Why is it so easy for men to be loyal, but so hard for women?
Why is it so easy for men to be loyal, but so hard for women?
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Same can be said about literally fucking everything. Risk vs. reward.
Men can't just sleep around for power and influence the way a woman can.
Women don't have a cock and balls to give them an even temper and mental clarity so they're forever sexually frustrated because female orgasms are a meme
First thing a woman did was betray her creator and doom humanity to hell....
Genesis 3:1-6 King James Version (KJV)
3 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?
2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:
3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:
5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.
Women face no consequences for being disloyal.
Never have, and likely never will.
leave the jewish fanfiction at the door
based niccolo.
women are whores. all female species are whores. basic biology
first let me just check myself
based white person living in bhutan with no passport
If women are all whores, why do men marry some of them?
to procreate and for lack of better options
that will change soon. youtube.com
Wow great fucking insight faggot
Is love a meme? Then why do I get emotionally attached to women. I’m the type of guy that definitely has options. But I get depressed knowing the redpill. I just can’t pump and dump the way other guys can. But I also can’t commit knowing all women are whores.
Oooh, careful not to cut yourself on all that edge when you tip your fedora.
>le hat may may
Men are more likely to cheat then Women
See this is why when you get a woman that gives you "trouble" (as virtually all of them do), you need to make them submissive so that their "trouble" goes away.
Not in the long term though
It was the same for me bro, I committed and got burned harder than you can imagine.
All I can say is avoid it in the first place and only commit equally to their commitment to you. Take even the first sign of bullshit extremely seriously and start packing or whatever level of exit you need in front of her. If she's for real she'll take it seriously too, if she's full of shit she'll laugh it off or try to gaslight it back in your direction.
I hope that all made sense, I can't think of a less autistic way to word it.
Have an escape route. Don't put your fate and possessions in the government's hands. Marriage is dead and long term cohabitation is the best you can hope for. Be wary of common law marriage laws and know what your state has and the time limit.
Just a reminder that incels are not wanted here. Kindly fuck off, you can't be right-wing while hating women. We need to preserve the family structure and if you can't get a date, it's your fault.
I haven't found any women after many attempts in which the honey truly outweighed the trouble of the bees.
You should find a girl who is attractive and loving, but who is also kind of a best friend. That way you and her can actually connect on things apart from looks, status and money and love each other for who you each really are.
>Bongcuck sticks his head out of Mohammed's latrine long enough to screech about gyno supremacy by quoting a gyno media statistic, gathered by gyno sources. From the comfy den of his gynocentric living area, graciously afforded him by his gyno overlords, as long as he doesn't complain too much about his daughters getting raped by pakis or say mean things about women online he is allowed this "freedom"
Men cheat all the time though.
I agree, but it isn't inherently bad to point out the flaws with modern women like hypergamy, promiscuity, etc.
t. woke individual who knows that Christianity is Judaic poison
Then you have a dog. When someone else gives that dog some bacon, it will turn on you.
men and women both cheat all the time, unfortunately
have sex
> When someone else gives that dog some bacon, it will turn on you.
But you cannot allow that. Just like you cannot allow other dudes to do something equivalent to your girlfriend/wife.
not sure what world you live in but men are not loyal to their women
and it sux
Start going for obese women. Their have a lot money honey. It is stored in their cracks and folds, and is pungent and a bit tangy. Very nice.
This is true you always need to hold the power in the relationship. That way you can't be crushed into ten thousand pieces. To do that you just have to be the settler, if you reach beyond your league you are fucked. I don't think marriage is dead, but the group of people that take it seriously is much smaller than it was. Divorce rates are going down because the marriages these days are happening with marriageable people. So don't give up, just make sure you never get blinded by infatuation.
It's true though.
>Why is it so easy for men to be loyal, but so hard for women?
Women are incredibly loyal if they feel safe.
The moment they feel unsafe is the moment where they can be taken to the enemy side.
Why is this?
Imagine someone coming over to raid your village.
You're a man. You don't have a womb, so you get killed or sold as a slave.
You're a woman, you have a womb, this allows you to not get killed.
That's basically it.
Men never really had that pressure of selection upon them.
>are you an apologist
Not at alll, I'm just pointing out the reason, the answer to that question.
>After humans received the stolen gift of fire from Prometheus, an angry Zeus decides to give humanity a punishing gift to compensate for the boon they had been given. He commands Hephaestus to mold from earth the first woman, a "beautiful evil" whose descendants would torment the human race
Womens are litteraly the source of evil in most culture
lol no. She will leave you for a rich Chad in a heartbeat
Those aren't flaws. Those ensure genetic diversity and the optimal safe environment for raising spawn. It is just best that women are descrete about it, because a lot of men don't like having their fantasies shattered. They think their own woman is loyal, if you can believe that lmao.
This tension is the hell that the god of this world put you in.
The way out of hell is to forsake desire.
>become a ridiculous oversized roidcel who couldnt put up a fight to get a random tatted whore
you're just saying what this
is saying
Why would you use a pic of Caracalla to depict loyalty? The guy had his own brother murdered in front of his mother.
More like wasps.
Love is real, but only men understand/experience it.
simps, blue pills, cucks, etc
The thing about obese women is that you cannot let them to continue to be obese. Because if you allow them to be obese, it gives them the signal that you don't care if they have any bad habits. If you go for an obese woman, take her to the gym and create a new diet plan for her so she loses weight and becomes more attractive.
In a way, obese women are kind of like a stock investment. If you think she could be attractive if she lost some pounds and you think she could actually lose some pounds, then someone obese might just be a good investment, since they are usually not that hard to link.
Furthermore, this kind of thing is doing a service to society since it would cause less people to be obese.
Many women are just going to want the easy route in life and will ditch as soon as the heat picks up and they have to pull their weight. Most divorces and breakups are financial based. Every dude has had to deal with vapid whores before so don't let it bring you down and absolutely never let it effect your own career and happiness
>"we must preserve the family structure"
>promiscuity is good
What level of mental gymnastics are you operating on?
God would want you to get married dumbass
Yeah, if we didn’t have government regulation in relationships, I wouldn’t feel so bad to be honest.
This is not taking into account the fact that they are all pumped full of birth control pills. They don't act the same way while on that stuff. Also, since they have just as many resources as men do now, that social dynamic is out of whack. Basically relationships have become superficial, because people don't feel like they need each other anymore. So now looks/status is the driving factor for attraction. As we know, looks don't last, and novelty is more interesting. So relationships don't last either.
> Those ensure genetic diversity and the optimal safe environment for raising spawn.
Natural hypergamy is, but this type of hypergamy we have nowadays is not.
Different definitions of loyalty. . . and women define it as scratch a bitches eyes out over a comment about a friend's eyebrows, but talk shit about her fat ass and fuck he boyfriend later that week.
Nah, even rich chads like Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt are getting shafted by girls these days
If that's what humanity really is than I don't want any part of it, we should be better than sneaky animals.
How many fat pigs of women have you known to shed weight? They just get fatter.
No she wouldn't. The only reason a woman would leave a man in a relationship is if she didn't actually love him and was just with him for some other reason (money, connections,etc.). My premise is that the chick is best friends with the dude and that they enjoy doing all the same activities and hobbies. Even with normal best friends, one does not simply abandon them for people who are "better", so why should someone in best-friends romantic relationship ditch their partner like that?
>No man wants to pay for another mans child
>No man wants an std
That’s what it comes down to, really
I had a friend long ago who went out with this chick who was divorced and had a kid. She got sent alimony payments and didn't do anything but buy shoes with it. She also weighed 400lbs then got lipo suction. So many weird fucked up people in America man lol
Depp actually beat the allegations. His ex is now looking at some trouble now.
>Why is it so easy for men to be loyal, but so hard for women?
The overwhelming majority of men aren't loyal, I don't know what the fuck goes on in your mind that would make you think otherwise. Posting pictures of stoic looking statues doesn't change that.
The reality is that most people don't have internal standards of behavior, they just do whatever they think they can get away with. These kinds of threads reek of loser incel shit where they project perfection on their own character while painting their "enemy" (i.e. women) with a broad brush about how terrible they are compared to them.
You’re an ugly nordcuck, so don’t be surprised that your woman cheats on you
Yeah except those type of relationships happen in high school and college. I can’t form that type of friendship now. And my parents fucked up my childhood by controlling my social life.
The hypergamy of today IS the "natural" hypergamy of yesterday, but it's in a completely different environment. thousands of years ago, you couldnt use a phone app to beeline to a distant affair on a moments notice; being a traitorous cunt took effort and if anyone found out, the consequences could be very real and even more permanent. But now what was once especially risky behavior is almost celebrated for the damage it causes, with the pain often being redirected artificially to everyone other than the one responsible.
I know a few who did and a few who did not.
Please keep in mind that I said IF she sheds weight not WHEN she sheds weight. I understand that many women who are fat do not want to give up their unhealthy lifestyle and thus are essentially a lost cause.
As I said before, this is an investment, and investments involve risk so there is no guarantee that going after an obese woman will necessarily work out in the long run.