I'm writing a book about what would hypothetically happen during a covid-19 disaster event. Total breakdown of society.
This could happen any day now. So say if things start popping off, what would happen? What do people do? What would patriots do, etc.
I'm just a former NEET full time worker past 5 years who has been laid off 3 weeks ago. Can't get unemployment. Going back to work soon. Trying to figure out what might happen in the coming days. I'm stocked up in every way possible. And I need help knowing what might happen, hypothetically speaking. Tell me everything you can. youtu.be
I am writing a book Yas Forums
You’re writing the book user you tell us. A good place to draw inspo from would be “one second after” it’s about EMPs but same shit otherwise
I'm not writing a book.
I'm doing final revisions on my novel of a national disaster and the aftermath. And it's not something I just pounded out.
Like students coming on here wanting us to write their papers, OP can do his own homework.
Pic related is OP
oh boy
The twist ending nice. see op you're doing it already
What's your word count?
I'm just trying not to fedpost but it's not going so well....
I understand you op.
Thanks nigga.
All I can think of is, protect my home and try not to get abducted by the government. But that's easier said than done.
6 million of course.
I dunno user, I think there may be some good coming out of this. Girls aren't eating out but cooking at home, trying recipes from scratch . . . learning domestic skills that have been lost for generations. Normally they'd be serial dating various chads and sponging off beta orbiters. I mean, this might be the kind of event that puts a generation back into traditional roles.
shit, just felt an earthquake
Oh for sure. We aren't taking shit from anyone after this is over. We are building the wall. Every illegal is going home. All the liberal shit is out the window. We will tell libshits to their faces how dumb they were for arguing about all their nonsense and they will agree with us or we will kick all of their fucking asses. We all are about to starve to death. Fuck them. We win from here on out.
Imagine being so butthurt about knowing you are going to lose 2020 that you unleash a biovirus on china that spreads to america to destroy the US economy to then be blamed on china to start a third world war with china. pic related
So you want us to write your book.
>not your personal book writers club
i'm just trying to help my fellow anons and mainly myself stay alive during this event and make themselves as useful as possible. hypothetically speaking....
Massive urban exodus (think Grapes of Wrath) of people seeking land.
There will be the preppers and the raiders, echoing the old struggle between hunter-gatherers and farmers.
Traditional roles will come back, but also a lot of prostitution.
Cities will turn into Mad Max level of civilization.
I feel like shit every day recently WTF is up? My ankle swelled up last night. Had tooth ache before that. Headaches. Are we sure 5g isn’t turning us into auchwitz fence creepers?
If you want to write a book,
>close to door,
>close the internet
>use bugpowder
>get into the Interzone
>meet your personal agent
>give him your report
>get a good typewriter
>Massive urban exodus
I've been seeing TONS of new jersey and new york license plates here already.
Yes, the prepper raider war will happen. Preppers are in the defensive and defense is not an advantage. Your home might get destroyed a bit but you can probably fend off attackers.
Traditional roles yes. Prostitution probably depending on how bad things get. Will probably happen even if things don't get bad but just for fun because their bored from lockdown. lol
Cities are fucked for sure if this goes on a few months longer.
Can you name a character Denis pls
The Interzone takes care of it's own.. you know.
not everyone knows about the interzone, i'm trying to help my people. you'd know if you weren't part asian working for the chinese.
Things are about to get fucked.
And your book would shine light upon the dark world?
Right after you've got the instructions from here how to do it?
Tell me, what kind of a robe you would wear when people would worship you aftewards?
Mine has several plagues and a great deal of demonic possessions. It's a very dark world when it wants to be.
There is no book dude.
We get a good idea of what to do from Yas Forums posts don't kid your self.
No one will worship me...
My robe will be flecktarn as fedposty as that is.
The Stand already exists. You’re a few decades too late, retard.
>There is no book dude.
That's right.
There's only /pol.
Direct all the people you want to help to here.
We are all about to die, let me remind you. What good is a book going to do for you?
yes. and what are we supposed to do exactly.
everyone in the know is telling me to do something.
what is that exactly?