Take the knife your mom keeps in the drawer next to the oven and slit your god damn throat you miserable piece of shit. I hope you rot in hell.

Malaysia has lost agaisnt COVID-19

Anything new from mitchell btw? Havent seen anything in two days or so

>is it slowing
You'll want to wait about a month and a half for things to change in the stock market at least. QE has made things weird

cant wait for the spike after these niggers open shit up. its going to be great


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ahahahahahahahaha FAGGOT

>literally airborne AIDS
>re-infection rates high
>antigens don't last long
>T-cells get infected too
>tl;dr impossible to be fully cured
>retards still think it will all blow over in a month's time
what a timeline to be alive in

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Things are gonna get real fucked in like 2 weeks, all the people who went out for Easter just exposed themselves and with a 14 to 28 day incubation period, expect a surge of cases/deaths soon.

I don't get it.

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Praise Be Unto Corona

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The Piss Guy?

What a collection of degenerates #OPENAMERICANOW team has


Can we get this but where the scanner explodes?

>google coronavirus
>still shows "it's just a flu bro" from the WHO on the sidebar
Fucking kikes

>Prius jokes
Is it 2013 again

>Is this shit really slowing?
Nor really. It will go steady from this point onward.
>My shorts and puts are getting wrecked. Down like ten thousand.
get out of the market and just watch the rollercoaster from the sidelines. it's not the time to trade anything. worst is yet to come.


Don't forget this, all cats are pozzed.

I think this is one of those jokes only /o/ would understand

They really are asking to be killed.

Attached: EVUP_FEUcAEOhMb.jpg (425x680, 97.51K)

They aren’t saying it but their flawed plan is to have us go out again soon, get infected, then go back in so there’s another wave but not so many that the hospitals get overrun,
Thing is though it’s a fail on the immunity side of things so the cycle will never end without chipping and a big clean up to suppress the virus.

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DONT FUCK THE CATS! No more pussy.

>subtle plane scene reference
He does really come here doesnt he

You know what would be really based?

If Corona-Chan bankrupted & got rid of the (((kikes))) who control the Holocaust Denial Laws

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>vandalizing your own property

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I think I have tedious phone#

Most of my positions can wait. One putt is really killing me because it expires on the 24th. Oh well I guess I just lost a lot of money, because that doesn't give it much time to crash. Fuck.

give it some time. as economy slows down, all these leeches will start getting anxious.
this will not end quickly. riots are almost a given. and when there are riots, strange shit starts to happen. people start disappearing.

I just hope it will be public hangings

this isn't Yas Forums all I can say is the stock market will remain stable for at least a month and a half, especially with back to work demands

That was what I wanted to make and was looking to change over 9000 to over 90000 plus some other words and other shit but realized it will take too much time.

Bats are cuddly wuddly

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Oh look. It’s nothing

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this is what you need to know about this virus. it's a nice summary that everyone can understand.
this is not the time to have your money in the market.

Attached: 1556571996039.png (1036x3587, 380.22K)

Thank you Gary

Well, they probably believd in the bell curve meme and now that its obvious the deaths and infections are plateauing rather than dropping sharply theyll rather get us killed than risk their stonks

even if you just take a gif with the scanner exploding and add a caption that says "god damnit corona!!" I would be happy and post it in tons of threads

>NY is starting to go down
>Let's open up the economy and get the wagies back to work for my 401K


How can I convince my mom to not go to the grocery store right after Easter?

They’re rolling characters for the new world user.

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This is already happening. youtube.com/watch?v=KVR7c7KpG8k

chink virus was a big let down, only killing fatties

You're mad but thats whats about to happen. The entire world is getting ready to open up again after 6 days of maintaining the same numbers.

>more deaths in a day than Argentine cases in a month