(((They))) pushed him in front of a train because he knew too much

(((They))) pushed him in front of a train because he knew too much.

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This is true. He spoke to God.

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BillyBob Gaytes hated seeing a functional operating system that encouraged creativity and independent thought.

Diet Shasta

He lives in all of us now, including the glowniggers.
You think they can sleep at night? HAH.

we know
also this

I cry when I think about him. Hope he is in heaven with God

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The cianiggers glow in the dark. You can see them when you’re driving, you just run them over.

I still grieve for Terry. He left us quite a legacy to continue.

Every day my hatred of glowniggers grows.

He's not dead. Trust me. I can't give you the details, but he's out there.

He was a number fag too. He knows.

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Has anyone managed to patch network support into TempleOS?

obviously he didn't know enough about GUIs

Even after his assassination he's doing gods work coding us a better reality.

it doesn't even run on an actual computer I believe

user, I assure you-- he is.

Hell, he was probably a reincarnation of one of the apostles. It would explain his religiocity.

This site is an embarrassment to humanity. Supposed to be some big, badass collection of edgy intellectual nonconformists and instead is lame and boring and contrived. Fucking dumb. As dog shit. Every self-obsessed, buzzphrase spewing, unjustifiable arrogant cockhole here.

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That defeats the whole point


You don't need network support when you can talk with God, you idiot.

It runs on thinkpads.

ive seen a templeOS with a network stack. frankly it doesn't interest me. I agree with Terry. It should stay disconnected, and you should use it to play around with Holy C.

Oh, this is that glownigger guy? Yeah.. Wow really breaking new ground with that... What is it... Twenty year old meme? Jesus fucking Christmas...YAWN.


It ran on his x64 machine natively before he upgraded.

Everyone needs a boogeyman.

Working on the Oral circuit I see

Terry was following a trail to get to a mountain. He wouldn’t kill himself and let’s be real here. He had enemies. Real tangible enemies. He named them way too many times and what appeared to be nonsensical rambling was actually honesty

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I mean if that's how you really feel then why are you here??

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The was murdered. Plain and simple.
The glow niggers killed him because he was right

posting about it here doesn't absolve you of your crimes. we know what you did

have sex incel

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>are you software or hardware or both
>answer now

Do you want to know the secret?

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Found the tits.

a nine year old tough who peddles drugs I swear to God I never even knew what drugs weeerrgh.

('has the world changed or have I changed?')

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youre right, just learn to use the hide feature on most threads and you are already in the 1% of this low-IQ board.


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>imagine thinking an os needs network connectivity as a requirement

He’s not dead

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robert karen kolb anton sehlke wilson

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