Trump's family has hid it for many years, but they are what is known as Crypto-Jews, (read: which is "secret adherence to Judaism while publicly professing to be of another faith; practitioners are referred to as 'crypto-Jews’”.
Ivanka's "conversion" to Judaism and her marriage to Jared Kushner, and their family's continued practice as Orthodox Jews, is the continuation of the Trump/Drumpf family religion for all these years. They've only started to come out about it because there's less reason to have to hide it today.
* His brother, Fred Trump Jr. joined a Jewish fraternity known as Sigma Alpha Mu
* 2 out of 3 of Trump’s wives were Jewish
* All of his children are married to Jews. Ivanka “converted” and is now publicly an Orthodox Jew - this is actually a move toward de-crypto-ization of the Trump family’s Judaism. All of Trump’s grandkids will be out-of-the-closet Jews.
* Donald Trump’s Father was so Dedicated to Israel Causes, People Thought he was Jewish (See: Hint: Turns out, he was. He was hiding as a Lutheran due to the way Jews were treated as far back as the Holy Roman Empire, but most recently during the Holocaust. According to Wikipedia, "Throughout his career he contributed to local hospitals, various American nonprofit organizations, and international Jewish causes."
He's austrian how long did it take you to to figure out his surname is christ lmao
Alexander Phillips
You've tried shilling this before kike. It's obvious leftist hollywood jews hate him and israeli jews are OK with what he's doing. Trump isn't jewish and no amount of bitching will change that.
Do you realize how many Jews there are in central and eastern europe, and how many of them started hiding their heritage over the last 100+ years?
Liam Powell
Everyone knows this
Adam Murphy
Google it. There's shitloads more evidence out there. Or, just buy into your precious political party, and follow your dear leader blindly... you'll be the kike by the end of it.
No hitler was a straight up jew lmao. Trump is a lesser crypto jew.
Angel White
>being Jewish is part of the plan too >Q posted 90 >read backward that looks like og and means ok everything is fine with Trump being Jewish we have bigger problems
Not in Trump's case, he's done literally everything he can to help the regular, normal Jews.
Nolan Kelly
>Q lmao
remember when Q said that Hillary had been detained? And she'd be extradited? What happened with that?
And then Q said that John Podesta would be indicted on a particular day? And then wasn't. And that Huma Abedin would be indicted too? Then she also wasn't?
Remember that whole "government house cleaning" Q predicted? Then the day came and Trump flew to Asia and never fired anyone?
Remember when Q said there would be arrests of tons of the media as deep cover agents? And then nothing again.
All the public riots, the EMS stuff, and so on that Q predicted? And never happened?
All of Q’s predictions that never came true just go on and on and on and on and on.
Q's accuracy rate is under 10%... like, he's so far off on everything, it's a joke. Literally. It's Roger Stone fucking with people.
Jonathan Wright
Wait he's secretly Jewish!? I thought you guys already knew he was 200% kike.
that's more proof that hes jewish did you hear about the last guy who tried to get them to help the poor he got crucified
Aaron Johnson
this line of reasoning has me lol'ing heavy my dude
Nathan King
What evidence do you have to back up that his 'conversion would have been fake' though, son? It's pretty obvious that he is in bed with the kikes to anyone with a room temp IQ.
Cooper Green
> It's pretty obvious that he is in bed with the kikes to anyone with a room temp IQ. Not even remotely obvious to most people
Jack Jones
religious ethics in the spirit of rodney dangerfield
Jack Allen
Most Christians teach that it's because of this that they're saved. That it was God's plan, and that it was a self-sacrifice. No?
Asher Perry
>Not even remotely obvious to most people And that's the point of my post. The great mass of people evidently don't have the required (small amount) of intelligence to realise this, son.
>Oh lawd no. I've hated him for years Tell me son, do you vote?
Isaiah Morris
Anyone with a room temperature IQ could tell he was a nefarious piece of shit decades before he decided to prove it to the world by going into politics
No good options this last time, so I voted for Johnson
Jordan King
>just ignore the times they love him
Daniel Ortiz
>The fact that Jews in the Media hate him is good enough reason to align with him. Oh you believe the MSM? You think they're actually sharing their point of view?
Or maybe they're creating a smokescreen for him... They overblow every little thing he says or does until by the time the truth comes out, the people are sick of hearing about it, and it's far less bad than what the kike media says.